

albino:[英 [ælˈbi:nəʊ] 美 [ælˈbaɪnoʊ] ]



albino 基本解释



albino 网络解释


1. 白化:白化:(Albino)名词,白变种,白化体,任何缺乏正常色素的动物或植物. 观赏鱼领域称谓白子,鱼体底色为透明状的雪白色,全身不带丝毫黑色素,眼睛呈现红色. 通俗点说就是身体为白色或无色,特征为-红眼.

2. albino

2. 白化病:狂呕....白化病(albino)的僧侣silas用来猛抽自己背部的鞭子.简直够狠! 教会用于悔罪、苦修之行为,中古世纪的修士、修女多用之;后来被教 宗若望保禄一世取消. 有些人(SILAS那个可怜虫)还把新约圣经哥林多前 书里的名言「Castigo corpus meum.(我严格地对待自己的身体)」奉为圭臬.

3. albino在线翻译

3. 白子:显性法则是说当两种表现型互相交配时,所产下的子代,只能表现出的一方就称为显性,以该品种的英文名称之大写字首表示,不能表现出来的即称为隐性,以该品种之英文名称之小写字首表示,接下来以最常看到的白子说明体染色体的作用方式: 白子(albino)属於隐性体染色体基因,

4. 白化体:albinism 白化 | albino 白化体 | albino rat 白化鼠

albino 双语例句

1. albino的反义词

1. I have two other friends who are real globe-trotters: Albino and Reginald.

i有两个朋友,他们是真正的地球- trotters :白化和( Reginald 。


2. Comparison study on performance among albino rainbow trout and Donaldson rainbow trout and their filial generation were studied.


3. And I ended up living with this albino guy who was, like, cleaning windshields outside port authority, and then he killed himself, and then I found aromatherapy.


4. albino的翻译

4. Phoebe: And I ended up living with this albino guy who was, like, cleaning windshields outside port authority, and then he killed himself, and then I found aromatherapy.


5. And I ended up living with this albino guy who was, like, cleaning windshields outside port authority, and then


6. Phoebe: You're welcome. I remember when I first came to this city. I was fourteen. My mom had just killed herself and my step-dad was back in prison, and I got here, and I didn't know anybody. And I ended up living with this albino guy who was, like, cleaning windshields outside port authority, and then he killed himself, and then I found aromatherapy.


7. Finally, its the first time that the active protein was used to study the internalization of TAT-PTD in little albino rat.


8. Expression of NADPHdiaphorase activity in the facial motoneurons after compression of the facial nerve in the albino rat[J].


9. albino

9. Methods We used viviparital nineteen-day`s Albino rat and three days and six days after birth, twenty of each sorts.

使用胎生19日及生后3日、6日的Albino 大鼠各20只,取出晶体,用H-500扫描电镜观察。

10. albino的翻译

10. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy technology was applied to measure the normal, hyperplastic, malignant mammary tissue of albino rat which DMBA was injected into.


11. No Ordinary Rat SnakeLeonard SnakeLeonard Sonnenschein, president of the World Aquarium in St. Louis, holds We, a two-headed albino rat snake.

不是一般的大鼠snakeleonard snakeleonard索南夏因,主席的世界水族馆在圣路易斯举行,我们两个为首的白化鼠蛇。

12. In contrast, the transduction of control proein GST-GFP almost could not be detected both in the four cell lines, the tissues of the little albino rat. These results indicated that TAT-PTD was internalized into cells by combining with cell surface heparansulfate, which was one of the low affinity receptors and the transduction of TAT-PTD into cell had no effect on cell. At the same time, the transduction of TAT-PTD was successfully applied in the tissues of the animal.


13. Leonard Sonnenschein, the president of the World Aquarium in St Louis, holds We, a two-headed albino rat snake.


14. The content of intermediates such as protochlorophyll, Mg protoporphyrinand protoporphyrin IXwere reduced and δ aminolevulinc acid and porphohilinogenwere markedly accumulated in albino seedlings of W1, which proved that there was a blockage in the formation of uroporphyrinogen or coproporphyrinogen during Chl biosynthesis under lower temperature.


15. Eight growing New Zealand albino rabbits, each right orbital bone fragment which contained a viscerocranial suture was removed, and PTFE (expanded polytetrafluorethylene) was applied as a substitute for the orbital bone defect in four rabbits, six months later, each skull was macerated for cephalometry and radiological craniometry and histological examination.


16. Objective To compare the electrolytes, acid-base balance and venous blood gas in albino and pigment guinea pigs.


17. The line Numbers 47 and 71 were albino lethal mutants.


18. The effects of scopolamine, desoxyephedrine, amphetamine, caffeine, morphine, reserpine, chlorpromazine, pontobarbital and meprobamate, and their combined effects on the spontaneous activity of albino mice were determined by the photocell activity cage method.


19. Methods 60 albino rabbits were used and were divided into 20 groups, each consisting of 3 animals.


20. albino

20. I ended up living with this albino guy.


albino 词典解释

1. 患白化病的人(或动物)

An albino is a person or animal with very white skin, white hair, and pink eyes.

albino 单语例句albino的近义词

1. This photo shows a rare albino dolphin in Lake Calcasieu in Louisiana.

2. The convictions bring to seven the number of people sentenced for murdering albinos, following the first conviction of three albino killers in September.

3. The albino tiger Kaili was imported from Sweden in 1997, and had bred 60 albino tigers in eight years.

4. The rare albino apparently was swimming with his mother on the lake, which is an inland saltwater estuary north of the Gulf of Mexico.

5. Albino hunters kill their victims and harvest their blood and body parts such as hair, genitals and limbs for potions.

6. An expert with the Jiangxi provincial department of forestry, said the turtle has congenital genetic defects and could be considered an albino.

7. Goya the albino cobra plays up the attention he gets from zoo visitors.

8. A pair of adult albino kangaroos was given to Chongqing Municipality by Ningbo in Zhejiang Province last week as a Christmas gift for locals.

albino 英英释义


1. a person with congenital albinism: white hair and milky skin

eyes are usually pink