

desist:[英 [dɪˈzɪst] 美 [dɪˈsɪst, -ˈzɪst] ]


过去式:desisted;   过去分词:desisted;   现在分词:desisting;

desist 基本解释



desist 相关例句


1. desist在线翻译

1. The judge told the man to desist from threatening his wife.


2. You had better desist.


desist 网络解释


1. 终止:desist from 停止 | desist 终止 | desk clerk 接待人员

2. 停止做... 休想 断念:3. desist 停止做... 休想 断念 | You had better desist. 你最好打消念头吧 | resist 抵制 反抗 抗拒

3. 断念:断奶weaning | 断念desist | 断片的fractionalfractionaryfragmentalfragmentary

4. 停止/控制/断念:desirous /愿望的/渴望的/渴望/ | desist /停止/控制/断念/ | deskman /办公室工作人员/报馆编辑人员/

desist 双语例句

1. It is absolutely pointless contacting phpBB Group in relation to any legal cease and desist, liable, defamatory comment, etc.

在相关法令下,完全没有向 phpBB Group 指示 cease and desist,liable,defamatory comment。。。

2. Now, therefore, let us all do as I say; let us bring down the ships that are on the beach and draw them into the water; let us make them fast to their mooring-stones a little way out, against the fall of night- if even by night the Trojans will desist from fighting; we may then draw down the rest of the fleet.


3. Plaintiff Avocent Huntsville Corp. argued in response that Aten conducted specific activities relating to the enforcement of its patent rights within Alabama by sending several cease-and-desist letters to Avocent in the state, and that Aten conducted general business in Alabama by making its products available for sale there.

原告 Avocent Huntsville 公司则辩称,宏正公司在阿拉巴马州向其发过几封警告函,因此在阿拉巴马州进行了与实施其专利权有关的特别行为,并且宏正的产品在阿拉巴马州售卖,故而也在阿拉巴马州从事了商业活动。

4. We shall have, moreover, the same respite and in the same manner in rendering justice concerning the disafforestation or retention of those forests which Henry our father and Richard our brother afforested, and concerning the wardship of lands which are of the fief of another (namely, such wardships as we have hitherto had by reason of a fief which anyone held of us by knight's service), and concerning abbeys founded on other fiefs than our own, in which the lord of the fee claims to have right; and when we have returned, or if we desist from our expedition, we will immediately grant full justice to all who complain of such things.


5. desist的意思

5. My feeling is that they should cease and desist, and not be the self-appointed guardians of my inbox.


6. desist什么意思

6. David Reigns in Hebron; War Against Abner, Ishbosheth's Captain: Upon Yhwh's advice, David goes up to Hebron with his two wives, his men, and their households; he is anointed king by the men of Judah (ii. 1-4 he sends a message of approval to the men of Jabesh-gilead for having buried Saul (ii. 5-7 Abner is loyal to Saul's son Ish-bosheth or Esh-baal (ii. 8-11 Abner meets Joab, David's captain, by the pool of Gibeon, where twelve young men on each side engage in a trial by combat, all twenty-four falling; Abner is defeated in the battle which ensues (ii. 12-19 Abner is pursued, but slays Asahel, his pursuer, after vainly imploring him to desist (ii. 20-23 Joab, after parleying with Abner, blows the trumpet as a signal for the pursuit to cease ii.

大卫时期在希布伦;战争阿布纳,Ishbosheth的船长:经Yhwh的意见,大卫上升到希布伦和他的两个妻子,他的部下,他们的家庭,他是国王的受膏者的犹太男子(白介素1月4日);他发出了一个信息的批准男子Jabesh -吉利德了埋葬扫罗(白介素5月7日);阿布纳忠於扫罗的儿子人Ish - bosheth或Esh -巴尔(白介素8月11日);阿布纳符合乔阿布,大卫的船长,由池基遍,其中12男青年每边进行审判的打击,所有2004年下降;阿布纳打败的战斗随之(白介素12月19日);阿布纳追求,但slays Asahel ,他的追求,在徒劳地恳求他停止(白介素20日至23日);乔阿布,后parleying与阿布纳,吹小号的一个信号,为追求停止(白介素24-32 )。

7. They ought to desist from such foolish activities.



8. If they desist from war, they can survive a little longer on this earth.


9. desist的反义词

9. They will then get a court injunction to cease and desist, meaning they can shut the guilty spammer down.


10. Do not wear yourself out to get rich; be wise enough to desist.


11. Regardless of what you believe happened, if you do not desist, I will be forced to have you arrested and placed on trial for treason!



12. The bhikkhus are to rebuke them up to three times so as to desist.


13. We hope the Afghan government would adopt serious attitude and desist from vitiating the atmosphere of bilateral relations with Pakistan, said Sadiq.


14. desist的近义词

14. As the Sultan; son of Muhammad; brother of the Sun and Moon; grandson and viceroy of God; ruler of the kingdoms of Macedonia, Babylon, Jerusalem, Upper and Lower Egypt; emperor of emperors; sovereign of sovereigns; extraordinary knight, never defeated; steadfast guardian of the tomb of Jesus Christ; trustee chosen by God himself; the hope and comfort of Muslims; confounder and great defender of Christians-I command you, the Zaporozhian Cossacks, to submit to me voluntarily and without any resistance, and to desist from troubling me with your attacks.


15. Sanford reportedly asked his wife if he could go visit Bel n Chapur in Argentina, in the months that followed his promise to cease and desist his infidelity.


16. You stand up to them and you say desist.


17. I don't trust the man, but if she's comforted by him, then I'll desist.


18. desist什么意思

18. We have desist ed our work.


19. I asked him repeatedly to desist, but he would not relent.


20. But such regimes need to believe that they can desist and still be safe.


desist 词典解释

1. 停止(做);不再(做)

If you desist from doing something, you stop doing it.

e.g. Ford never desisted from trying to persuade him to return to America...


e.g. The magazine will desist from such language after receiving complaints...


desist 单语例句

1. The three companies call on the commission to " issue an exclusion order and cease and desist orders " on the wireless devices in question.

2. Dell and HP had already received " cease and desist " letters from the company, urging them to stop distributing computers containing the alleged copied software on Tuesday.

3. Energizer and Eveready have asked the commission to ban imports of the batteries and to issue a cease and desist order to their competitors.

4. The complainants in both cases request that the commission issue an exclusion order and cease and desist orders.

5. USITC is the relevant agency that investigates Section 337 violations, and it can issue cease and desist or exclusion orders.

6. It also seeks a cease and desist order on the sale of such products that have already been imported into the country.

7. The complainant requested that the ITC issue an exclusion order and a " cease and desist " order.

8. The complainants request that the ITC issue an exclusion order and cease and desist orders.

9. Nicholas Burns told CNN yesterday that his country would work to muster international pressure on the DPRK to " cease and desist " such actions.

10. But the committee called on anyone who wishes to protest to follow the law and desist from carrying dangerous weapons during these protests.

desist 英英释义


1. choose not to consume

e.g. I abstain from alcohol

Synonym: abstainrefrain