

turbulent:[英 [ˈtɜ:bjələnt] 美 [ˈtɜ:rbjələnt] ]


turbulent 基本解释

形容词骚乱的,混乱的; 激流的,湍流的; 吵闹的; 强横的

turbulent 网络解释


1. 混乱的:60年代后期对于贝尔电话实验室是一个混乱的(turbulent)年代. 公司被卷入了一个由MIT,通用电气以及贝尔实验室联合发起的有点探险性质的Multics项目. 到了1969年,贝尔试验的管理层以及研究人员们开始感觉到Multics项目如果要实现,

2. 湍聊:turbulency 湍流 | turbulent 湍聊 | turbulent boundary layer 湍吝界层

turbulent 双语例句

1. First of all, this paper establishes the simulation method for fluctuating wind with a multivariate normal distribution model and an autoregressive filter. On the basis of simulation results of the wind field, the time dispersion of the buffeting forces by turbulent wind is achieved.


2. Turbulent wind characteristics; ; turbulent field; ; bridge buffeting; ; section model test; ; frequency domain analysis; ; time domain analysis; ; aerodynamic admittance

论文导师葛耀君;赵林,论文学位硕士,论文专业桥梁与隧道工程论文单位同济大学,点击次数 6,论文页数 122页File Size6277K

3. AD, despite drastic changes in Chinese history, the turbulent waves of the year.


4. Lan dark blue river in virtue Qin the 150 kilometers of racing current, is most precipitous, most magnificent, the 150 kilometers of most turbulent, mountain shape enter river directly in, river in nearly vertical two mountains between as sleepy beast general, roar as Fei, Xuan Lan succession not unique, wave leap megalith, splash 4 split.


5. The results are compared with those obtained with exponential differencing scheme and so on by turbulent flow field computation in cascade. Using GWLAD scheme and GWLAS method, significantly more accurate can be obtained at the same conditions.


6. He/she will be able to track difficult turbulent domestic and international marketplaces from various points of view, especially with regard to other subjects.


7. With the help of Fluent software and Reynolds Stress Model, numerical simulation was performed on three-dimension strong swirling turbulent flow within a guide vane cyclone tube with slotted vortex finder.


8. The exit flow from a centrifugal blower is nonuniform and turbulent, but without the low-frequency unsteadiness of flow entering directly from a room.


9. Working out the qusi-difference equation of the air-water turbulent two fluid flow, and building the discrete equation series by current difference equation, which is adapted to one-phase flow, multi-phase flow and chemical reaction, etc.


10. The velocity profile, apparent viscosity and laminar - turbulent transition for dilatant cement slurry flow through ecentric annuli are studied in this paper.


11. The velocity of the fast-fluidized bed and concentration, flow pattern and solid residence time in turbulent fluidized bed were studied.


12. He grew up in the turbulent years under the Weimar Republic with anti-Semitism galloping and inflation out of control.


13. turbulent的意思

13. The simulative results show that the effects of turbulent flows is jitter, distort and breakup on infrared images, which relate with Mach number of free flow, altitude and attack angle. The quantitative results provide materials with correcting of optical images.


14. It was shown that radial jet flow of the Rushton turbine along the radial direction is tilted towards the top. Varying the impeller diameter had no effect on either the velocity or turbulent kinetic energy of the impeller stream, but did affects on the input power, shear velocity, pumping capability and radial jet angle.


15. turbulent

15. The flow was assumed as quasi-steady state and we applied the Multiple Reference Frame to calculate flow field. Rotational frame was use to calculate flow of impeller swept region, and flow surrounding it; stationary frame was use to calculate flow of the rest region that neat the baffle or the wall. The turbulent model used was High Reynolds k-ε model; wall function is used to calculate the flow near the wall. Because of the axial symmetric of the stirred tank, the computational domain was only half of the tank and periodic boundary was used.


16. Our journey took us seven days, with delays for fog, wind and a turbulent southwesterly airflow


17. Good agreement has been obtained between calculations and the availabe experimental results, including secondary flow fields, deviation angles, turbulent characteristic parameters, and through-flow fields.


18. turbulent

18. Companies for faster and better development of the cause of flower protocol, we conclude the Protocol on the flower market success abroad, the development and promotion of the concept of protocol in combination with the current domestic flower industry and confusion inferior products, for which the Company decided to our high quality and low price The South Flower Product licensing protocol comprehensively push the domestic market, let · Yen tease pyridaben bad Mei Wan Street, as the spouse happy Bo Mu Mu addiction al-contracting small-minded ¨ú noise penalty Dy fat gray eyes addiction ¨ú back satisfied small-minded Mikasa Island úú properly wood pigeon Mok blown addiction ¨ small-minded exploration helter-skelter to make meal times ¤§ addiction drunk camel small-minded Tam Yiu-mortem veranda Donowaki coarse meal Yong Jue addiction ¨ú small-minded Kang persimmon head back to downtown Terrier turbulent Metaplexis stauntoni enzyme ü meal is cheap · Mu Yen addiction ¨ garrulous small-minded circle back to head-gap ú¨?


19. The change profiles of fluid local temperature, turbulence kinetic energy and turbulent Reynolds number Re(subscript y along flow direction were obtained.


20. turbulent的翻译

20. In order to acquire turbulent flow resistance rule in SK static mixer, a new numerical model of fluid resistance was put forward.


turbulent 词典解释

1. 变幻莫测的;动荡的;骚乱的;混乱的

A turbulent time, place, or relationship is one in which there is a lot of change, confusion, and disorder.


e.g. They had been together for five or six turbulent years of rows and reconciliations...


e.g. The turbulent world of Middle Eastern politics defies prediction.


2. 湍急的;狂暴的;汹涌的

Turbulent water or air contains strong currents which change direction suddenly.


e.g. I had to have a boat that could handle turbulent seas.


turbulent 单语例句

1. The nagging problems at home are acting as brakes for Obama's aggressive diplomatic ambitions, making America's pursuit of the strategic targets of hegemony a turbulent affair.

2. She had been active in exposing abuses by security forces in Russia's turbulent Chechnya and neighbouring regions.

3. The three who drowned had joined hands with 11 other students to form a human chain to pull the two children from the turbulent currents.

4. It turned out that although they took separate paths, both had come to terms with their turbulent lives.

5. In the turbulent Democratic Republic of the Congo, thousands who had fled have returned to register for a vote scheduled before June 2006.

6. Built across the turbulent Yangtze River, both projects are able to control water flowing downwards from the shaded area as shown.

7. The river in this section is turbulent and narrow with several dangerous shoals.

8. His is a demographic group that has largely set aside the turbulent politics of the country's first 30 years to be rich and glorious.

9. Also behind the turnover rise are investors who are disappointed by the turbulent stock market, and who are seeking profitable alternatives in the country's developing financial markets.

10. Saddam's trial could prove to be highly divisive in an already turbulent Iraq that shows signs of deepening sectarian divisions.

turbulent 英英释义



1. (of a liquid) agitated vigorously

in a state of turbulence

e.g. the river's roiling current

turbulent rapids

Synonym: churningroilingroiledroily

2. characterized by unrest or disorder or insubordination

e.g. effects of the struggle will be violent and disruptive

riotous times

these troubled areas

the tumultuous years of his administration

a turbulent and unruly childhood

Synonym: disruptiveriotoustroubledtumultuous