

theoretical:[英 [ˌθɪəˈretɪkl] 美 [ˌθi:əˈretɪkl] ]


theoretical 基本解释

形容词理论的; 推想的,假设的; 空论的


theoretical 同义词




theoretical 反义词



theoretical 相关例句


1. The government and central bank were in theoretical harmony.


theoretical 网络解释

1. 理论:实际上,如果考虑电影的艺术(artistic)、理论(theoretical)与技术(technical)层面(aspects),通常使用film一词,例如在大学课堂上. Movie一词更多地指电影的娱乐(entertainment)与商业(commercial)层面(aspects),例如在约会中.

2. 理论化学:. . Physical | 物理化学 (2007) | . . Theoretical | 理论化学(2007) | Computer Science | 计算机科学 (2008)

theoretical 双语例句

1. Chapter 3 is about theoretical foundation of advertising of farm products.


2. From the philosophical perspective, the theoretical foundation of limited government can be uncoiled from three dimensions: rights as a man, human nature, and the cognizant ability of human being.



3. Carrying out this principle in the practice of theoretical education is the fundamental method of it.



4. The results of this reseach provide the theoretical basis for developing and using AOI 6 and 8516B.


5. The theoretical proof of the method and computer simulation were also put forword.


6. It is of theoretical and practical significance to study the income diversification and its determinant factors in this province.


7. The Ming Shi-law in the previous theoretical study based on the poetry Fadu given a great deal of concern.


8. For his part, the laboratary is his ivory tower, he could explore theoretical science.


9. Embellishment communication utilities - will be a complete theoretical system and improve the marketing of talent management mechanism support of the local community to become China's most competitive sectors of professional and technical leading enterprises.


10. theoretical在线翻译

10. The theoretical and experimental results show that the dynamic balancing of flexible mechanisms can be well achieved by adding springs.


11. theoretical在线翻译

11. The whole paper introduces traditional Chinese medical system, the foundation and development of national medical system and local medical system in AnBa, I try to formulate the medical pluralism in AnBa from micro cultural and macro political and economical perspective. The theoretical method I choose in my paper is the political and economical view of critical medical anthropology.


12. Secondly, in the modern portfolio theory of Markowitz and William Sharpe - Capital Asset Pricing Model the theoretical basis, the system expounded on the current performance evaluation of securities investment funds representative of the three kinds of risk-adjusted performance measurement method, which Sharpe performance index, Treynor index, Jensen performance index, and a comparative study of them.


13. theoretical

13. In practice, there may be differences, but they are due to implementation details and limitations rather than theoretical differences.


14. theoretical的反义词

14. Therefore, the study of Chinese rural social endowment insurance fund management model is of great theoretical and practical significance.


15. This paper deals with the theoretical study on the management of Chinese multisite university in a comparative perspective.


16. theoretical的意思

16. He was a major contributor to The distance teaching universities (1982), joint editor of Distance education: international perspectives (1983), joint editor of L'università a distanza. Riflessioni e proposte per un nuovo modello di università(1984), editor of Theoretical principles of distance education.(1993), joint editor of Distance education: new perspectives (1993), editor of The industrialization of teaching and learning (1994). In 1997 the European Commission in Brussels published his Distance training in the European Union.


17. theoretical

17. Eye model is an optical system which is applied to theoretical research of the refraction system of the human eye and simulates imaging of the eye.



18. Including the concept, theoretical origins. Elicit the ecological value of ideological and political education from the value of ideological and political education. Apropos of the theory hail from the Chinese archaian zoology thinking of the Confucian and the Taoism, and Marxist zoology thinking and representation.


19. However, there are still some theoretical and practical issues to be resolved in the new managerial system on state-owned assets and some issues of manipulation to be pinpointed.


20. And a theoretical model was presented for the SIN+ GaAs structure. Theoreticalstudy showed that surface states played an important role in the dynamics.


theoretical 词典解释

1. (研究、解释)理论的,理论性的

A theoretical study or explanation is based on or uses the ideas and abstract principles that relate to a particular subject, rather than the practical aspects or uses of it.

e.g. ...theoretical physics.


2. 理论上的;推想的

If you describe a situation as a theoretical one, you mean that although it is supposed to be true or to exist in the way stated, it may not in fact be true or exist in that way.

e.g. This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem...


e.g. These fears are purely theoretical.


theoretical 单语例句

1. It invites industrial leaders and academics from overseas policy institutes and think tanks to speak on campus and bridge theoretical study and practical experience.

2. Lv has also authored many thesis and case analysis based on his comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience.

3. He believes personal observations complement theoretical knowledge and help students understand the interactions between human beings and the environment better.

4. He said people in the related disciplines of graph theory, discrete math and theoretical computer science also tried.

5. They did not conceal disappointment at the poor research environment and indifference to basic theoretical studies in this country.

6. Before trying to find conclusive answers to these questions, it is reasonable to review a theoretical starting point.

7. The tricky theoretical distinctions and correlations between morality and laws aside, we believe that improving the rule of law is conducive to improving moral consciousness.

8. The theoretical system for human rights law is not mature enough and people's rights and obligations in human rights law are not in complete conformity.

9. All training courses consist of some combination of theoretical learning conducted on the ground, and practical exercises conducted in the air.

10. But the Organization Law of the State Council is too theoretical and the local organization law does not establish the functions of local government.

theoreticaltheoretical 英英释义


1. concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations

e.g. theoretical science

Synonym: theoretic

2. concerned with theories rather than their practical applications

e.g. theoretical physics