

hostage:[英 [ˈhɒstɪdʒ] 美 [ˈhɑ:stɪdʒ] ]



hostage 基本解释

名词人质; 抵押品

hostage 相关例句


1. The hijackers held 30 hostages.


hostage 网络解释

1. 火线对峙:西德里克.克拉皮什是法国电影的一个例外,他在巴黎电影硕士毕业,又远渡重洋去美利坚合众国的纽约大学电影学院. 在法国,青年电影人毕业后有两条路,一条是在法国拍戏,成功后再去好莱坞赚美钞,比如(Hostage)的导演弗洛朗.艾米里奥.西里(Florent

2. 虎膽狙擊:不过,(Hostage)其实是黑马,尽管票房无法爆冷,却拍出专业水准,由头到尾相当紧凑,惊险性强过. 根本上,片并不惊险,全靠神话名牌,以及不惜工本的特技奇观. 布斯韦利士近年失威,他现已五十岁,今次再演警探,

3. 人质,抵押(品 质物:host作东,作为主人招待 | hostage人质,抵押(品 质物 | identical 同一的;同样的

hostage 双语例句

1. She gently held hostage an old-fashioned doors, lights in the swaying, lean figure You Ge Xuan in a transparent windows.


2. hostage的意思

2. In several other areas, there is still a hostage-taking by terrorists, and several bombings.


3. To guarantee the safety of hostages and others is always the pursuit of police in combating hostage-taking terrorism.


4. On this basis, it discusses the conversation skill of initial stage work in hostage-taking and suicide case in details.


5. Since the Islamic Revolution, Iran has played a role in acts of hostage-taking and violence against U. S.


6. hostage的翻译

6. Negotiations are the important means and the constituent of handling hostage-taking.



7. In Regulation, it has three chapters and depicts the initial formation, development, improvement, evolvement of the regulations for Hostage, and its stepping down from the stage of history; In Historical Facts, it has seven chapters and introduces the origins of Hostage, Hostage in Shang and Zhou Dynasties, Han Dynasty, Wei and Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang Dynasties, Liao, Song, Xia and Jin Dynasties, Yuan Dynasty, Ming Qing Dynasties; In Influence, it has four chapters and discusses the close connotations between Hostage and national politics, Hostage and national culture, Hostage and boundary security, Hostage and national fusion, and special effects they have brought as well.


8. hostage的近义词

8. But we won't be held hostage to any hostilities between him and the board.


9. hostage

9. Court judgement debtor can repay its debt to date, as a hostage of imprisonment.


10. hostage的解释

10. Also, in just the past week we have witnessed a number of other brazen attacks by the pirates. Greek and Togolese ships have been taken hostage, and another American cargo ship came under attack as well. In a telling irony, the U. S. S. Destroyer Bainbridge that arrived on the scene to ward off this attack showed up with the recently rescued Captain Phillips still onboard. No rest for the weary indeed.


11. Jimmy thought he'd keep CharIotte|hostage whiIe you went to get his money.


12. hostage

12. Listening to my words, we Henhendiba yellow border officials hostage inside the passport, and walk out.


13. And if you want to know about number four, and that boy, why, shiver my timbers! Isn't he a hostage?


14. hostage在线翻译

14. LITA he kidnapped hostage and forced her to hand over passwords, and then abducted her to his residence.


15. The Bosnian Serb practice of UN hostage-taking had exposed the fundamental flaw of the UN`s strategy.


16. Yoshimoto agreed to help under the condition that Hirotada send his son Ieyasu to Sumpu as a hostage.


17. Nobunaga agreed and so Ieyasu was taken as a hostage to Sumpu.



18. A secret deal was needed because Ieyasu's wife and infant son, Nobuyasu were held hostage in Sumpu by the Imagawa clan. In 1561, Ieyasu openly broke with the Imagawa and captured the fortress of Kaminojo.


19. hostage什么意思

19. These triggers may appear to be simple everday events, but then so was the sound of masking tape being pulled off a roll, and that sound terrified Terry Waite when he returned home from his hostage ordeal.

这些触发也许看上去不过简单的日常事件,但是透明胶带被扯下的声音也一样,而那种声音会吓坏了从人质情况下解救出来的Terry Waite。


20. But this is what happens when you take somebody hostage.


hostage 词典解释

1. 人质

A hostage is someone who has been captured by a person or organization and who may be killed or injured if people do not do what that person or organization demands.


e.g. It is hopeful that two hostages will be freed in the next few days.


2. 被扣作人质

If someone is taken hostage or is held hostage, they are captured and kept as a hostage.


e.g. He was taken hostage while on his first foreign assignment as a television journalist.


3. 受限制的人;不由自主的人

If you say you are hostage to something, you mean that your freedom to take action is restricted by things that you cannot control.

e.g. With the reduction in foreign investments, the government will be even more a hostage to the whims of the international oil price...


e.g. Wine growers say they've been held hostage to the interests of the cereal and soybean farmers.


hostage 单语例句

1. In order to get the tellers to release the cash, he held a pregnant customer hostage and threatened her life.

2. Environmentalists across the world were accused of holding humankind hostage in the name of climate change.

3. One hostage who survived told Hong Kong reporters her husband had sacrificed himself by charging the gunman to try to stop him from killing others.

4. The woman threatened to chop anyone who tried to exit the building, literally taking residents hostage in their own homes for more than three hours.

5. Wong's parents later died in the hail of bullets fired by Mendoza, as the hostage crisis came to its tragic climax.

6. The hostage drama attracted thousands of people, and police closed off at least one road in the area during the standoff.

7. He gained international notoriety during the Cold War for staging a string of deadly bombings, assassinations and hostage seizures.

8. FARC rebels freed four lawmakers held hostage for years in Colombia's jungle on Wednesday, in a victory for Chavez who brokered the deal.

9. Lieutenant Colonel Romeo Brawner said the bodies of 13 women and eight men were found in the area where about 30 people were taken hostage.

10. The leaders condemned all terrorist acts as criminal and unjustifiable, particularly the repugnant acts of suicide bombing and hostage taking.

hostage 英英释义


1. a prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms

Synonym: surety