

procedural:[英 [prə'si:dʒərəl] 美 [prəˈsidʒərəl] ]


procedural 基本解释


形容词程序的; 有关程序的

procedural 网络解释

1. 过程:它们允许我们定义三种抽象:过程(procedural)抽象、数据抽象、遍历(iteration)抽象. 普遍而言,方法(method)中将融入过程、数据、遍历这每一种抽象. 数据抽象用术语最自然的表述是:对于这些对象的一组有意义的操作. 这组操作包括创建对象,

2. 程序的:Taylor将他所称之程序的(procedural)或无视差异(difference-blind)的自由主义与自由社会的另一典型-乐於对不同团体给予不同待遇之社会-加以对比. 他认为程序自由主义有何不妥?另一个他所偏好的「共产主义社会」(communitaria)模型看来如何?

3. 程序性:第一个学派把他们将知 区分为默会知 (tacit knowledge)与外显知(explicit knowledge),2. 域知 内隐(implicit)知 通常只能由个体表现在动陈述性(declarative)知 通常涉及「 麼」,程序性(procedural)知 通常涉及「如何」. 一个专业

procedural 双语例句

1. procedural在线翻译

1. It describes the hardware design of the system in detail, and provides the procedural flow chart of software design.


2. The subject of Dong Biwu`s idea about procedural law is very abundant.



3. Although having lots of comparative advantages suchas low cost, high efficiency, constant income on the whole, helping peacefulsettlement of disputes, facilitating access to justice, and according with judicialtraditions in china, the informal session has some problems, for example, agreat deal of informal sessions may make formal trial in court void, informalsession has defects of not enough procedural safeguards, and thus may result injudicial corruptions.


4. procedural的反义词

4. In this paper, the first part from a historical perspective and the perspective of the legitimacy of the law, the modern partnership bankruptcy system should be the value orientation, the realization of their value to be followed by legislative ideas and technical legislative options discussed together; the second, third, In the fourth part of the insolvency of partnership enterprises modern system of values, under the guidance from the insolvency of partnership enterprises and bankruptcy partner association, partnership bankrupt entity, the insolvency of partnership enterprises procedural issues point to the bankruptcy system partners discussed and preliminary framework; the fifth part of the previous text on the basis of our partnership bankruptcy system for analysis and evaluation; the sixth part of the author of our partnership bankruptcy system in the expectations and feelings of confidence in this conclusion.


5. Of course, it has its own characters. The settlement of international maritime disputes is based on domestic civil procedural laws and arbitral rules.



6. Further probing revealed that maintenance staff had regularly completed borescope inspections in a non-procedural manner.


7. It is of much importance to foster the concept of procedural right of formation and pay attenti...


8. It is necessary to establish the exclusionary rule and the relevant institutions in the light of right sense of procedural justice in China.


9. Later the thesis explains the decline of the theory of environment right, and the transition to procedural right of environment.



10. Chapter three is concerning the exercise of right from a procedural law perspective.


11. The individual right to petition is a procedural human right.


12. The priority right is an independent procedural right, not an entity right.


13. Higher vocational education; basic right; core right; procedural right


14. In the East in seven places were called: Kok, Kang, serious procedural, the heart, tail, Kei, they constitute a group called the East Cang Long.


15. Ershibaqi the angle, Kang, serious procedural, the heart, tail, Kei seven places form a complete dragon-shaped constellation, Spica like dragon's angle.


16. They should recall that these apparently irritating procedural trivia are things that matter to us.


17. procedural的意思

17. ST Res at the same time that the security is not only a matter of procedural irregularities, and even from being secured to the trigger litigation, the company is ignorant of all staff.


18. Fully abiding by the rules and implementing them in every respect has very solid economic justifications, and is not a mere procedural matter.


19. The second part introduce the principles and actuality of the rating jurisdiction of civil procedural system in our country, and find the differences between the rating jurisdiction of civil procedural and the subject matter jurisdiction by comparing the two concepts.



20. Substantive justice; procedural justice; civil law system; common law system; value of law.


procedural 词典解释

1. 程序上的;程序性的

Procedural means involving a formal procedure.

e.g. A Spanish judge rejected the suit on procedural grounds...


e.g. The Paris talks will mainly be about procedural matters.


procedural 单语例句

1. He said the roll call was meaningless, a " bump in the road " required to settle a procedural problem.

2. UN human rights experts also identified " serious procedural shortcomings " and called on Iraq not to carry out the death sentences.

3. The controversial case was suspended on confidential " procedural grounds ", according to police.

4. A procedural judge will hear the initial stages of the action against Chrysalis Records, while his colleague will take up the early stages of the claim against Robbie.

5. The Amendment to the Criminal Procedural Law will take effect in January, after an amendment to the Civil Procedural Law in September.

6. In view of the procedural change, members adjourned the meeting for three working days until October 21.

7. The Supreme People's Court Thursday released a judicial interpretation on evidence in administrative cases to better protect individuals'rights and ensure procedural fairness.

8. He added that a major part of the judicial interpretation is aimed at procedural justice in administrative litigation.

9. The authority and department have agreed in principle to the recommendations and will conduct research, procedural changes and training ahead of implementation.

10. The Supreme Court has made a host of interpretations to lessen the deficit, which have also served to sap the procedural legislations'consistency as well as authority.

procedural 英英释义


1. relating to court practice and procedure as opposed to the principles of law

e.g. adjective law

Synonym: adjective

2. of or relating to procedure

e.g. a procedural violation