

eastern:[英 [ˈi:stən] 美 [ˈi:stərn] ]



eastern 基本解释


形容词东方的,东部(地方)的; 朝东的; 来自东方的

名词东方人; (美国)东部地区的人; 东正教信徒


eastern 同义词


eastern 反义词


eastern 相关例句


1. Eastern regions will have heavy rain today.


2. He is interested in Eastern philosophy.


3. In the eastern part of the United States, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures.


eastern 情景对话

At the Airport-(在机场)

A:Is the nine oclock flight from Montreal on time?


B:Flight 496? No, its running twenty minutes behind.Theyre due on the field at nine twentyfive. Probably Gate 34.

是496航班吗?不,它晚点二十分钟。 应该在九点二十五分着陆,大概是34号门。

A:I have reservations on Flight 27 to Mexico City.



B:May I see your tickets, please? You confirmed your reservations?


A:Yes, this afternoon.


B:Here we are, Mrs.Jonhnson. Do you have any baggage?


A:No. Just this overnight case.



B:Fine. Lets see, now. flight 27 is right on time.Youll be leaving from Gate 13 on the eastern concourse.


A:Is there anything else to do before flight time?


B:No, maam. Just show your ticket to the boarding officer as you get on the plane. The rest is our job. Have a good trip, Mrs.Johnson.


eastern 网络解释

1. eastern在线翻译

1. 东区:直辖市分别是苏瓦(Suva)和劳托卡(La-utoka行政区分别是中央区(Central)、西区(Western)、北区(Northern)和东区(Eastern). 除了上述三种官方语言,斐济还有很多其他的语言. 其中在该国西部的很多方言,同官方的普通话(Bau Standard)差别很大,

2. eastern是什么意思

2. 东部:目前我国内地尚无直达瑞士航班,须在巴黎或阿姆斯特丹等地转机. 美国全国分4个时区,分别为西海岸(Pacific)、山区(Mountain)、中部(Central)、东部(Eastern)时间. 相邻时区相差1小时. 纽约比北京晚13小时,洛杉矶比北京晚16小时.

eastern 双语例句

1. NATO forces in Afghanistan say four of their soldiers have died in an attack in the eastern province of Nangarhar.



2. The attack happened at a market near Jalalabad, the capital of the eastern Nangarhar province.


3. Hebei Province in the south, the eastern part of the Taihang Mountains in Xingtai Valley Canyon, is the production of quartz sandstone gorge landscape, many famous monuments, it is a Park of National Geological with higher synthesizing.


4. eastern

4. For instance, a manipulative or autocratic style would be best suited for cultures with high power distance, such as Arab, Far Eastern, and Latin countries.


5. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one.


6. It is old because it has been discussed repeatedly and fully down through the history of both eastern and western ethnics. It is kernel because, as a kind of moral phenomena, it embodies the moral stand people should take and the moral requirement people should meet when dealing with such moral relations as he VS I, group VS I and the humankind VS I.


7. As we approached the eastern park entrance, we were surprised with the littered tree trunks in a nearby meadow.


8. Grand Duke of the eastern regions of Hell, commander of thirty-one legions.


9. Last 30 years'climate data analysis showed that Kubuqi Desert climate change has warming-wetting trend, and to be more obvious at its eastern.


10. Chens, and it is left to him to merge the Eastern and Western influences into a cohesive whole.


11. In the south of China, Indo-Chinese tigers are believed to exist in border areas with Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, while in south-eastern Tibet, on the border with India, a small population of Bengal tigers exists.


12. Japan is preparing to launch what would be the first sovereign Islamically compliant bond by a Group of Seven nation in an attempt to attract Middle Eastern petro-dollars to Asia.


13. eastern的近义词

13. Raw materials account for most of South Africa's exports to China but businesses in other sectors, including wine, are waking up to the potential of eastern markets, writes Richard Lapper.


14. Two, 爓 e could peg the resolution of the dispute over Arunachal to another long-standing Chinese demand, that of a free trade zone in the northeast comprising China's poorest province of Yunnan, Myamnar, Bangladesh and the eastern Indian state of Assam.?

其二,可以把阿鲁那恰尔的争议与另一个他们垂涎已久的问题绑在一起,那就是在东北部建立自由贸易区,以帮助云南的贫困地区,包括缅甸、孟加拉和印度东部的 Assam 邦。

15. eastern在线翻译

15. ABSTRACT During 50's to 70's 20 century, western and eastern educational system starts communicating drastically.


16. Wushan County has a long history, rich in resources, since the year 188 years before the Eastern Han Dynasty set up home county, has been the development and construction of 1, 800 years of history.


17. Luo Zhuping said. According to China Eastern Airlines


18. One of Ford's current plants is also in Chongqing, while the other is in Nanjing in eastern China.


19. The China Town is like powerful magnet attracted many Chinese oversea people's heart, sometimes they hate it because it had brought them some unhappy past memories when they just came, sometimes they dislike it because it is too dirty, sometimes they feel jealous about it since many changes in China Town nothing to do with them, and sometimes they fell proud of it since they saw their American friends were finally searching the Eastern values hiding inside of the China Town.


20. Small pump pumping technology in deep Linpan Oilfield Eastern Provisional Application Abstract: With the temporary set-depth development of the oil field development, due to the complexity of the Eastern Pro small block structure broken, and so are less amenable to the corresponding water features, can only rely on the exploitation of natural energy, the energy of formation declining, then the more liquid oil move To lower the number of oil well lead to even stop production wells.


eastern 词典解释

1. 东边的;东部的;来自东边的;来自东部的

Eastern means in or from the east of a region, state, or country.

e.g. ...Eastern Europe.


e.g. ...Pakistan's eastern city of Lahore.


2. 来自东方国家的;东方国家的

Eastern means coming from or associated with the people or countries of the East, such as India, China, or Japan.

e.g. In many Eastern countries massage was and is a part of everyday life.


eastern 单语例句

1. As Huang's business operations expanded to China's eastern and central cities, his donations also expanded to those regions.

2. With many Western countries still mired in the global recession, emerging Eastern economies are attracting new programs and business school organizations.

3. The province is now busy selecting a site from four candidate places in Huilai County and Lufeng City in its eastern coastal part.

4. Cai said the operation and debt ratio of China Eastern Airlines will be substantially enhanced by Singapore Airlines buying a stake in the carrier.

5. Almost all cargo Sichuan exports to Europe travels by sea route from eastern China.

6. Goods traded between China and India currently have to travel thousands of kilometres by sea from southern India to ports in eastern China.

7. Chef Alberto's food is inspired by the freshness and smartness of the Eastern atmosphere and the tradition of the Mediterranean cuisine.

8. Cable television subscribers in the Fengtai and Chaoyang districts of eastern Beijing could not tune into cable television programmes on Saturday morning.

9. That shade still stands in the Eastern Indian city of Calcutta's book district, in College Square.

10. The fort has been called the " eastern Maginot Line " due to its military implications.

eastern 英英释义


1. from the east

used especially of winds

e.g. an eastern wind

the winds are easterly

Synonym: easterly

2. lying in or toward the east

e.g. the east side of New York

eastern cities

Synonym: easterly

3. lying toward or situated in the east

e.g. the eastern end of the island

4. relating to or characteristic of regions of eastern parts of the world

e.g. Eastern Europe

the Eastern religions

5. of or characteristic of eastern regions of the United States

e.g. the Eastern establishment