

puncture:[英 [ˈpʌŋktʃə(r)] 美 [ˈpʌŋktʃɚ] ]


过去式:punctured;   过去分词:punctured;   现在分词:puncturing;   复数形式:punctures;

puncture 基本解释

及物动词刺,戳; 贬低,削弱; 揭穿


名词刺痕; (车胎等的)刺孔

puncture 相关例句


1. puncture

1. The tire punctured a mile from home.


2. The incident punctured his pride.




1. I'm sorry I'm late: My car had a puncture.


puncture 网络解释

1. 穿刺:做完手术后,脑内一般还有些积液残留,需要每天配以穿刺(PUNCTURE)手术将残留带出,痛苦程度可想而知. 残留造成的炎症使时老师高烧不止,有时会烧得说些胡话. 她和大家说话时,看得出来是强忍住疼痛,但思维依然清晰,能叫得出大家的名字,


2. 刺穿:在整个Logistics系统中, 应考虑的损伤来自物流过程物理环境造成的损伤, 如颠簸(vibration), 撞击(impact), 刺穿(puncture)和挤压 (compression)及货架, 堆码或运输工具的倒塌和颠覆;货物的追踪和统计在储运的各环节是必须的.

3. 打孔:之后,每804个编码好的资料位元中,会将126个位元打孔(puncture),只留下688个位元供接下来的阶段使用. 在进行回传测试的时候,会透过DTCH来传送已知的测试资料数码,构成12.2 kbps的RMC. 图2:专用实体资料频道(DPDCH)的建构方式.

4. 刺破:强化破甲(防护):改名为刺破(Puncture)并且改为只需三点天赋,减少破甲攻击/毁灭打击1/2/3怒气.

puncture 双语例句

1. puncture的翻译

1. Methods Twenty adult male SpragueDawley rats were used for measuring central venous pressure via jugular vein approach and measuring portal venous pressure via main portal venous puncture. Rat model of intraabdominal hypertension was established by injection of gaseous nitrogen into the peritoneal cavity.


2. Methods Twenty adult male Sprague? ?Dawley rats were used for measuring central venous pressure via jugular vein approach and measuring portal venous pressure via main portal venous puncture. Rat model of intra? ?abdominal hypertension was established by injection of gaseous nitrogen into the peritoneal cavity.


3. On the basis of eliminating focus, tympanic membrane puncture, positive pressure infusion in tympanic cavity and negative pressure suction are effective therapies for secretary otitis media, and therefore is worth for clinically generalizing.

结果 246例分泌性中耳炎经1~3次治疗治愈率95.5%,46例胶耳经本法次治愈39例(84.8%)。结论在清除病灶的基础上,用鼓膜穿刺、鼓室正压注药、负压吸引的方法是治疗分泌性中耳炎的一有效方法,值得推广。

4. puncture什么意思

4. Objective Observing the curative effect of using treatment methods such as tympanic membrane puncture, positive pressure infusion in tympanic cavity and negative pressure suction for secretary otitis media.


5. puncture在线翻译

5. Results 10 cases of hospital treatment; 132 routine chest puncture exhaust, or closed thoracic drainage; 39 cases of surgery.


6. It also meant that I didn t have to carry a puncture repair kit with me!


7. Results: Seventeen patients got better after test of draining CSF with lumbar puncture, no one died.


8. Methods Eightythree patients with whole ventricular hemorrhage duo to hypertension were randomly divided into double tube group (n=57) and single tube group (n=26), and both groups received bilateral or unilateral ventricular drainage and lumbar puncture, respectively.


9. Bilateral ventricular drainage and lumbar puncture are safe and effective for the treatment of whole ventricular hemorrhage duo to hypertension.


10. Methods:Thirty cases of severe CVH were treated with improved cerebral ventricular puncture and drainage, cerebral spinal fluid displacement and intravenous drip Qingkailing Injection.


11. Work a drop of adhesive from any urethane based adhesive into the punCTure. With the mattress deflated, the adhesive will be drawn into the punCTure and seal it off.


12. Work a drop of adhesive from any urethane based adhesive into the puncture. With the mattress deflated, the adhesive will be drawn into the puncture and seal it off.


13. Finally:effectively has protected the trouble blood vessel, reduced the infection opportunity which repeatedly the puncture creates, also reduced the trouble and guardian's pain and the worry.


