

carrion:[英 [ˈkæriən] 美 [ˈkæriən] ]


carrion 基本解释

名词动物尸体的腐肉; 污秽的东西

形容词腐肉的; 吃腐肉的; 腐臭的; 腐败的

carrion 网络解释

1. carrion的反义词

1. 腐肉:腐肉(Carrion) 动物的屍体或是身上的一部份,常为其他食腐动物的食物. 软骨(Cartilage) 一种浓密胶状物质,强壮但比骨头有弹性. 它是许多原生动物例如鲨鱼骨骼主要组成份. 在人身上,鼻子和耳朵及含有用来充填组织的软骨.

2. 卡里翁:皮苏埃加河是杜罗河右岸最大支流 发源于西班牙北部帕伦西亚省与桑坦德省交界处附近 由北向西南流 先后接纳巴尔达维亚(Valdavia)河、卡里翁(Carrion)河、阿尔兰松(Arlanzon)河、阿尔兰萨(Arlanza)河以及埃斯格瓦(Esgueva)河等支流


3. 死肉:carrion crow 吃腐肉的乌鸦 | carrion 死肉 | carritch 问答手册

4. 食腐鳥:豬 boar | 食腐鳥 carrion | 貓科 cat

carrion 双语例句

1. Any of several flies of the family Calliphoridae that deposit their eggs in carcasses or carrion or in open sores and wounds.



2. Burrow (Crypt Fiend/Carrion Beetle)- Allows Crypt Fiends to burrowsintosthe ground, become invisible, and regenerate hit points at a faster rate.

钻地 -地穴恶魔可以钻进地下,变成隐身状态,并且加快生命恢复速度。


3. Burrow(Crypt Fiend/ Carrion Beetle)- Allows Crypt Fiends to burrow into the ground, become invisible, and regenerate hit points at a faster rate.


4. It is carnivorous, and will hunt prey or eat carrion, and is the size of a small dog.


5. We're sorry sir, you are only allowed one carrion and one black widow.


6. We are cheered when we observe the vulture feeding on the carrion which disgusts and disheartens us, and deriving health and strength from the repast.


7. From the direction of the gymnosperm forest there came the mournful ululation of a carrion-breed pack. Somewhere in the darkness below, a small-brained beast trumpeted its answering challenge and fell quiet.


8. The smell is crucial to its survival in its natural habitat because it attracts pollinating carrion beetles and flesh flies.


9. The generation of 1980s meets the market open when they burned. The foreign thinking and capital flow into China largely. In these, it adulterated with carrion thinking and money.


10. I think the carrion birds wait for them.


11. Like the vultures, they are in search of carrion. They are attached to the world of ignorance.


12. I will give you as food to all kinds of carrion birds and to the wild animals.


13. That is what we're burning here: meat, fish, carrion, nothing.


14. carrion的反义词

14. We brings only death, and leave only carrion.


15. I think the carrion birds will feast upon their dead before the day is done.


16. As for the creature I kill'd, I took it to be a kind of a hawk, its colour and beak resembling it, but had no talons or claws more than common, its flesh was carrion, and fit for nothing.


17. There are four kinds of traditional Chinese medicine often being used: removing carrion medicine, promoting blood flow medicine, warming yang medicine and stypsis medicine. Clinical practice and animal experiment both proved that topical used TCM had preferable curative effect on CSU.


18. Can learn Impale, Spiked Carapace, Carrion Beetles and Locust Swarm.



19. Any of various large diurnal birds of prey having naked heads and weak claws and feeding chiefly on carrion.


20. From September 2000 through December, investigation into the insect fauna on carrion by using pig as experimental material was conducted, .and three pigs were killed and exposed to field of Wun-Shan district in Taipei city. To study pig carrion decomposition processes, five mainly stages were quantified and they were fresh stage, bloated stage, decomposition stage, decay stage and dry stage.

为进行尸体上昆虫相之调查研究,以猪只尸体进行腐败试验,在 2000 年九月底至十二月中,在台北市文山区附近林区进行试验,观察结果显示,猪只尸体依腐败程度不同,可区分为新鲜期、腹部膨胀期、腐败期、残骸期及乾尸期等五个阶段,同时发现令尸体腐败的主因来自丽蝇幼虫的分解。

carrion 词典解释

1. (动物死尸的)腐肉,烂肉

Carrion is the decaying flesh of dead animals.


e.g. Crows circled overhead, looking for carrion.


carrion 单语例句carrion的反义词

1. " There is a whole section of the contract dealing with this, " said finance commission chairman Richard Carrion.

2. Bai looked so formidable that Coba Carrion hardly knew what to say, even though he had practiced it many times.

carrion的意思carrion 英英释义


1. the dead and rotting body of an animal

unfit for human food