

procure:[英 [prəˈkjʊə(r)] 美 [prəˈkjʊr] ]


过去式:procured;   过去分词:procured;   现在分词:procuring;

procure 基本解释


及物动词取得,获得; 实现,完成; 导致

不及物动词取得; 介绍娼妓,拉皮条

procure 相关例句


1. procure

1. The traitors procured the death of the prince.


2. procure什么意思

2. Driving fast procured the accident.


3. The two parties procured a temporary agreement.


4. procure

4. This kind of original painting is hard to procure.


5. Try to procure us some specimens of the polluted water from the river.


procure 网络解释

1. procure的解释

1. 采购:通过合同(章程)约定投资政策,由专业投资机构投资决策,基金资产由专业受托机构管理,主要投资于房地产资产,从房地产的采购(procure)、发展 (develope)、管理维护(man-age and maintain)、销售(sale)过程中取得租金和销售收入;

2. procure

2. 取得:procreate 制造,生产 | procure 取得 | prodigal 挥霍,奢侈,浪费的

3. 获得:procuratory 委任 | procure 获得 | procurement 获得


4. 实现,完成:undertake 承担 | procure 实现,完成 | procure an agreement 达成协议

procure 双语例句

1. All such desires as lead to no pain when they remain ungratified are unnecessary, and the longing is easily got rid of, when the thing desired is difficult to procure or when the desires seem likely to produce harm.


2. Its trustee s had not been able to procure fresh contributions for paying the ground-rent, and discharging some other debts the building had occasioned, which embarrassed them greatly


3. Its trustees had not been able to procure fresh contributions for paying the ground-rent, and discharging some other debts the building had occasioned, which embarrass ed them greatly


4. Its trustees had not been able to procure fresh contributions for paying the ground-rent, and discharging some other debts the building had occasioned, which embarrassed them greatly


5. Thanks to the foresight of the Rotarian coordinators of the project, who had insisted on a commitment of resources to procure a supply of all blood types, the blood bank was prepared to deal with a medical emergency involving so many injured foreigners.


6. Relinquishing of business procure - relinquish relinquish; abandon


7. No time to travel to a mages guild and procure an enchanted blade, or hire the services of a sorceror. My steel axe will have to do.



8. I thought standard FOX procedure was procure on site weapons acquisition.


9. But it is impossible for an average man to possess a huge sum of ready cash to procure the property; the only remedy here is, going for mortgages.


10. To establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or non-contributory pension or super-annuation funds for the benefit of, and to give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company or of any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or any such holding company or otherwise is allied to or associated with the Company, or who are or were at anytime directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company, and the wives, widows, families and dependants of any such persons; to establish and subsidize and subscribe to any institutions, associations, clubs or funds calculated to be for the benefit of or to advance the interests and well-being of the Company or of any such other company and make payments to or towards the insurance of any such person and do any of the matters aforesaid either alone or in conjunction with any such other company as aforesaid.


11. To establish and maintain or procure the establishment and maintenance of any contributory or non-contributory pension or super-annuation funds for the benefit of, and to give or procure the giving of donations, gratuities, pensions, allowances or emoluments to any persons who are or were at any time in the employment or service of the Company or of any company which is a subsidiary of the Company or any such holding company or otherwise is allied to or associated with the Company, or who are or were at any time directors or officers of the Company or of any such other company, and the wives, widows, families and dependants of any such persons; to establish and subsidize and subscribe to any institutions, associations, clubs or funds calculated to be for the benefit of or to advance the interests and well-being of the Company or of any such other company and make payments to or towards the insurance of any such person and do any of the matters aforesaid either alone or in conjunction with any such other company as aforesaid.


12. procure什么意思

12. B.综合运送 i If the Carriage called for by this Bill of Lading is a Combined Transport Shipment, the Carrier undertakes to perform and/or procure in its own name, performance of the Carriage from the Place of Receipt or the Port of Loading to the Port of Discharge or the Place of Delivery, whichever is applicable

i 如本提单为综合运送提单,运送人应负责以自己的名义履行和/或达成从收货地或装货港到卸货港或交货地的运输。运送人的责任应依据第 6 款之相关规定决定。

13. The anciently study of metallic solid state phase transformation procure fulgent effort, but some of theory is antiquated, and has some mistake.


14. procure的反义词

14. Engineer-Procure-Construct is a main method of project management.


15. Procure a solution to a knotty problem.


16. We are professional procurement deputy company has substantial long-term cooperation in upstream production plants and suppliers, there is a huge buy at the same time customer resources, and professional personnel to safeguard clients, we procure all necessary client products, sales of all sales Products.


17. You are project manager for a systems integration effort and need to procure the hardware components from external source. Your subcontracts administrator has told you to prepare a product description, which is also called a


18. Franz questioned Albert as to his intentions; but Albert had great projects to put into execution before going to the theatre; and instead of making any answer, he inquired if Signor Pastrini could procure him a tailor.


19. Work with engineering counterparts to detail drawings, design machine parts, and liaison with shops to procure and fabricate parts. JR-At least one year of experience in the design, detail and installation of manufacturing process equipment preferred.


20. Under these terms the seller is obliged to procure insurance for the benefit of the buyer.


procure 词典解释

1. 努力获得;设法取得

If you procure something, especially something that is difficult to get, you obtain it.

e.g. It remained very difficult to procure food, fuel and other daily necessities.


2. 给…拉皮条;为…介绍妓女

If someone procures a prostitute, they introduce the prostitute to a client.

e.g. He procured girls of 16 and 17 to be mistresses for his influential friends.


procure 单语例句procure的解释

1. It said the capital raised would be used to procure construction facilities, expand the manufacturing capacity of mechanical equipment and invest in properties and railways.

2. Britain's Data Protection Act makes it an offense to " obtain, disclose or procure the disclosure " of personal information without consent.

3. Large domestic supermarkets were asked to directly procure fresh agricultural products from agricultural enterprises and producers.

4. According to a police report, officers spotted the woman flashing her headlights in order to procure a " date ".

5. In addition the government plans to procure more natural resources from overseas, the office said.

6. The intelligence Libby was authorized to leak to Miller stated that Iraq was " vigorously trying to procure " uranium.

7. The local trade should procure products from manufacturers and exporters complying with mainland requirements.

8. The province aims to procure US $ 30 billion in foreign investment by 2007.

9. The government says it sells the whales caught during the expeditions for consumption in restaurants " to procure funds necessary for the research ".

10. Wen also revealed during his trip to Europe last month that China would send a delegation there to procure advanced equipment and technology.

procure 英英释义


1. arrange for sexual partners for others

Synonym: panderpimp

2. get by special effort

e.g. He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed

Synonym: secure