

malaise:[英 [məˈleɪz] 美 [mæˈlez, -ˈlɛz] ]



malaise 基本解释

名词萎靡不振; 不适,不舒服; 莫名的不安; 潜在的不满意识


malaise 网络解释

1. 不适:例如细菌内毒素,为格兰氏阴性菌外细胞膜之部份成分,一旦吸入呼吸道后,对人体的健康效应主要为发烧、身体不适(Malaise)、白血球数量的改变、和呼吸道压迫(Respiratory Distress)等,例如一印刷工厂工作人员增湿器热(Humidifier Disease)流行之研究,

2. malaise

2. 不适,不舒服:malady 疾病 | malaise 不适,不舒服 | malcontent 反抗,不满的

3. 不舒服:Malagasy 马达加斯加人 | malaise 不舒服 | malajustment 失调

malaise 双语例句

1. But like many of my friends and I, these people are putting their wallets away and hunkering down for years of economic malaise.


2. Students learn more and more psychological pressure, causing spiritual malaise, resulting in loss of appetite, insomnia, neurasthenia, memory effect of decreased slow thinking, and so on.


3. malaise在线翻译

3. Results:Painless epididymal lumps as initial symptoms for treatment accounted for 67.7%(21/31), scrotal bearing-down pain and perineal malaise for 12.9%(4/31), urinary tract irritation for 16.1%(5/31), microscopic hematuria for 3.3%(1/31), all patients could be found lumps in the epididymis, however tuberculous lesions beyond epididymis were negative.


4. In this particular patient, the symptoms for which she presented included glactorhea, ataxia, dysphagia, inability to articulate with a new onset of stuttering, arrhythmia, chest pain, myalgias, artharalgias, hirtuism, cephalgia, insomnia, fatigue, malaise, depression, and anxiety.


5. malaise的意思

5. This patient presented with Gram-negative bacteriuria with symptoms of fever and general malaise, followed by severe dyspnea; especially platypnea and orthodeoxia.


6. On balance, we believe clean energy and energy intelligence will be seen as a means to help economies around the world pull out of the current economic malaise.


7. Patients often accompanied by general malaise, first, chills, after the high fever was remittent fever type, skin burning sensation.



8. Acute aplastic anemia is defined as peripheral pancytopenia associated with hypocellular bone marrow in which hemotopoietic function is suppressed. They may suffer from general malaise and weakness, mucosal hemorrhage or upper respiratory infection.


9. Conditioned taste aversion is a type of associative conditioning in which an unfamiliar taste becomes associated with malaise, resulting in an aversive response to the taste.


10. malaise什么意思

10. This type of physical weakness, because of lack of qi and blood, running weak, so easy fatigue, malaise, anemia, are particularly vulnerable in menstrual pain after that, we need a prescription for the blood to Yiqi tone, for example, Angelica Shaoyao San.


11. Results: In the patients, the main symptoms are abdominal pain or abdominal malaise the pain relieved after defecationx distension and diarrhea, The frequency of occurrence of Imperative Liver-Qi attacking Spleen type was more cormon than others(P.05HLftS type has the most chance to occur on the patients aged 40-50 years and those whose disease-course is no longer than 1 year; Female of Blood-stasis type was more than male; the incidence of symptoms and signs had no relation with occupation(P.0555% IBS patientscondition were relevant to emotion; 60% IBS patients have history of intestine infestation.


12. But it can never be stressed too strongly that the body functions holistically and a deficiency or malfunction of any one of its myriad of incredibly complex and interdependent systems is almost invariably part of a more general malaise.


13. malaise的意思

13. And how does the visceral malaise affect the behavioral response to the intake of sapid solution?


14. Insomnia refers to the origin and maintenance of sleep obstacles occur, with the result that the quality and quantity of sleep can not meet the body's physiological needs, the hardship caused by patients with poor physical, spiritual malaise, dizziness, panic, sleep, concentration, memory, etc. symptoms.


15. What if you`re suffering some malaise and it`s not just envy?


16. An infectious bacterial disease of human beings that is caused by brucellae, transmitted by contact with infected animals, and characterized by fever, malaise, and headache.


17. Fever, malaise, and myalgia often occur one to two daysprior to the appearance of lesions.


18. I felt I could understand his malaise; I saw it as the other side of my own.


19. Systemic manifestations may include fever, nausea, vomiting, and malaise.


20. The drastic transformation in his era—the fall of his nationinspired the poet to contribute his passion to poetic creation as he found it the best way to venthis psychological malaise.


malaise 词典解释

1. (社会或群体的)痼疾

Malaise is a state in which there is something wrong with a society or group, for which there does not seem to be a quick or easy solution.

e.g. There is no easy short-term solution to Britain's chronic economic malaise...


e.g. Unification has brought soaring unemployment and social malaise.


2. 不适;不安;不快

Malaise is a state in which people feel dissatisfied or unhappy but feel unable to change, usually because they do not know what is wrong.

e.g. He complained of depression, headaches and malaise.


malaise 单语例句malaise

1. A credit downgrade would drive up borrowing costs for the government, further compounding the economic malaise in a country already mired in recession.

2. Some experts trace South Korea's emotional malaise to the decline of these traditional values and the rise of the country as a modern industrial power.

3. At the same time, malaise in the US housing market is a headwind for confidence and the consumer.

4. The ongoing global economic malaise and its effect on crude demand in the next couple of years was a hot topic at the conference.

5. China's trade policy has been blamed for " taking away American jobs " and thus being the main cause of US economic malaise.

6. However, these are exactly the symptoms of malaise in China's education in the eyes of critics.

7. The bank said profits in the past nine months increased largely because of more interest income despite the malaise from the global financial crisis.

8. Although many other great difficulties loom ahead for China, the malaise that is now so prevalent among younger generations is just as pressing.

9. The effect of underestimating the demand for nurses did not come immediately, but grew as a lagging malaise in the city.

10. Financial and trade linkages make Asia highly vulnerable to Europe's malaise.

malaise 英英释义


1. physical discomfort (as mild sickness or depression)

Synonym: uneaseuneasiness