

deduce:[英 [dɪˈdju:s] 美 [dɪˈdu:s] ]


过去式:deduced;   过去分词:deduced;   现在分词:deducing;

deduce 基本解释

及物动词演绎; 推论,推断; 追溯根源


deduce 同义词




deduce 反义词



deduce 相关例句


1. If you see a doctor leaving a house, you may deduce that someone in the house is ill.


2. What do you deduce from these facts?


3. deduce在线翻译

3. On the basis of the evidence we deduced that he was guilty.


deduce 网络解释

1. 演绎:这些规范性的问题,不可能通过事实权威或权威与服从的实例得到正当化证明,而是要借助演绎(deduce)的方法,即根据权威与道德的一般原则进行推论. 沃尔夫的主要目的,就是要通过这种演绎说明,合法权威的概念与道德自主在逻辑上是不相容的,

2. 推论:定理是Theorem,是要根据基本的公理来推论(Deduce)的公理是Axiom,它不需要证明,是人们的共识,是常识(Common Sense). 公理就是在一个理论系统中被默认为真的命题,而定理是根据公理或其他的真命题(定理)推导出来的真命题.


3. 推理:对于全文的理解,读者主要用总结(sum-up)、概括(outline)、归纳(induce)、推理(deduce)等思路. 四级阅读测试一般包括4篇文章的阅读,每篇后有5道选择题. 这些的类型多种多样,但归纳起来大致可分为二大类,

deduce 双语例句

1. Furthermore, we separate the contribution from the leakage and cutoff effect to the attenuation constant, and then deduce an expression to determine the leakage in the reactive region.


2. For heat equilibrium system of inert gas, we deduce the formula of the collision induced total radiation power per unit volume, per unit wavelength at the given wavelength.


3. To deduce who they were, it's best to start by deducing who they weren't.


4. deduce的翻译

4. When this one flange Xi Mei rares nip is wrapping baaroque grace, high style, in full in half century accurate deduce female dictate, self-confident and beauty, pass through thereby spatio-temporal become a woman to come when bestowing favor on, it does not bright without reason.


5. To deduce that in this case it invalidates the election is disproportionate-as the Constitutional Court may well conclude.


6. To deduce that in this case it invalidates the election is disproportionate—as the Constitutional Court may well conclude.


7. deduce

7. However, the two-phase flow field in spiral separator is loo complex to be characterized using analytical approach. As a result, the effect of spiral structural parameters on separator performance was not well understood. Moreover, it was very difficult to deduce the quantitative formulas for pressure drop and separating efficiency.


8. Deduce simplicity into complexity is a greater wisdom.


9. The geometry model formular is used to deduce the length of yarns, the oridentation angle of the nodulated yarns and the fiber volume content on some typical 2.5-D woven composites, such as shallow curve-linking structures, shallow straight-linking ones, and depp angle-linking ones, and tensile strength and compress strength of the composites are forecated.


10. If no proof of s = t exists within the restricted term universe, we will not be able to deduce s = t. Thus at any given stage of our pro of search, our equality reasoning will be incomplete.

如果没有证据的S =吨限制短期内宇宙的存在,我们将无法推断商S =吨因此,我们在任何给定的搜索亲阶段,我们的平等,将是不完整的推理。

11. But this individualmicroeconomic action don't break down rigid rules in segmentation of theenterprise ownership, so it may deduce that the redistribution system still isdominant, the market system is secondary.


12. I N THIS STUDYThis IDC study provides an update of the fixed-line voice services market in the APEJregion.马克et sizing is provided for 2007 while forecast data is provided for 2008 to2012. The research for market sizing and forecasting was finalized in March 2008.The countries included in this study are Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, China, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand. M e t h o d o l o g y IDC used primary research to determine the market sizing of the voice servicesmarket. To derive total market sizing and deduce competitive assessment, selectedkey local and global players were interviewed face-to-face. Industry and populationstatistics were also collated to ensure consistency in the data collection. Informationabout public 小灵通 operators, carriers, and other SPs was thereforegained primarily through direct interviews, and the data obtained was supported andcross-checked in order to validate the total market size and shares. IDC`s extensive vendor/SP research, coupled with our end-user research base, provides a strong basis for sizing and forecasting the market developments andallows the validation of information supplied by the carriers or PTOs vis-à-vis thosegiven by businesses and consumers. Additional information was gained from deskresearch, annual reports, and other sources such as the Asia/Pacific CommunicationsSurvey in APEJ. Finally, it should be noted that all revenues included in this study coincide with IDC`sAsia/Pacific Semiannual Fixed-Line Services Tracker, 1H07. For an in-depthexamination of market shares and revenues by product and carrier, this tracker is thedefinitive source of quantitative information for any player in the Asia telecom market. Notes on revenues in this document:!

