

helpful:[英 [ˈhelpfl] 美 [ˈhɛlpfəl] ]


helpful 基本解释


形容词给予帮助的,有益的; 愿意帮忙的

helpful 反义词



helpful 相关例句


1. helpful的意思

1. He has given me a helpful suggestion.


2. It's always helpful to be well informed.


3. The helpful boy carried my bags for me.


4. She has been very helpful to us.


helpful 网络解释

1. 有益的:通常而言,专家证据对案件的事实认定是有益的(helpful)不一定表示它就是必须的 . 专家证人一般不得对证人证言的可信性出具专家意见,因为英国证据法认为这是法官或陪审员独立即可决定的问题. 只有当证人证言的可信刑事案件的系争点的时候,

2. 助人为乐:让他们学会礼貌待人(polite)和助人为乐(helpful),牢记并学习中国人民善良(kin-d)、勤劳(hard-working)、勇敢(brave)的民族精神. 教会他们做人的道理. 要提高听力,首先应从多听教学听力录音带入手,如所学的课本录音带、口语教材录音带,


3. 乐于助人:宋老师的Helping people,有效地将past times 融入在各种句型和图片(关于帮助他人) 中,一些基本动词(如take、read、run、cross)的过去式经过几遍生动的讲解后,孩子们在参与不知不觉就记住它们了. 最后,宋老师还不忘了要学生做一个乐于助人(helpful)的人.

helpful 双语例句


1. The persons fromall walks of life deeply loves the China traditional culture which tothe care said that, through also is helpful to this kind of culturalapproval to forms one respect tradition, deeply loves the motherlandthe cohesive force.


2. helpful的翻译

2. The trabecularism is important necrosis diagnosis. Medical specialists are interested in the improvement of minutia detection by image enhancement method of high-pass. The new fast high-pass filter can enhance the trabecularism in clinical applications. Its fast characteristic is helpful in clinic, and it performs better than Butterworth filter method does for image enhancement in clinical applications.


3. This is helpful for users who must switch between different speed settings very often, for example when temporarily performing processor-intensive tasks.


4. helpful的意思

4. In his litigation of claiming the hospital for compensation, the medical identification---the misdiagnosis and the wrong treatments didn`t constitute medical blunders---made by the Medical Association would not be adopted by the court because the staff constitution of the identification group was not compliable. This non-adoption upgraded the status of the other evidence helpful for xxx. But in this favorable situation, xxx`s lawyer took advantage of the ignorance of xxx, convincing him to remove the litigation. As medical institutions have a powerful force in society, and they can affect many aspects of the social life, lawing medical institutions not only consume time and energy, but also would brought adverse effects to his career.



5. This is the Software Architect exam previous topics on the examination of students very helpful.


6. In addition, high speed of writing and access, nondestructive readout, simple device structure (Metal-Insulator-Metal structure) that is helpful for high density of integration, lower power consumption.


7. helpful的翻译

7. Recently, many kinds of next-generation nonvolatile memories, such as resistive random access memory and phase change memory, have attracted a lot of attention. Because of the RRAM possesses the bistable conductivity switching characteristics, the device can exhibit two different conductivities at the same applied voltage. In addition, the RRAM with high operation speed, nondestructive readout, and simple device structure are helpful for high density of integration and lower power consumption. Therefore, the RRAM has been proposed to be a possible candidate of next-generation nonvolatile memories.


8. It may be helpful to sleep with more pillows.


9. helpful的解释

9. The effects of typical ultra-microchannel of feldspar are helpful to treat heavy metal pollution and dispose nucleus waste.


10. First national MBA student papers contest winners Papers, feeling very helpful to see the future, The draft right is a friend added.


11. The decrease of E2 was closely correlated with DOA, gender difference and obvious advance of age. E2 could be a helpful monitoring indictator for those aged before 45 years old in the guidance of treatment and prevention.


12. Thanks for your information and for being so helpful.

谢谢 的帮助和提构┑难断ⅰ 5

13. 0Ip4K-v%g Thanks for your information and for being so helpful.

谢谢 的帮助和提构┑难断

14. Regular Expression syntax is not so obvious, so a quick test enviroment is really helpful in all situations.


15. It is helpful to begin with a rough and ready classification.



16. You can feel free to sent the sample to us, that is helpful for us to manufacture!


17. It is helpful for all kinds of emotional problems in a foundmental way. I would not name these problems, they are just human labels.


18. Detecting TDH gene by PCR was helpful in understanding the pathogenic mechanism of VP and benefical in quickly screenning pathogenicity VP in clinic, it also increases the sensitivity and specificity.


19. At the same time, teachers and students between the teachers and students to promote mutual understanding and friendship, are also helpful.


20. It can be helpful to you.


helpful 词典解释

1. (人)给予帮助的,帮上忙的

If you describe someone as helpful, you mean that they help you in some way, such as doing part of your job for you or by giving you advice or information.

e.g. The staff in the London office are helpful but only have limited information...


e.g. James is a very helpful and cooperative lad...



They had helpfully provided us with instructions on how to find the house...


'Perhaps you could check the book?' Moira said helpfully.


The level of expertise and helpfulness is far higher in smaller shops.


2. (信息、建议等)有帮助的,有用的

If you describe information or advice as helpful, you mean that it is useful for you.

e.g. The catalog includes helpful information on the different bike models available...


e.g. The following information may be helpful to readers.


3. (事物)有助于改善局面的,有好处的

Something that is helpful makes a situation more pleasant or more easy to tolerate.

e.g. A predominantly liquid diet for a day or two may be helpful...


e.g. It is often helpful to have your spouse in the room when major news is expected...


helpful 单语例句

1. Soon I realized Chinese people are very helpful and friendly by nature.

2. French President Nicholas Sarkozy called the meeting very " helpful " for Asia and Europe to tackle the global financial crisis and build up common cause.

3. The capital export is also a kind of exchange of management modes and cultures, which is helpful for fostering personnel and commercial elites.

4. McDevitt's classmate Michael Carboy said the dictionaries are helpful to his everyday life, while the flashcard programs boost his academic performance.

5. Experts say the central bank's down payment increase is helpful in curbing speculation but it should be strictly carried out.

6. The outdoor seating is charming and casual, while the English staff is helpful and genuinely knowledgeable about what they're serving up.

7. Celebrity and crime stories are simply sexier and more helpful in boosting ratings than serious news such as global warming and world peace.

8. And the experiences of nations around the world offer helpful advice in charting your own course.

9. But the helpful staff circulate with advice about iPods and laptops and that's enough.

10. A Malaysian academic who did not want to be identified said that comparing Asian universities with Harvard is neither relevant nor helpful.

helpful 英英释义


1. providing assistance or serving a useful function