

hatch:[英 [hætʃ] 美 [hætʃ] ]


过去式:hatched;   过去分词:hatched;   现在分词:hatching;   复数形式:hatches;

hatch 基本解释

及物/不及物动词孵化; 孵出,破壳而出

及物动词秘密策划,(尤指)密谋; 使(小鸟、小鱼、小虫等)孵出

名词开口; (船甲板或飞机底部装货物的)舱口; (飞机或宇宙飞船的)舱门; (尤指厨房和餐厅之间供传递食物的)两室之间的小窗口


hatch 相关例句


1. They hatched up a plot to overthrow the government.


2. Three eggs have already hatched out.


3. The eldest prince hatched a plan to murder the king in collaboration with some ministers.



1. hatch的翻译

1. Three eggs have already hatched out.




1. Both men quickly disappeared down the hatch.


2. She passed food through the hatch from the kitchen.


hatch 网络解释

1. 孵化:他们的方法是对商业捕捞上来的鱼抽样,根据它们的身体某特征(一个骨头)确定它们的年龄(这里有题,问的是这帮人的手段depends on以下哪项,选能够确定鱼儿是什么时候孵化(hatch)的),这么多抽几次样,就大概知道某个年龄的鱼在海里的数量了.

2. 阴影:所以没有回焊般的温度问题.但是lift-off问题与流焊(Flow)的制程条件有极深的关系,而成长,但对其他各种的因素亦需加以考虑.因冷热周期(Cycle)之应力蓄积的影其中阴影(Hatch)的部份,即Harris的专利,

3. 舱盖:搁浅后,艏尖舱油箱(forepeak tank)和一号和二号舱盖(hatch)受损,但没有出现漏油情况,也没有人员伤亡. 同时,也没有影响新加坡海峡和附近水域的海上交通.

hatch 双语例句

1. hatch是什么意思

1. I should get a coat of primer on tomorrow and I'll cut the hatch.


2. Locke: We've got a man locked up down in the hatch.


3. Canot you see that we are closing the hatch cover now?


4. hatch在线翻译

4. It's going to rain, close the hatch at once.


5. Bosun how shall I close the hatch?


6. Going to sleep, I used to imagine the spider creeping down, crawling into my mouth, sliding down my throat, and laying loads of eggs in my belly. The baby spiders would hatch after a while and eat me alive, from the inside out.


7. hatch

7. The leader startle and flush first in front of mine body and roar; in the hand, the laser broadsword divide my hatch as the bomb from the blue sky.



8. The detection of rat mesangial cells apoptosis-inhibiting Bcl-2 protein with Western blot: The testing cells washed by PBS were added the loading buffer, and turned to the EP tube to boil, then took the same quaintity protein to nitric acid cellulose film after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, next added buffer to block. at last add the anti-body and rabbit anti-Bcl-2 to hatch, flowing with color reaction and taking photo.


9. hatch在线翻译

9. It remains unclear if GM has any U. S. plans for the Cruze hatch, but it seems likely.


10. As usual your third hatch follows with the gas.



11. Each cargo hold to have one access hatch fore and aft each.


12. You can see right down the cargo hatch.


13. He fell down from the hatch.


14. How long did you say that you were down there in the hatch?


15. hatch

15. If somebody could open the retrieval hatch down here...


16. hatch的意思

16. Down the hatch with the Yukon Jack...



17. Quick Opening Closure is applied in the circular hatch of pressure pipeline and pressure vessel, which can be opened and closed fast.


18. hatch的翻译

18. All batch and fed hatch culture characteristics of oenococcus oeni in three types of culture medium were investigated in this work.


19. hatch的近义词

19. A classic noir theme: Florence and her lover, ex-paratrooper Julien, hatch a seemingly foolproof plan to murder her husband in his office and make it look like suicide.



20. The Cargo had sustained wet damage on the 2 upper layers under the hatchway and there were water traces due to leakage and slight rust stains on the edges of said hatch cover.


hatch 词典解释

1. 孵出;出壳

When a baby bird, insect, or other animal hatches, or when it is hatched, it comes out of its egg by breaking the shell.

e.g. As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow...


e.g. The young disappeared soon after they were hatched.


2. 破壳;孵化;孵(蛋)

When an egg hatches or when a bird, insect, or other animal hatches an egg, the egg breaks open and a baby comes out.

e.g. The eggs hatch after a week or ten days...


e.g. During these periods the birds will lie on the cage floor as if trying to lay or hatch eggs.


3. 筹划;策划;谋划

If you hatch a plot or a scheme, you think of it and work it out.

e.g. He has accused opposition parties of hatching a plot to assassinate the Pope.


4. (船甲板上的)舱口,舱口盖

A hatch is an opening in the deck of a ship, through which people or cargo can go. You can also refer to the door of this opening as a hatch.

e.g. He stuck his head up through the hatch...


e.g. All deck fittings, windows, hatches and doors had been fastened.


5. (墙上或屋顶的)小窗口;(尤指厨房和餐厅间传递菜肴等的)小窗口,传菜口

A hatch is an opening in a ceiling or a wall, especially between a kitchen and a dining room, which you can pass something such as food through.


6. 做好准备(迎接挑战);未雨绸缪

If someone battens down the hatches, they prepare themselves so that they will be able to survive a coming difficulty or crisis.

e.g. Many firms are battening down the hatches and preparing to ride out the storm.


相关词组:hatch out

hatch 单语例句hatch的解释

1. He will add 20 to his collection when his eggs hatch in coming days.

2. Many developing countries may misunderstand China's intentions and think it is out to hatch an international conspiracy with the US to " rule " the world together.

3. This is a great opportunity for Japan to exert greater influence over international efforts to hatch an environmental strategy for fighting global warming.

4. The pair quickly scrambled back inside, closed the hatch and hooked up their suits to the station's air supply.

5. When the eggs hatch, the workers go in search of prey.

6. A small hatch in the side of the hospital allows anyone to anonymously put a baby into an incubator 24 hours a day.

7. He also reunited with fellow veteran Steve Hatch, who he had not seen in 35 years since they served together in Vietnam.

8. Through the live broadcast of the mission, the wheezing sound of Zhai was heard when he managed to open the hatch strenuously.

9. The hatch has a small door which opens to an incubator bed on which a mother can place her baby.

10. Hatch also claims the Internal Revenue Service has yet to inform him how much he owes on his winnings from 10 years ago.

hatch在线翻译hatch 英英释义


1. a movable barrier covering a hatchway

2. shading consisting of multiple crossing lines

Synonym: hatchingcrosshatchhachure

3. the production of young from an egg

Synonym: hatching


1. sit on (eggs)

e.g. Birds brood

The female covers the eggs

Synonym: broodcoverincubate

2. emerge from the eggs

e.g. young birds, fish, and reptiles hatch

3. draw, cut, or engrave lines, usually parallel, on metal, wood, or paper

e.g. hatch the sheet

4. devise or invent

e.g. He thought up a plan to get rich quickly

no-one had ever thought of such a clever piece of software

Synonym: think upthink ofdream upconcoct

5. inlay with narrow strips or lines of a different substance such as gold or silver, for the purpose of decorating