

softness:[英 [sɒftnəs] 美 [ˈsɔftnɪs] ]



softness 基本解释

名词柔软; 温柔; 柔和; [农]粉质性

softness 网络解释


1. 柔软度:添加灯光、RPC对象、植物、修剪平面(clipping planes)以及对象(将会加入...)拱形灯光(light dome)对象能产生完整的环境光源作为整体的照度配置(HDRI的图文件可以用作光源使用,将会加入...)柔软度(Softness)设定阴影的角度,抖动(Jitter)设定用来产生阴影杂点的强度,

2. 柔和度:没有描边,(在实时特效面板的发光特效中选)发光(glow):宽度(width)为6,不透明度(opacity)为100%,柔和度(softness)为23,颜色为白色. 2、再画一个比第一个稍微大些的椭圆,设置为:填充(Fill)=0,描边(Stroke)=基本(Basic),软圆点(soft Rounded),

3. softness的反义词

3. 柔和:控制球形、云团和烟雾状粒子的柔和(softness)程度,其值越大,所产生的粒子越真实. 直接在绘图区(drawing area)绘制曲线;该参数用来控制粒子的合成(composite)方式. 该参数使用不规则碎片的图形(fractal)来决定粒子的大小属性,


4. 软性:M.R.哈罗尔和我的分辨实验都涉及上述的问题,这些实验表明,视觉敏锐性有赖于图形和背景的硬性(hardness)和软性(softness). 盖尔布(Gelb)于1921年也就边缘问题做过一个实验. 把一个黑色的双重圆环画在一块大纸板上,圆环外径36厘米,

softness 双语例句

1. But he opposes to me (with a young man's over-softness, albeit wise beyond his years) that it were wronging the very nature of woman to force her to lay open her heart's secrets in such broad daylight, and in presence of so great a multitude.



2. This new heat insulation material fills the gap in domestic heat insulation material field, which combines aluminum foils dual effect of reflecting light and heat and non-woven cloths excellent softness and pull resistance.


3. This new heat insulation material fills the gap in domestic heat insulation material field, which combines aluminum foil's dual effect of reflecting light and heat and non-woven cloth's excellent softness and pull resistance.



4. The Soft-Hard Acid-Base Theory was used to interpret the experimental results for the first time, the softness of sulfur, which was a Lewis base, was changed by solvents, and the reactivity of sulfur atom was changed.


5. Our cottan sheet and pillowslip enjoy great popularity because its softness and durablity.


6. Ladies prefer this kind of toilet paper Because it is characterize d By softness and water absorBency.


7. softness是什么意思

7. PTT has pleasant softness, high resilience and good dimensional stability, so it is suitable for making woven fabric.


8. The theme of traditional ornament is generalized as idealism, which is shown by careful choice of content on sacred topic, righteous and distinct theme, auspicious and consummate implied meaning; while the form is stylized—lines coupling the straight with the cured and hardness with softness, appearance combining static with dynamic posture, and artistically spaced outline. Besides, laws of the ornamental form are set off, which is the theoretical base for modern designing to absorb and develop content and form of traditional ornament.


9. Talc has a platy structure with hydrophobic surfaces. There is weak cohesion between the crystal lattices within talc particles; hence it possesses the advantages of a very low frictional coefficient, softness, and low abrasiveness.


10. It will help with body at the crown because we layered it through the back as well, so she`ll get root lift through the top and softness around the cheekbones with the layering at the sides and the ends.



11. The functional pit mud was used in liquor production. Four months production practice indicated that the average yield per pit increased by 75.48 kg than before for consecutive three months and quality product rate increased by 8.56% than before. Besides, the application of funtional pit mud could improve pit mud flavor, strengthen ester aroma of pit mud, reduce the off-flavor of produced liquor, increase main flavoring compositions and the complex flavoring compositions in liquor, perfect liquor body, and enhance the purity and softness of the liquor.


12. softness的近义词

12. Firstly in the style of the appearance, the mid-Song Dynasty landscape has changed from the style of majesty performed from the early Song to a coupling toughness and softness landscape which have the emerges of characteristics of the Southern Landscape.


