

moat:[英 [məʊt] 美 [moʊt] ]



moat 基本解释



moat 网络解释

1. 槽:最简单的雪地确保姿势是坐姿腰式确保法 (sitting hip belay),你可以利用一个狭窄的裂隙 (shallow crevasse),一个日照杯孔 (suncup),一个高及腰部的雪槽 (moat),一个突起硬冰 (serac),或一个雪坡上突出的岩石.

2. 壕沟:我在争斗志(mettle),网络添麻烦(nettle),谁在削木头(whittle),扔掉掐 死你(throttle) raff(大量)淫雨霏霏,他日关税重重(tariff),雪上轻舟飞过(skiff),quaff 豪情痛饮 你毛在呻吟(moan),他毛入壕沟(moat) 微尘是 mote,

moat 双语例句

1. It was surrounded by the moat and poplars and willows.


2. When London was heavily bombed and I have to sleep on the subway station, I was still missing the ancient city which was surrounded by moat and willows.


3. When London was heavily bombed and I have to sleep on the subway station, I still missing the ancient city which was surrounded by moat and willow.


4. During the bombing days in London, I was always longing for the old city surrounded by the moat and the weeping willows. Late in 1985, I also expressed my miss for it in my work Manse.


5. moat的近义词

5. When the moat is deep a ladder can be used.


6. When the moat is deep a ladder can be employed.


7. I love my hometown, and its moat.


8. If you were a castle, I'd be your moat


9. If you were a castle, I`d be your moat


10. moat的意思

10. In those days the canal was a moat, and the other side of the moat only flat farmland.


11. moat的意思

11. But in the complex moat of the overpass and cross-file, I was around more than 20 minutes before the car hit, I would like to tell you that I am not a person.


12. After the closure of the city each year to reduce COD emissions of 16, 000 tons, saving 91 million cubic meters (equivalent to 337 or 91 Xingqing Lake moat of water storage capacity).


13. Currently cheese River - Double Purple sticks River - Jingmi diversion canal - South Moat - a comprehensive renovation Tonghui etc., will be newly paved 50 kilometers of sewage pipelines, the implementation of the sewage along the river closure work, dredging, 50-100 years to reach the defense floods standards.

目前正在对筒子河--双紫枝河--京密引水渠--南护城河--通惠河等进行综合整治,将新铺污水管线50公里,沿河实施污水截流,疏浚河道,使其达到防御50-100 年遇洪水的标准。

14. In spite of the resulting cloud of dust, the shaking of our house foundation by tamping machines, the distinct sewer gas smell that lasted for weeks and the rust that flowed from our faucets, in spite of having no place to park our cars and a moat of mud around the house after every rain, in spite of all this for six months, we were overjoyed to know that new curbs were coming.


15. In some cases, the moat has even been built by someone else.


16. moat的意思

16. This is the case for Gates, whose moat was built for him by IBM.


17. moat的意思

17. There are an ancient river retaining wall for the East Side East Moat.


18. moat在线翻译

18. The Giant's castle was situated on a mountain, as it ought to have been, and there was also the usual courtyard before it, and the customary moat, which was full of bones!


19. It was surrounded by a twenty-meters-wide and ten-meters-deep moat, which in turn was surrounded by a twenty-meter band of barbed wire.


20. With the city itself perched on the Ri'Alto island and the Venetian Lagoon serving as a massive moat for the city, Venice is a natural fortress.


moat 词典解释

1. 护城河;城壕

A moat is a deep, wide channel dug round a place such as a castle and filled with water, in order to protect the place from attack.

moat 单语例句moat是什么意思

1. They call Jinan the " City of Springs " because 645 of them pour into a moat surrounding the capital of Shandong province.

2. The attacks were only directed at humans viewing the apes across the moat surrounding the island compound where they were held.

3. This is perhaps the most interesting skating destination in Beijing, opened along the Moat River surrounding the Forbidden City.

4. Local media reports said Nordin was seen behaving in an agitated manner before he leapt into the moat.

5. The moat that surrounds the Forbidden City in Beijing is turning into a river of rubbish because of rampant littering by tourists.

6. When the moat was dug for the Forbidden City, the excavated earth was used to create five hills north of the Imperial Palace.

7. What most visitors fail to realize is that large part of the city moat is actually the Grand Canal.

8. The seven provinces and autonomous regions were also involved in last year's moat project for Olympic security.

9. The Yangtze River and City Moat are not the only waters of Suzhou.

10. Taxpayers were shocked to learn that some lawmakers had claimed expenses ranging from porn films to moat cleaning.

moat的反义词moat 英英释义


1. ditch dug as a fortification and usually filled with water

Synonym: fosse