在这项研究中这项IDC研究在APEJ区域提供固定线语音办事市场的更新当瞻望数据提供在2008年到2012年时,市场漆片为2007提供市场漆片和预先推测的研究在2008年3月被完成了在这项研究包括的国家中国电信idc机房是澳洲、香港、印度、印度尼西亚、马来西亚、菲律宾、中国、新加坡、南韩、台湾和泰国 M e t h o d o l o g y IDC施用首要研究确定语音办事的市场漆片市场要获患上总市场漆片和推论竞争评估,选择的要弊害所和全球性球员是被采访的面临面的财产和人口计数也被校对包管在搜集数据的一贯性关于公用电话操作员是以,载体和其它SPs的信息是获取首要路程经过过程直接采访和患上到的数据撑持并且再明确承认为了明确承认总市场尺寸和份额 IDC的广泛的vendor/SP研究,加上咱们的终端用户研究基地,为漆片和预先推测提供一个强的依据市场发展和许可载体或PTOs力à力供应的信息的查验企业和消费者给的那一些其它信息从书桌被获取了研究、年关陈诉和其它来历例如在APEJ的亚太通信调查终于,值患上注重的是,在这项研究包括的所有收支与IDC的亚太每半年固定线办事跟踪仪,1H07相符为详细市中国idc排名网场份额和收支副产品和载体的考试,这台跟踪仪是定量信息的明确的来历所有球员的在亚洲电信市场上关于收支的笔记在本文:!

13. And in home, this one trend also is in deduce afresh.



14. Furthermore, from the result that cnx-1 and crt-1 can further increase the L1 persisting head cell corpse in both ced-1 and ced-5 mutants, we deduce that cnx-1 and crt-1 define a novel pathway parallel to the two classical ced-1, 6, 7 and ced-2, 5, 10 pathways.


15. Finally, it would deduce the better way to transform the power of China in the future.


16. In this paper, attention is drawn to the possibility to deduce the parameters of ionospheric irregularities and drift from the fading records of second-order echoes observed by three close-spaced receivers.


17. Because of inappropriate operation between oncoming straight and left-turn vehicles of signalized intersections of urban areas in Taiwan the department of traffic ever offered corrigible opinions involve in right of way, center of intersections adjudging hard and indirectly encouraged to accelerate left-turn vehicles. But all still lack quantification analysis. Therefore, this problem is worth studying. This study will aim at safe passage of oncoming straight and left-turn vehicles for at-grade signalized intersections. So, this study will be based on row`s theory, theory of traffic conflicts, and take many factors into consideration, such as the width of the intersections, types of the intersections, center of the intersections, the size of the vehicles, the location of the vehicles, the radius of turn, paths of operation, the speed of the vehicles, the types of collisions, the angle of road, and also deduce formulas of coordinate of paths. The main method used in this research is the simulation of different situations. By the method, the analytic model of safe passage of oncoming straight and left-turn vehicles for at-grade signalized intersections will be established, and this study will also subsume critical speed of conflict and expected number of times of safe passage. Finally involved rules of safe passage will be proffered.



18. He seeks apodictically certain ways by which, within his own pure inwardness, an Objective [2] outwardness can be deduced.

他试图寻找绝然确定的方式,通过这些方式,在他自己的纯粹内在性『pure inwardness』中,能够演绎出『deduce』客观外在性『an Objective outwardness』。


19. Owever, the electrocardiophysiological mechanism of AF is still unknown. Epicardial mapping of Harada, Sueda, Liii and Wang Zen Wei has showed that atrial flutter is more in left atrium than that in right atrium and atrial fibrillation is more in RA than in LA, so they deduce that AF is origin from left atrium and regular wave fronts reach along Bachman bunch, posterior part of LA and atrial septum, mutiple wave fronts interfere with each other and form complicated and compact fibrillation in RA.


20. In this paper, the authors deduce their principle and list mapping-calculating method program.


deduce 词典解释

1. 推论;推断;演绎

If you deduce something or deduce that something is true, you reach that conclusion because of other things that you know to be true.

e.g. Alison had cleverly deduced that I was the author of the letter.


e.g. The date of the document can be deduced from references to the Civil War...


deduce 单语例句

1. BPA could also be used to deduce evidence that can be presented in court to blow apart a criminal's lies.

2. From the NYT article, it is natural to deduce that the author meant " commercial success ".

3. From the explanation given by an official from Harbin's tourism bureau, we can deduce the beer fountain had the backing of the local government.

4. How much they earn has been kept such a good secret that even the China National Statistics Bureau cannot deduce a definite figure.

5. The pair managed to deduce the bankcard's password after just five attempts by using clues drawn from the ID card.

6. Various personalization options for exterior and interior colors and materials for consumers deduce infinite possibilities.

7. In logic, a premise is a judgment that can be used to deduce another judgment.

8. However, scientists deduce that animals are the most possible source of the disease.

9. According to Maduro, the video allowed lawmakers " to deduce " that the United States was involved.

10. We can also deduce that the larger the area, the more waste there will be in the conversion.

deduce 英英释义


1. reason by deduction

establish by deduction

Synonym: inferdeductderive

2. conclude by reasoning

in logic

Synonym: infer