13. With the softness and absorbency of these eco-friendly cloth diapers, it is no wonder bamboo diapers are finding their way into so many chic diaper bags.


14. His kiss was warm as his lips brushed against my cheek. Slowly, I reached up, tracing the outline of his face. Touching the softness of his hair.


15. softness在线翻译

15. His kiss was warm as his lips brushed against my cheek. Slowly, I reached up, tracing the outline of his face. Touching the softness of his hair. Remembering. Wishing desperately that I could see him again.


16. His kiss was warm as his lips brushed against my cheek. Slow 北美文学网 ly, I reached up, tracing the outline of his 的 face. Touching the softness of his hair.


17. From his pipe the smoke ascending Filled the sky with haze and vapor, Filled the air with dreamy softness, Gave a twinkle to the water, Touched the rugged hills with smoothness, Brought the tender Indian Summer To the melancholy north-land, In the dreary Mood of Snow-shoes.


18. High-strength aramid strength member ensures no fiber tensile strain and long-term stable fiber transmission; single-mode fiber core has such advantages as low attenuation, low dispersion and low polarization mode dispersion; the fiber core is easy to strip and has low attenuation, high softness, thus not requiring adapter and tail fiber, suitable for on-site construction operation and convenient for maintenance.


19. A mellow softness appears to hang over the whole earth; the influence of the season seems to extend itself to the every wagon; whose slow motion across the well-reaped field, is perceptible only to the eye, but strikes with no harsh sound upon the ear.



20. A mellow softness appears to hang over te whole earth; the influence of the season seems to extend itself to the every wagon, whose slow motion across the well-reaped field, is perceptible only to the eye, but strikes with no barsh sound upon the ear.


softness 单语例句softness

1. In the light emitted by the little bamboo lamps, you feel softness and warmth in the air.

2. Leshi Stone Inkstone mixes hardness and softness subtly and interacts well with Chinese ink.

3. Million of people are obsessed with chocolate for its softness and sweetness, but few know that chocolate is also rich in one trace element - copper.

4. A vivid contrast to the roughness of the stones, a reservoir built in 1975 adds a touch of softness to the village.

5. All of these desirable benefits are achieved without sacrificing any of the softness, easy care or comfort associated with cotton sheeting.

6. Survival involves " an extreme hardening of normal human softness, a severe cutting off from emotions and sensitivity ".

7. The saltiness and delicacy of nori highlights the fragrance, softness and stickiness of newly harvested rice.

8. All those obligatory business banquets to establish guanxi can also establish a softness around your belly.

9. The liquidity and softness of water makes it more flexible and tolerant and less fragile when the external environment changes.

10. Seating firmness and softness can be adjusted thanks to integrated pneumatic air cushions.

softness 英英释义


1. a disposition to be lenient in judging others

e.g. softness is not something permitted of good leaders

2. the trait of being effeminate (derogatory of a man)

e.g. the students associated science with masculinity and arts with effeminacy

Spartans accused Athenians of effeminateness

he was shocked by the softness of the atmosphere surrounding the young prince, arising from the superfluity of the femininity that guided him

Synonym: effeminacyeffeminatenesssissinesswomanishnessunmanliness

3. the quality of being indistinct and without sharp outlines

Synonym: indistinctnessblurrinessfogginessfuzziness

4. acting in a manner that is gentle and mild and even-tempered

e.g. his fingers have learned gentleness

suddenly her gigantic power melted into softness for the baby

even in the pulpit there are moments when mildness of manner is not enough

Synonym: gentlenessmildness

5. the property of giving little resistance to pressure and being easily cut or molded

6. a visual property that is subdued and free from brilliance or glare

e.g. the softness of the morning sky

7. a sound property that is free from loudness or stridency

e.g. and in softness almost beyond hearing

8. a state of declining economic condition

e.g. orders have recently picked up after a period of extreme softness

he attributes the disappointing results to softness in the economy

9. the quality of weather that is deliciously mild and soothing

e.g. the day's heat faded into balminess

the climate had the softness of the south of France

Synonym: balminess

10. poor physical condition

being out of shape or out of condition (as from a life of ease and luxury)

Synonym: unfitness