

forgery:[英 [ˈfɔ:dʒəri] 美 [ˈfɔ:rdʒəri] ]



forgery 基本解释


名词伪造; 伪造罪; 伪造物; 伪造签字


forgery 相关例句


1. He was sent to prison for forgery.


forgery 网络解释

1. 假冒:所以防制欺骗(fraud)假冒(forgery)和侵吞挪用钱物(embezzlement)的各种措施,在这时期被重视. 我们再检阅这一章历史,即可以看出像英国这样一个农业基础巩固的国家要进入以严密的商业组织作规范的体制,首先必须重新安排其低层机构.

2. 伪造文书:州政府过后同时采取两项行动,第一是向法庭申请暂缓执行赔偿庭令,第二以4大理由(伪造文书(forgery)、欺骗(Fraud)、伪证(Perjury)及利益冲突(Conflict of Interest))入禀关丹高庭,申请撤销关丹高庭於2007年5月25日,宣判州政府违约的判决.


3. 伪造,造假:foreign coins 外国硬币,外币. | forgery 伪造,造假. | frosting (币面)凝霜.

forgery 双语例句

1. There has been no motive assigned for such a forgery; no proof given that any post-Apostolic writer was so cunning as to palm off thus letter as a Pauline imitation.


2. forgery

2. The Artisan`s Class Skills (and the key Ability for each Skill) are: Appraise, Bluff, Craft: Any, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Forgery, Gather Information, Knowledge: Architecture, Knowledge: Foreign Culture, Knowledge: History, Knowledge: Legends, Knowledge: Local Area, Knowledge: Nobility, Knowledge: Stewardship, Perform, Profession, Search, Sense Motive, Speak Language, Swim.


3. But when the image analysis was repeated at a greater level of detail, the Wacker forgery was shown to be different.


4. According to clues such as time, events, figures, system, names, style of writing, viewpoints, and the relationship with other schools emerging in every piece, a preliminary conclusion could be made, that is: two articles of Kenling and Jingnei were most likely written by Shang Yang himself, but there are still some doubts, so I am afraid these two were not original articles; Zhanfa, Liben and Bingshou, these three military articles and other three of Kaisai, Nongzhan and Jinling, which have no obvious traces of forgery, are considered as the property of Shang Yang tentatively.



5. As less reprehensible than theft, highway robbery, cruelty to children and animals, obtaining money under false pretences, forgery, embezzlement, misappropriation of public money, betrayal of public trust, malingering, mayhem, corruption of minors, criminal libel, blackmail, contempt of court, arson, treason, felony, mutiny on the high seas, trespass, burglary, jailbreaking, practice of unnatural vice, desertion from armed forces in the field, perjury, poaching, usury, intelligence with the king's enemies, impersonation, criminal assault, manslaughter, wilful and premeditated murder.



6. The resulting handwritten forgery dated July 1, 2001 talked about Saddam buying yellowcake uranium from Niger with the help of al Qaida.


7. During the year, 8169 persons who had been convicted of possessing or trafficking in dangerous drugs, deception, theft, forgery and other criminal offences were considered for deportation and 629 were deported.


8. Police Wednesday arrested Tony Chan, the feng-shui adviser who lost his claim on the multibillion-dollar estate of heiress Nina Wang, in relation to possible forgery.



9. There are many bugs between bands and enterprises, such as staff collusion inner and outer, forgery and embezzlement of finance seal.


10. forgery

10. Each illegal sector has its own reasons for success: internet banks are easier to rob than high-street ones, for instance, and passport forgery has become easier since the accession to the EU of countries with more easily forgeable documents.


11. forgery

11. In accordance with the definition of fraud in civil law of our country, the author summarized the main component of the B/L fraud under the documentary L/C, and made a definition; The features of B/L and L/C provide or will provide the B/L fraud under the documentary L/C with hidden troubles; The fraud of B/L under L/C contains forgery of B/L and the fraudulent misrepresentation in the B/L etc.


12. Anti-forgery measure: while it is a two-hand watch, it is no simpler than


13. This is our company card and this is a forgery.


14. forgery的解释

14. Part One that expounds the concept, structure and significance of bill forgery is the general theory on bill forgery.


15. Recognizing of the bill forgery is a new legal action by the forged person basing on the meaning autonomy principle, it is a kind of positively forming exercising of right on law quality, and not the commercial conduct in the strict meaning.


16. forgery在线翻译

16. Based on the factor of legal relationship, I divided this thesis into three parts, discuss deeply the principal party, object, content and obligation of legal relationship of forgery instrument.


17. forgery

17. He is sent to prison for forgery.



18. Renan concedes that it presents several traits which are opposed to the hypothesis of its being a forgery, and of this number is its connection with the Epistle to Philemon.



19. We told that they are very likely to face document forgery or corruption charges in the future.


20. He spent 5 years in prison for forgery.


forgery 词典解释

1. 伪造罪

Forgery is the crime of forging money, documents, or paintings.

e.g. He was found guilty of forgery.


2. 伪造品;仿造物;赝品

You can refer to a forged document, banknote, or painting as a forgery .


e.g. The letter was a forgery.


forgery 单语例句

1. Children contesting the will claim it is counterfeit, a forgery or was written under Ida's undue influence.

2. Police said the credit card forgery racket is recruiting foreigners to use forged cards because shop assistants tend to trust foreign tourists.

3. Police have dismantled a credit card forgery racket that stole card information from foreign countries and used forged cards to make purchases in Hong Kong.

4. One was a story about attempts to purchase critical materials from Niger, and it was the product of rumor and forgery.

5. Other charges against Yang such as financial defraud and receipt forgery will be heard in Thursday's trial.

6. Yu faces charges of document forgery and taking advantage of his posts to embezzle funds.

7. The questioning comes 10 days after prosecutors said Chen could have been charged in a case involving embezzlement and forgery if he were not president.

8. She faces charges for forgery, using a false instrument and perverting the course of public justice.

9. The deception soon came to light, and Wang was arrested for forgery.

10. The judge said Wang's signature on the 2006 will was skillfully faked as not even handwriting experts could prove it to be a forgery.

forgery的翻译forgery 英英释义



1. criminal falsification by making or altering an instrument with intent to defraud

2. a copy that is represented as the original

Synonym: counterfeit