14. puncture的意思

14. AC voltage endurance test of secondary circuit:voltage for test is 1000V, when insulation resistance of circuit is above 10M, we can use megohmmeter of 2500V for replacing, test time is 1 minute, take measures to prevent overvoltage and dielectric puncture during test. 二次回路交流耐压试验:试验电压为 1000V,当回路绝缘电阻在 10M 以上时,可用 2500V 兆欧表代替,试验时间为 1min,试验时应采取措施防止过压击穿。

15. We had a puncture, and our spare wheel was flat.



16. Sepsis model was produced by cecal ligation and puncture. In SO group, the abdomen was opened without any other treatment. In DADLE group, DADLE(0.5 mg/ml) was administer at a dose of 5 ml/kg by intravenous injection after CLP.

采用改良盲肠结扎穿孔方法建立大鼠脓毒症模型,SO组除不结扎刺穿盲肠外,其余操作同SEP组,DADLE组模型建立后立即按5 ml/kg剂量静脉注射浓度为0.5 mg/ml的DADLE。

17. This paper introduces in detail the structure, techniques, photoelectric properties and the theory of puncture and light.


18. puncture的意思

18. One method uses a rubber plug which is inserted into the puncture hole along with special cement.


19. puncture什么意思

19. The emergency cardiac pacing using single hook-like steelwire electrodes by pereutaneous puncture had the advantages of rapid, safety and little affect on other resuscitation interventions.


20. puncture在线翻译

20. Accordingly, EEN should be in commonly after operation or scar inside 48 H begin, premise is patient blood kinetic stability, wait for EN no-no card without enteron block, haemorrhage. When the 2 EEN way, EEN after losing the choice abdomen operation that notes means and preparation, buy is in charge of a method to be able to wait for choice nose duodenum and jejunum buy canal, jejunum to build puncture of mouth, jejunum to build T of twin-circuit of mouth, classics to be in charge of buy canal to wait according to means of patient patient's condition, operation.

因此,EEN一般应在手术或创伤后48 h内开始,前提是患者血液动力学稳定、无消化道梗阻、出血等EN禁忌证。2 EEN途径、输注方式和制剂的选择腹部手术后EEN时,置管方法可依据患者病情、手术方式等选择鼻十二指肠及空肠置管、空肠造口、空肠穿刺造口、经双腔T管置管等。

puncture 词典解释

1. (轮胎上刺破的)小孔,小洞;刺孔

A puncture is a small hole in a car tyre or bicycle tyre that has been made by a sharp object.


e.g. Somebody helped me mend the puncture.


e.g. ...a tyre that has a slow puncture.


2. (皮肤上的)扎孔,刺伤

A puncture is a small hole in someone's skin that has been made by or with a sharp object.


e.g. An instrument called a trocar makes a puncture in the abdominal wall.


e.g. ...people with puncture wounds.


3. 在…上扎孔(或穿孔);刺破

If a sharp object punctures something, it makes a hole in it.

e.g. The bullet punctured the skull.


4. (被)扎孔,刺破

If a car tyre or bicycle tyre punctures or if something punctures it, a hole is made in the tyre.


e.g. The tyre is guaranteed never to puncture or go flat...


e.g. He punctured a tyre in the last lap.


5. 挫伤(感情或信仰);泄(气)

If someone's feelings or beliefs are punctured, their feelings or beliefs are made to seem wrong or foolish, especially when this makes the person feel disappointed or upset.


e.g. His enthusiasm for fishing had been punctured by the sight of what he might catch.


puncture 单语例句

1. Each member is also given a free puncture repair coupon in case of an unexpected tyre emergency.

2. The animal retreated, leaving Britton with a small puncture wound on his forearm.

3. The man survived with grazes and puncture wounds to his left arm and head.

4. He develops an infected wound from a thorn puncture, and lies awaiting his slow death.

5. But Webber led throughout Sunday after pushing Vettel wide on the opening lap and then watching his rival pick up a puncture.

6. Formula One's governing body could puncture McLaren's championship bid on Thursday and slam the brakes on Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton's own title aspirations.

7. It typically infects the pulmonary and urinary tracts, as well as burns and puncture wounds.

8. The pipeline puncture was finally plugged about 12 hours after the incident occurred about 1 am on Wednesday.

9. While heavy machinery is used to puncture holes in the mud, others are being used to clear roads and unblock waterways.

10. Another popping rip announced the puncture of the tarp, and gravity took its course.

puncturepuncture 英英释义


1. the act of puncturing or perforating

2. a small hole made by a sharp object

3. loss of air pressure in a tire when a hole is made by some sharp object


1. be pierced or punctured

e.g. The tire punctured

2. cause to lose air pressure or collapse by piercing

e.g. puncture an air balloon

3. reduce or lessen the size or importance of

e.g. The bad review of his work deflated his self-confidence

Synonym: deflate

4. pierce with a pointed object

make a hole into

e.g. puncture a tire

5. make by piercing

e.g. puncture a hole