

reactor:[英 [riˈæktə(r)] 美 [riˈæktɚ] ]



reactor 基本解释

名词[化工]反应器; [核]反应堆; 起反应的人; 原子炉

reactor 网络解释


1. 反应器:相反, 反应器(reactor)是实际侦听网络的类(它利用其协议的工厂实例来进行侦听). 反应器基本上只是一个侦听给定端口和网络接口的循环(选择哪个端口和网络接口是通过调用诸如 .listenTCP() 、 .listenSSL() 或 .listenUDP() 之类的方法实现的).

2. 电抗器:其起动输入(KVA)与额定出力(KW)之比有起动输入 (KVA)与额定出力(KW)之比电压下降系由变压器电缆等之阻抗 (Impedance)所引起,可由下式之简略变压器组容量(KVA) 短路容量(MVA)变压器组容量(KVA) 阻抗(%)7-3 电缆(Cable)所造成之电压降a.全电压起动,电抗器(Reactor)起动,Korndo

3. 反应,炉:1986年4月26日凌晨1点23分,车诺比核电厂因设计不良加上人员不当操作等因素,引发蒸气爆炸,使得第4号反应炉(reactor)完全炸毁,造成多名人员及消防人员死亡.

reactor 双语例句

1. Static random access memory; low-energy neutron; single-event upsets; reactor; feature size; critical charge


2. It briefly analyses the deteriorating mechanism of enamel reactor and further introduces several repairing method.


3. Integrated production of activated carbon was 3000 tons; mercury catalyst production using advanced vacuum adsorption, the main equipment has: Enamel Reactor Units 2, 4 sets of drying equipment, vacuum pump 4, a closed two screening machines, at an annual rate 1000 tons, our factory can be based on user specific requirements for processing operations.


4. Of Yangquan City was built in 1957, enterprises are equipped with 4 sets of milling machines, 4 sets of wet-sanding machine, Enamel Reactor 6, stainless steel reactor 7, a set of phosphorus trichloride production plant.


5. Rotational technology enables the use of enamel reactor used renewable At present, the chemical industry used in the large number of glass-lined reactor, once these products appear enamel enamel off the surface resulting in corrosion, normal use will not be able to.


6. reactor

6. Long-term supply of a variety of specifications and accessories enamel reactor, reactor back to the old and new, on-site reactor repair, supply the secondary reactor, the acquisition of idle reactor.


7. reactor

7. Ltd. Wuxi Xinkaihe rotational molding technology in the continuous exploration reactor used in the production of low pressure at room temperature to find a successful path the enamel on the end-of-life renovation reactor transformation successful use of rotational molding technology enables regeneration of waste reactor.


8. The sludge generated by the municipal sewage plant enters the anaerobic reactor and is heated by the hot water provided by the heat pump which extracts heat from the discharged water to react for generating marsh gas, and the marsh gas is used for drying the sludge or driving the aeration blast engine.


9. Two dimension mathematical model of the tube reactor for dimethyl ether synthesis from methanol was established The temperature and concentration profiles in axial and radial direction for this tube reactor with change of operating condition were obtained with finite difference method, so as to provide design data for developing largescale plant of synthesizing dimethyl ether from methano


10. Primary factor influcing rate of fault shut-down of polymerization reactor is found out through statistics and analysis.


11. reactor的意思

11. Catalyst samples of Cu-Ni, Cu-Ni-Zn, Cu-Ni-Mg and Cu-Ni-Zn-Mg supported on CaCO〓 with different Cu: Ni ratio were prepared and tested by amination of n-dodecanol with dimethylamine with batchwised reactor in liquid phase.


12. Pilot - scale experiment for synthesis of tert - butyl alcohol from isobutylene in C4 raffinate was carried out by counterflow hydration over large grain ion exchange resin catalyst in a Ф 100 mm × 10 m reactor.



13. In order to decrease both investment and operating expenses, the feasibility to treat the alkali straw pulp making intermediate wastewater by biological hydrolysis and sequencing batch reactor is studied using laboratory-scale reactor.


14. reactor

14. Experiments of aqueous catalyzed oxidation by adding different transition metal ions are carried out in a bubbling reactor.


15. So we have designed and set up a flow reactor installation.


16. Being an efficient, bubble free and high production capacity reactor, circulating fluidized bed has been successfully used in many fields.


17. In the step of hydroxymethylation, gaseous formaldehyde, which was decomposed by paraformaldehyde, was conducted into the reactor. Orthogonal test was designed to investigate the factors of water content in material of PF, reaction temperature, reaction time and consumption of PF on the hydroxymethylation.


18. The batch reactor stirred by gas injection is widely applied in the metal- lurgy.


19. The floc sludge of PFC can be removed 75% organics and the effluent COD is 800mg/L under condition of 1.5 days HRT and treated by thermophilous EGSB anaerobic reactor, and the reactor volume organic load is 2.65kgCOD/m〓.

投加聚合氯化铁混凝剂得到的絮凝污泥在35℃环境中控制1.5d的水力停留时间,出水有机物含量可以降到800mg/LCOD〓左右,去除率在75%左右,厌氧反应器最大负荷为2.65kgCOD/m〓。d; 5。

20. Iran claims to have processed a small amount of uranium so that it can be used in a power reactor; they say they have enriched the fissile uranium-235 isotope of their material to 3.5%.

伊朗声称:它已加工了少量能在核反应堆中使用的铀。伊朗人表示:他们已把自己所用材料中的易裂变铀 235 同位素浓缩到了 3.5%。

reactor 词典解释

1. 同nuclear reactor

A reactor is the same as a nuclear reactor .

reactor 单语例句reactor在线翻译

1. A water cannon doused No 3 reactor, the top priority for authorities with plutonium fuel inside.

2. But the researchers at Pennsylvania State University were able to get around these problems by chemically modifying elements of the reactor.

3. That method was used to seal huge leakages from the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, the world's worst nuclear reactor disaster.

4. Russia and 27 other countries have been joining efforts to build a new protective cover for Chernobyl's broken reactor.

5. The Chernobyl reactor had no shell and was also operational when the disaster struck.

6. Cheng said the test was considered a success because the reactor produced plasma, a hot cloud of supercharged particles.

7. It became China's first nuclear reactor when it began commercial operation in 1991 and has operated with an impeccable safety record since.

8. The first reactor is expected to be put into commercial use at the end of 2012.

9. Large parts of the reactor container building and the shell of one of two planned reactors have been completed.

10. A possible concern may be over the first reactor China has ever built at the Qinshan Nuclear Power Station.

reactor 英英释义


1. (physics) any of several kinds of apparatus that maintain and control a nuclear reaction for the production of energy or artificial elements

Synonym: nuclear reactor

2. an electrical device used to introduce reactance into a circuit