

microwave:[英 [ˈmaɪkrəweɪv] 美 [ˈmaɪkrəˌwev] ]


过去式:microwaved;   现在分词:microwaving;   复数形式:microwaves;

microwave 基本解释

名词微波; 微波炉


microwave 网络解释

1. 微波:原理 微波(microwave)属电磁波的一种,其波长一般介於0.01m~0.3m之间,行进微波可由Maxwell equation来决定. 构成微波的电场与磁场相互垂直,且波的行进方向由决定,其亦与电场与磁场相互垂直,是为横波. 如图一所示,若电场振动方向为,

2. 微波炉:7月16日早上教研员裘老师兴致勃勃地抱着一只微波炉(microwave)来到教室. 他问我们外教要这个微波炉干什么,我们都猜可能要烤东西给我们吃. 裘老师笑了. 一会儿Ms.Greenall也来了,只见她带来了许多东西(从加拿大带来的Rice Krispee、黄油、棉花糖等),

3. microwave

3. 保鲜:富集吸收:absorbing | 保鲜:microwave | 微波:microwave radiation

4. microwave的解释

4. 活性炭:微波:microwave ablation | 活性炭:microwave | 碱浸:microwave heating

microwave 双语例句

1. ABSTRACT] Objective: To investigate the effect of microwave treatment on immune in children with tonsillitis.


2. microwave在线翻译

2. At last, a double-short-circuit method for measuring the complex permittivity of the microwave material is proposed.


3. The application results from fluorination showed microwave heating could accelerate chemical reactions markedly. The reaction time could be shortened 50% at least than that of conventional heating. The relationship between fluorinating agents'structure and their activity was studied systematically. In addition, an anhydrous KF with higher activity was prepared by using expansion effect of microwave heating. As we known, solvents were very important to reaction. The comprehensive study showed some less polar aromatic solvents could be used as dipolar solvents. In addition, they had better effect than dipolar solvents in some occasions, such as fluorination of chlorobenzaldehydes and chlorinated diphenyl ketones etc. The primary applications of ionic liquids were also studied which indicated reactions with ionic liquids as solvents were more efficient and simple.



4. A design method of the microwave low phase noise dielectric resonance oscillator is presented in this paper.


5. microwave是什么意思

5. This second exhibition by a definite date a year, install bus of kitchen division, study area, bathroom area, sitting room area, number in all area of station, future 6 exhibit an area, content is covered feed, cure, live, travel, happy wait for many respects, reveal in grass-roots life, pass the automation environment of IPv6 application, let establishment of electric lamp, cinematograph, freezer, acoustics, microwave oven, medical treatment wait, can pass long-range computer to control, implementation future wisdom the network lives.


6. On the other hand, after 7-week gavaging abidingly, the effect of II-RMeOH on the bleomycin-induced chronic pulmonary fibrosis was investigated. The study was evaluated by measuring the hydroxylproline, collagen, transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), and microwave Masson`s trichrome stain.



7. The enhance of reaction time and reaction temperature were both propitious to low-priced metals leaching. Microwave heating did good to iron, aluminum, zinc leaching, but made against copper leaching. In this teat we designed produce oxidize zinc technique to recovery zinc, fluid film-electrodeposition method to recovery copper, produce sulfate aluminum technique to recovery aluminum. As the waste gas adopted lye and activated carbon absorb method, waste water used sulphide deposition method, waste residue solidified, have double benefit of resourcerecovery and environment.


8. They are suitable for these applications compared with the standard microwave antenna because they have many advantages: high performance, thin profile, low cost.


9. We have deposited the (100)-oriented diamond films on the silicon substrates by the microwave plasma equipment, from a gas mixture of methane and hydrogen.


10. microwave

10. Since the triumphs of the 1960s-the genetic code, plate tectonics, and the microwave background radiation that went a long way towards proving the Big Bang-genuine scientific revolutions have been scarce.


11. The company claims it is the most advanced microwave oven range on the market, complete with an SD memory card that can store approx. 8 MB of food and cooking information-more than 365 recipes and more-all displayable on the large 3.8-inch full-color LCD panel.

该公司称这种产品是目前市场上最先进的微波炉产品,可存储8 MB的食物和烹饪信息,即365种以上烹饪法,并且都可以显示在3.8英寸的全色彩液晶显示屏上。

12. Different size of the colloidal gold particle was prepared by reducing the gold chloride with sodium citrate heated by microwave oven.


13. The framework of telemetry and telecontrol water supply based on digital microwave network is described in this paper.


14. Zeolite 4A with good quality is synthesized in semiwork microwave oven on the basis of successful synthesis of zeolite 4A from kaolin in household microwave oven, and the weight of the product can reach kilogram grade every time.


15. Simulation of the Photonic Band Gap of One-Dimensional Photonic Crystal and Experimental Study in Microwave Region.


16. An electron tube used to generate or amplify electromagnetic radiation in the microwave region by velocity modulation.


17. microwave的反义词

17. In the microwave region by velocity modulation.


18. The optical generation signal is obtained from microwave to millimeter wave region by properly adjusting the external applied force.


19. THz radiation is the gap between microwave and far-infrared region.


20. A coherent electromagnetic pulse in the range between the far-infrared and microwave region is used as a detection source.


microwave 词典解释

1. 微波炉

A microwave or a microwave oven is an oven which cooks food very quickly by electromagnetic radiation rather than by heat.


2. 用微波炉烹调(或加热)

To microwave food or drink means to cook or heat it in a microwave oven.


e.g. Steam or microwave the vegetables until tender.


e.g. ...microwaved food.


microwave 单语例句microwave在线翻译

1. The USB microwave can solve your problem by heating small dishes right at your desk.

2. The satellite is equipped with advanced detectors such as an infrared scan actinograph and a microwave formatter.

3. Liuzhou is a national experiment city of information and communication, now digital data transforming network dominated by cable and complemented by microwave and satellite.

4. The additive gives foods a buttery taste and has been linked to severe lung disease in some microwave popcorn and flavor plant workers.

5. Elizabeth Renee Otte claimed she had no memory of cramming her son in the microwave and turning on the appliance in 1999.

6. A shopper looks at microwave ovens on display in a file photo.

7. In Guangzhou the Information Times reports, two such students have invented a microwave clothes dryer.

8. Among the ideas being worked on are a waterless toilet, and a system that would microwave fecal matter and turn it into fuel.

9. The third goal is to detect the depth of the lunar soil through microwave radiation.

10. The smart bra works by using a microwave antennae system, which can easily be woven into fabric.

microwave 英英释义


1. kitchen appliance that cooks food by passing an electromagnetic wave through it

heat results from the absorption of energy by the water molecules in the food

Synonym: microwave oven

2. a short electromagnetic wave (longer than infrared but shorter than radio waves)

used for radar and microwave ovens and for transmitting telephone, facsimile, video and data


1. cook or heat in a microwave oven

e.g. You can microwave the leftovers

Synonym: micro-cookzapnuke