

cunning:[英 [ˈkʌnɪŋ] 美 [ˈkʌnɪŋ] ]


cunning 基本解释

形容词狡猾的; 灵巧的; 奸诈的

名词狡猾; 狡黠; 诡诈


cunning 同义词



cunning 反义词


cunning 相关例句


1. By a cunning trick he became heir of the rich widow.


2. cunning什么意思

2. It takes cunning workmen to make such elaborate furniture.


3. What a cunning kitten!



1. cunning是什么意思

1. The fox is believed to have a great deal of cunning.


cunning 网络解释

1. 狡猾的:impudent#鲁莽的 | cunning#狡猾的 | frank#坦白的

2. 狡猾的,精明的:75. indispensable 非常重要的,无可替代的 | 76. cunning 狡猾的,精明的 | 77. revealable 暴露的,显露的

3. 狡诈的:creative 富创造力的 | cunning 狡诈的 | curious 好奇的

cunning 双语例句

1. She has a pair of black eyebrows. Following it is a pair of big eyes, which is HeiLiuLiu and jiongjiongweishen, sometimes shine a cunning.


2. To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass

31:4 能想出巧工,用金,银,铜制造各物

3. cunning的翻译

3. Settlers, too, came from distant countries, some with an alarming novelty of skill, others with an offensive advantage in cunning



4. Her mouth fell into a deepness, into a look of unconscious cunning


5. cunning的翻译

5. Che Bi crystal lake looks very shallow lake, the unknown wanton grass grow, flourish and unassuming, this season, the whole meaning of no convergence, the flow from a cold, which conform to a slowly rocking to the side, the companion touch the body, his still sleeping, was awakened by it, only its to cast a glance at a glance and continue to sleep, no longer ignore it, it will be reported to the deceitful cunning smile.


6. cunning的反义词

6. Let us show them how cunning, baffling, and powerful we can be in our own defense.


7. He is a worldly wise and cunning man, who can take his cue from changing conditions


8. cunning的意思

8. Now see what good turns eyes for eyes have done: Mine eyes have drawn thy shape, and thine for me Are windows to my breast, wherethrough the sun Delights to peep, to gaze therein on thee. Yet eyes this cunning want to grace their art; They draw but what they see, know not the heart.


9. Jeremy diapers and small Chinchilla Fe of the people living in this rat hole, looks Tom surveillance of, but very clever-Lique, the Tom and cunning tricks can backfire, the total let it suffer.


10. There has been no motive assigned for such a forgery; no proof given that any post-Apostolic writer was so cunning as to palm off thus letter as a Pauline imitation.


11. Now, supervising the excavation of a mysterious church, he must rediscover his faith to combat a foe who's cunning, unrelenting and immortal.


12. Over the course of six years, the cunning Arathi outmaneuvered and outfought the rival tribes.



13. If you're keen on stunning kites and cunning stunts, buy a cunning stunning stunt kite.


14. There was a glimmer of cupidity in those small, cunning eyes of his


15. Apparently the cunning orcs were attempting to distract and divide the human forces.


16. It must be the work of a hardened, cunning and experienced enemy.


17. cunning

17. Was privy to government secrets. Cunning egotism: if I cannot brag of knowing something, then I brag of not knowing it; at any rate, brag.


18. Those Wizard archers and dwarves hand gunmen fire all very cunning, a must see people on the far, and if I pursued the case, people are not afraid catch up with, ghosts have been ordered at gunpoint has sent.


19. They couldn`t tell right from wrong, black from white. The cunning ones took advantage of others to advance themselves, and recruited some clowns to perform their acrobatics on stage. Afterwards, they rationalized their actions with the term `Social Diversity`


20. cunning的意思

20. Put no trust in your own learning nor in the cunning of any man, but rather in the grace of God Who helps the humble and humbles the proud.


cunning 词典解释

1. 巧妙的;狡猾的;奸诈的

Someone who is cunning has the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people.

e.g. These disturbed kids can be cunning.


e.g. ...Mr Blair's cunning plan.



They were cunningly disguised in golf clothes.


2. 狡黠;狡猾;诡诈

Cunning is the ability to achieve things in a clever way, often by deceiving other people.

e.g. ...one more example of the cunning of today's art thieves...


e.g. He tackled the job with a great deal of imagination, skill and cunning.


cunning 单语例句

1. War in the game is waged channeling the fury, intelligence and cunning of the novel's characters.

2. Through collaborating with others, criminals has become more cunning and difficult to discover.

3. Three cunning thieves were arrested after they substituted a real diamond ring with a fake one in a jewelry shop in Shanghai last week.

4. A Tour of China is so cunning and stunning in its simplicity that one has to wonder why it had never been thought of before.

5. The meetings have attracted the country's most brilliant minds, but they are cunning - and always running and hiding.

6. The 21 Steps by Charles Cunning uses Google maps to lead readers on an adventure along real London streets.

7. Bauge admitted he had to dig deep to overcome Awang, whom he said was as " cunning as a monkey ".

8. Cunning businessmen are still cheating travelers by using these routes signs, reported the Beijing Morning Post.

9. When Chinese describe a person as " a monkey ", it means the person is extremely sly or cunning.

10. This is irresponsible ignorance or the use of cunning to escape their responsibilities.?

cunning 英英释义


1. crafty artfulness (especially in deception)

2. shrewdness as demonstrated by being skilled in deception

Synonym: craftcraftinessfoxinessguileslynesswiliness


1. showing inventiveness and skill

e.g. a clever gadget

the cunning maneuvers leading to his success

an ingenious solution to the problem

Synonym: cleveringenious

2. marked by skill in deception

e.g. cunning men often pass for wise

deep political machinations

a foxy scheme

a slick evasive answer

sly as a fox

tricky Dick

a wily old attorney

Synonym: craftydodgyfoxyguilefulknavishslickslytricksytrickywily

3. attractive especially by means of smallness or prettiness or quaintness

e.g. a cute kid with pigtails

a cute little apartment

cunning kittens

a cunning baby

Synonym: cute