

retinue:[英 [ˈretɪnju:] 美 [ˈretənu:] ]



retinue 基本解释


retinue 相关例句


1. He strode past with his retinue of aides.


2. The king's retinue accompanied him on the journey.


retinue 网络解释

1. 随从:它不但会提高这个城市的人口增长率,而且会对与之贸易的城市也有影响,具体影响数值不知如何计算,只知道在0.5%-2%之间(在1.2里面,这个范围要更广一些,最高达到了5%),如果城市里的将军有奴隶商人(Slave Trader)这个随从(Retinue),会再增加1%.

2. 随从人员:resent 愤怒 | retinue 随从人员 | boring 烦的

3. 随行人员:retinoscopy 视网膜检影法 | retinue 随行人员 | retinued 簇拥下的


4. 从官:日? ?? ?? ?? ?Sun? ? | 从官? ?? ?? ? Retinue? ? | 心 宿??Heart Mansion??

retinue 双语例句

1. Strife, his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of


2. In the fray his sons attend him, -- Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear, -- also his sister Eris, or Discord, his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demon s


3. In the fray his sons attend him, - Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear, - also his sister Eris, or Discord, his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons.


4. In the fray his sons attend him, -- Terror, Trembling, Panic, and Fear, -- also his sister Eris, or Discord, his daughter Enyo, ruiner of cities, and a retinue of bloodthirsty demons.


5. We go into action, that still is not gotten with a large retinue, whose person can compare.


6. That day, the director came as scheduled with a large retinue.


7. And she came to Jerusalem with a very large retinue, with camels bearing spices and with very much gold and precious stones.


8. And the queen of Sheba had heard of Solomon's fame, and she came to Jerusalem with a very large retinue and with camels bearing spices and much gold and precious stones to test Solomon with hard questions.

9:1 示巴女王听见所罗门的名声,就来到耶路撒冷,要用难解的话试验所罗门;她带着许多随从,又有骆驼驮着香料、许多金子和宝石。

9. Is no room in retinue Sunday and official holidays, are all-weather 24-hour standby.



10. In this photo my eyes were closed, and I think that was because I was visualizing entering the Dragon Palace to make the vase offerings to the Dragon King and his retinue.


11. In Moscow, as soon as he entered his huge house with the faded and fading princesses, his cousins, and the immense retinue of servants, as soon as, driving through the town, he saw the Iversky chapel with the lights of innumerable candles before the golden setting of the Madonna, the square of the Kremlin with its untrodden snow, the sledge-drivers, and the hovels of Sivtsev Vrazhok; saw the old Moscow gentlemen quietly going on with their daily round, without hurry or desire of change; saw the old Moscow ladies, the Moscow balls, and the English Club—he felt himself at home, in a quiet haven of rest.


12. Followers: a body of people who travel with and attend an important person; 随从1. In Moscow as soon as he entered his huge house in which the faded and fading princesses still lived, with its enormous retinue; as soon as, driving through the town, he saw the Iberian shrine with innumerable tapers burning before the golden covers of the icons, the Kremlin Square with its snow undisturbed by vehicles, the sleigh drivers and hovels of the Sivtsev Vrazhok, those old Moscovites who desired nothing, hurried nowhere, and were ending their days leisurely; when he saw those old Moscow ladies, the Moscow balls, and the English Club, he felt himself at home in a quiet haven.


13. The arrival there about this time of the Lady Jacoba of Settesoli, who had come with her two sons and a great retinue to bid Francis farewell, caused some consternation, since women were forbidden to enter the friary.

在到达那里大约这个时候,夫人雅各巴的Settesoli ,谁来与她的两个儿子和一个伟大的随从申办弗朗西斯告别,造成了一些惊愕,因为妇女被禁止进入修道院。


14. After which the mail was robbed in Peace; that magnificent potentate, the Lord Mayor of London, was made to stand and deliver on Turnham Green, by one highwayman, who despoiled the illustrious creature insight of all his retinue; prisoners in London gaols fought battles with their turnkeys, and the majesty of the law fired blunderbusses in among them, loaded with rounds of shot and ball; thieves snipped off diamond crosses from the necks of noble lords at Court drawing-rooms; musketeers went into St.



15. By the late Zhou period, about the fourth century B. C., sumptuous burials continued but sacrifices were rarely practiced, although the custom was preserved by the substitution of figurines of wood or clay made to resemble the retinue of the deceased.


16. retinue在线翻译

16. That magnificent potentate, the Lord Mayor of London, was made to stand and deliver on Turnham Green, by one highwayman, who despoiled the illustrious creature insight of all his retinue


17. Famiglia Ducale are quite literally the family, and retinue of the Duke.


18. Then 700 devatas from the Satullapa retinue, in the far extreme of the night, their extreme radiance lighting up the entirety of Maddakucchi, went to the Blessed One.


19. Car build, hang high again, flag wave, have, serve as a diplomatic envoy necromancer to raise the long narrow flag open a way ago behind the car, the first enlightened supernatural beast retinue with dragon's body of someone the last.


20. First, the essay introduces the changing story of the literary Retinue Officers, which can be divided into three periods.


retinue 词典解释

1. 随行人员;随从;随员

An important person's retinue is the group of servants, friends, or assistants who go with them and look after their needs.

e.g. Mind trainers are now part of a tennis star's retinue.


retinue 单语例句

1. Ali craved attention but also needed large amounts of money to support himself and his growing retinue.

2. When I glanced back I noticed Ellie had attracted a retinue of male admirers.

retinue的翻译retinue 英英释义


1. the group following and attending to some important person

Synonym: cortegesuiteentourage