

pitcher:[英 [ˈpɪtʃə(r)] 美 [ˈpɪtʃɚ] ]



pitcher 基本解释


名词大水罐; 投掷的人

pitcher 反义词


pitcher 相关例句


1. pitcher是什么意思

1. He poured the milk out of the pitcher.


2. He is the best pitcher I've ever seen.


pitcher 网络解释

1. 投手:2.60 投手 (PITCHER) 向打者投球的防守者. 2.61 投手的中枢足 (PITCHERS PIVOT FOOT) 投手投球时碰触到投手板的脚. 2.62 比赛开始 (PLAY) 比塞开始时,或比赛停止后再开始时主审喊的口令. 2.63 突击投球 (OUTCK RETURN) 投手利用打者不注意时的投球行为,

2. 水罐:这位炮兵中士的妻子用大水罐(pitcher)冒着危险给士兵们送水. 时间一长,她就称作是Molly Pitcher了. 也有人说,她的丈夫John Hays在一次战斗中被击中,而她就接替丈夫开始操作一门大炮. 为了她表彰所做出的贡献,华盛顿授予她中士的军衔.


3. 大水罐:这位炮兵中士的妻子用大水罐(pitcher)冒着危险给士兵们送水. 时间一长,她就称作是Molly Pitcher了. 也有人说,她的丈夫John Hays在一次战斗中被击中,而她就接替丈夫开始操作一门大炮. 为了她表彰所做出的贡献,华盛顿授予她中士的军衔.

4. 壶:墨西哥餐厅肯定少不了拉丁音乐,一听到这种音乐,立时想喝最爱的玛格丽特(Margarita),那晚我们一行八人喝了两壶(pitcher)的玛格丽特(Margarita),我喝了两杯玛格丽特(Margarita),多亏那两杯,那晚睡得很好,而向来以为那晚会因身段不适睡不好的.

pitcher 双语例句

1. The Padres did just that last week with right-hander Greg Maddux, another Boras client, when the San Diego club and pitcher came to a verbal agreement on a one-year extension to his contract worth $10 million.

教士上周刚搞定Boras的另一位客户,右投Greg Maddux的合约,教士和Maddux口头上达成一年1000万美金的协议。

2. pitcher

2. If you are simply trying to improve the taste of your water, a filtering pitcher will do.


3. But there was not a lot of water in the pitcher. His beak could not reach it.


4. Q If you are simply trying to improve the taste of your water, a filtering pitcher will do.


5. pitcher的解释

5. And the servant ran to meet her, and said: Give me a little water to drink of thy pitcher.


6. The man who carries the pitcher of water freely shares his water with all those who are thirsty.


7. Hmm, maybe I'll order a pitcher of water with this last drink.


8. pitcher的意思

8. It was unusual for a man to be carrying a pitcher of water but he was the man Peter and John were to follow.


9. The typhoid patient says, 'I shall drink a whole pitcher of water.


10. No, he calls for a pitcher of water and a rag.


11. You want another pitcher of toilet water?



12. Then he grabbed a pitcher of water and began to pour it in until the jar was filled to the brim.


13. MeggyGI see. It must be difficult for a pitcher to bat.


14. pitcher的意思

14. In fact, we are probably talking about 0.000005% of the population; so statistically speaking it`s about as accurate as a blind baseball pitcher with Meniere`s disease.

事实上,我们可能是在谈论0.000005 %的人口,所以统计上它是准确的盲人棒球投手与梅尼埃病。

15. pitcher在线翻译

15. I`d like a pitcher of beer.



16. Wang is already a heck of a pitcher and it has a lot to do with moments like these.


17. pitcher是什么意思

17. I just think that's the evolvement of a young pitcher becoming a better pitcher.


18. WHEN I was growing up, one of my jobs was to have a pitcher of wine on the table each night.


19. pitcher在线翻译

19. He's definitely a different type of pitcher, but he was effective throughout the season.


20. All you can say is how great of a pitcher he is.


pitcher 词典解释

1. (有柄有嘴的)罐,壶

A pitcher is a jug.

e.g. ...a pitcher of iced water.


2. (通常指筒状细颈双耳的)陶罐,陶壶

A pitcher is a large container made of clay. Pitchers are usually round in shape and have a narrow neck and two handles shaped like ears.


3. (棒球运动中的)投手

In baseball, the pitcher is the person who throws the ball to the batter, who tries to hit it.

e.g. Over the next five years, he became one of the greatest pitchers in baseball.


pitcher 单语例句

1. Hughes and Chamberlain are two of the youngest pitchers in the Major Leagues, but they impressed veteran pitcher Andy Pettitte and other Yankees team mates.

2. He is a proven clutch playoff pitcher and the Padres are hoping he can help solidify their staff for the stretch run.

3. Each cup of coffee is freshly brewed accompanied by heated Wonder Milk in a mini pitcher.

4. Hall of Fame pitcher Bob Feller wasn't swayed by anything Clemens had to say.

5. Tampa can clinch a berth in the World Series today when they start with pitcher James Shields on the mound.

6. They also signed pitcher Ted Lilly for $ 40 million and fellow starter Jason Marquis for $ 21 million.

7. Service is great and drinks are reasonably priced at RMB 20 for a pint and RMB 50 for a pitcher.

8. Victorino ended up with two hits and three RBI for the Phillies, while starting pitcher Randy Wolf helped his own cause with two hits and two RBI.

9. Pitcher Qi Jia pitched eight balls in a row when all mounds were loaded, which gave their opponents two more points.

10. Sixteen days before the opening ceremony of last year's Beijing Olympic Games, the pitcher was told she had not been included in China's final squad.

pitcher 英英释义



1. the position on a baseball team of the player who throws the ball for a batter to try to hit

e.g. he has played every position except pitcher

they have a southpaw on the mound

Synonym: mound

2. an open vessel with a handle and a spout for pouring

Synonym: ewer

3. (baseball) the person who does the pitching

e.g. our pitcher has a sore arm

Synonym: hurlertwirler

4. (botany) a leaf that that is modified in such a way as to resemble a pitcher or ewer

5. the quantity contained in a pitcher

Synonym: pitcherful