

plausible:[英 [ˈplɔ:zəbl] 美 [ˈplɔzəbəl] ]


plausible 基本解释

形容词貌似真实的; 貌似有理的; 花言巧语的; 有眉有眼

plausible 同义词



plausible 反义词


plausible 相关例句


1. Such a theory seems very plausible.


plausible 网络解释

1. 似是而非:在去性化的(asexual)这个女性的世界中,我们依稀看到的一个来自大陆的得意的男性目光,他可以为自己的不贞找到一个似是而非(plausible)的借口,而这群女人的贞血也只有从薛子路的鼻孔里不时地借代性地显影.

2. 貌似合理/公平的:9. doctrine 教义 | 10. plausible 貌似合理/公平的 | 11. courtier 朝臣

3. 似合理的:本土的 Indigenous | 似合理的 plausible | 不均匀性 heterogeneity

plausible 双语例句

1. Of course, what seems a credible plan to a government may appear less plausible to an agency.


2. His alleged confession that the fraud could top $50 billion looks increasingly plausible: clients have admitted to exposures amounting to more than half that.


3. One plausible explanation for this reticence is an old-fashioned reluctance to admit problems, especially, in a country that justly regards itself as Nazism's vanquisher, the growth of fascism.


4. What we offer in this book is, we believe, a plausible promise that fundamental reconstruction along the lines we advocate would set the stage for major advance in understanding of economic change – and, at the same time, make it possible to consolidate and preserve most of the discipline`s significant achievements to date.


5. plausible

5. It certainly seemed plausible at 2.30 pm in New York on 6 May.


6. It is very plausible that that as a politician the message's focus is on vital sociopolitical issues rather than science.



7. So, is the field of gerontology a plausible pursuit?


8. In practice, however, oil and gas resources offer local people the most plausible route to economic independence.


9. According to the most plausible account of a confused incident early on February 11th, two carloads of armed rebels pitched up at the home of the president, José Ramos-Horta, reportedly intending to kidnap him.

根据对2月11日一个令人困惑的事件的最合理的描述:两车武装叛乱人员到达总统拉莫斯·奥尔塔(José Ramos-Horta)的家,据说想要绑架他。


10. Since the name Ledger could indicate a scholarly or financial family background, it is entirely plausible, that the Ledger's originally received their titles and lands because of some financial service to the King. This however, is conjecture on our part.


11. All I want to say is that you are a plausible liar.


12. But they will have to come up with a more plausible plan.


13. plausible是什么意思

13. When you start community-building, what you need to be able to present is a plausible promise.


14. plausible的翻译

14. He was one of those plausible salesmen.


15. Your explanation sounds plausible, but I`m not sure I believe it.



16. The Pythagoreans seem to give a more plausible account of the good, when they place the one in the column of goods; and it is they that Speusippus seems to have followed.


17. In these studies, Framis explores various possible forms of architecture for the city`s future, while presenting a plausible yet humorous scheme that seeks to fit the context and conditions offered by the Shanghai Expo.


18. plausible的解释

18. The fake news report was especially plausible--and alarming--because Belgium is a multiethnic country straddling cultural and linguistic divides.


19. In fact, there are several plausible hypotheses under investigation.


20. plausible是什么意思

20. It is hardly plausible that any one bank would have the best products in every asset class.


plausible 词典解释

1. (解释或说法)似乎真实的,貌似合理的

An explanation or statement that is plausible seems likely to be true or valid.

e.g. A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government...


e.g. That explanation seems entirely plausible to me.



Having bluffed his way in without paying, he could not plausibly demand his money back.


...the plausibility of the theory.


2. (人)貌似可信的,花言巧语的

If you say that someone is plausible, you mean that they seem to be telling the truth and to be sincere and honest.

e.g. He was so plausible that he conned everybody.


plausible 单语例句plausible的意思

1. It is plausible for prices of consumer goods and housing to increase along with the country's rapidly growing economy.

2. A more plausible explanation is Williams'success in improving the aerodynamics of a car which already has Formula One's most powerful engine.

3. But the option of using yuan could be more plausible given the size of trade and strong growth between Beijing and Tehran.

4. Rival candidate Henry Tang argued that a more plausible measure is to ban the mainland women from giving birth in the city's public hospitals.

5. It is also plausible that pregnancy loss would lead to separation for some couples, according to Gold.

6. But Hersh said it isn't plausible that military police were wholly responsible.

7. All these reasons are plausible to some extent, but that is no reason not to change the system.

8. The study's authors said there was a plausible biological explanation for their finding.

9. After a personal journey to provinces in China, it is more plausible for us to feel more pressure to get enforcement mandated.

10. US officials see a " suspected " terrorism links when intelligence shows a plausible link with terrorist activities.

plausibleplausible 英英释义


1. apparently reasonable and valid, and truthful

e.g. a plausible excuse

2. given to or characterized by presenting specious arguments

e.g. a plausible liar