

rowdy:[英 [ˈraʊdi] 美 [ˈraʊdi] ]



rowdy 基本解释

形容词吵闹的; 粗暴的

名词凶暴的人; 无赖

rowdy 网络解释

1. 布面不匀:uneven cover 布面不匀 | rowdy布面不匀 | wavy face 波浪形布面

2. rowdy

2. 吵闹的人:rowboat 划艇 | rowdy 吵闹的人 | rowdydowdy 吵闹的

3. 好吵闹的人:rowdrill 中耕作物条播机 | rowdy 好吵闹的人 | rowdyish 好吵架的

4. 狂野的:turning blue 变得沮丧 | rowdy 狂野的 | have ideas about /have opinions about 持有...想法观点

rowdy 双语例句

1. He wants to crack the rowdy over the head, but refrain.


2. Imagine the outcry if, in Greece, the rowdy anti-austerity demonstrators had been mown down with sub-machine guns.


3. The bar I worked was a pretty rowdy country bar so nightly fights and parking lot brawls were common.


4. On top of that, the guesthouse she's staying at is full of rowdy young guys, including the owner's son Jong Man, who also happens to be her Korean tutor.


5. The young rowdy in a jewelry line of work, has bought one batch of diamonds with oneself many year savings, wants to make one money, then with girlfriend tinkling marriage.


6. Nowadays, it is the beverage of choice among rowdy young people on a Saturday night out, and it has fueled acts of violence and destruction in more than a few societies.



7. Unexpectedly, is robbed on the way in the transaction by the human, the young rowdy is very depressed, does not think the misfortune never singly comes, tinkling the father does not think the daughter to suffer hardships, opposed firmly, in one time meets however the opportunity young rowdy knew the jewelry line stares at by the gun bandit, for the money, the young rowdy with makes a fraudulent switch counts the value several million diamonds trades the company, the bandit discovered afterward the diamond is false, therefore, the young rowdy has carried on an intense transaction with the bandit


8. If the rowdy, and not the same as the bad guys to help her son find it?


9. rowdy的反义词

9. My brothers and I were knocked clear off our feet--and to do that to a band of rowdy dwarves, you know it was a powerful force indeed.


10. On a sunny day in Trinity term, the slow-drifting river would be packed with jostling punts full of rowdy students.


11. The rowdy crew of the Gung-Ho Maximal battle cruiser are a little too wild for him.

Gung-Ho 巨无霸战舰上的吵闹的队员对于Longrack来说有点那么野蛮。

12. Fifteen minutes into the show, a bunch of rowdy football players started catcalling several actresses on stage.



13. Fifteen minutes into the show, a bunch of rowdy football players started catcalling several actresses on stage. They rallied others to join in, and the heckling grew louder by the minute.


14. Simba is a rowdy, independent little cub who likes to romp and play.


15. The rowdy schoolboys and apprentices take centre stage; behind them, stitching in a corner or singing to a doll, the girls remain as ghosts.


16. Some of the kids from the reservation being rowdy, he explained.


17. It's too late, 'says Rowdy Gaines, an Olympic gold medalist who is a paid endorser for the suit maker Blueseventy LLC.



18. The Cupola Farm team feels that there is no measure to the joy Rowdy brings to their lives.


19. Rowdy and raucous, the bar is bustling with thirsty cowboys and everyone wants a drink.


20. Rowdy meetings should have no fears for an old professional like you.


rowdy 词典解释

1. 吵闹的;粗野的;惹是生非的

When people are rowdy, they are noisy, rough, and likely to cause trouble.

e.g. He has complained to the police about rowdy neighbours...


e.g. There were rowdy scenes inside parliament during the debate.



...adolescent behaviour like vandalism and rowdiness.


2. 粗野的人;吵闹的人

If you describe people as rowdies, you mean that they are noisy, rough, and likely to cause trouble.

e.g. ...a bar in New York where the owner kept a baseball bat to deal with rowdies.


rowdy 单语例句rowdy的解释

1. Riot police kept rival groups of rowdy demonstrators apart outside the city's assembly building.

2. I've usually got Chinese assistants in the classroom who will step in and control the class if it gets a bit rowdy.

3. A taxi driver was able to get rid of two rowdy passengers but it cost him a speeding ticket.

4. National Guardsmen received brain damage after posing undercover as a rowdy detainee and being beaten by teammates.

5. It's very rowdy and I sometimes have trouble getting to sleep!

6. It may even get a little rowdy as studio producers shout commands to cameramen, just as editors yell instructions to reporters in a newsroom.

7. For the casual NFL observer, this is a great place to watch the game without rowdy drunks and screaming fans.

8. Snelgrove's death was the second in Boston this year during rowdy celebrations of sports victories.

9. The CMT Music Awards usually skew lighthearted and with the rowdy Kid Rock hosting, things quickly got interesting.

10. Even his traveling band of rowdy Aussie fans was nowhere to be heard.

rowdy 英英释义


1. a cruel and brutal fellow

Synonym: bullytoughhooliganruffianroughneckyobyoboyobbo



1. disturbing the public peace

loud and rough

e.g. a raucous party

rowdy teenagers

Synonym: raucous