

segregation:[英 [ˌsegrɪˈgeɪʃn] 美 [ˌsɛɡrɪˈɡeʃən] ]


segregation 基本解释


名词种族隔离; 分离,隔离; [化]分离,偏析; 熔析

segregation 相关例句


1. Segregation was most evident in the south.


2. The criminal faced segregation for unfixed periods.


segregation 网络解释


1. 偏析:另外,由于没有使用以往无铅焊锡有时会使用到的铋,所以不易产生变硬变脆的偏析(Segregation)现象, 因此在回流焊接无铅焊锡以外也可得到广泛应用. 2.无铅工艺的控制. 人们采用更昂贵的焊料,自然是期望焊接缺陷更少.


2. 隔离:是一个想象中的时代符号,它代表了一个充斥着信息爆炸的社会(Society),也可能代表了一种必要性的需求,一种生命的状态及迂回折返的曲线,而那个需求与状态是关于独处(Solitude)、静默(Silence)与隔离(Segregation),亦关系着生命的体认与存在感(Sense of existence),

3. 分离:于是,在提出单位形成(unit formation)定律、分离(segregation)定律和形状定律方面,我们对事物的问题已经作出了第一种贡献. 但是,我们还必须做得更多,我们必须着手处理其他一些事物特征,并将格局包括在内,后者是我们迄今为止完全忽略的.


4. 离析:钢锭愈大则铸锭收率(yield)及生产效率愈高,但其凝固速度较慢,当然离析(segregation)程度也愈严重. 所以铸锭作业之适当与否,对产品品质之优劣影响极大. 钢锭模须能耐热,模内面光滑,不与铸入熔钢黏著,通常由铸铁制成. 为拔模容易计,

segregation 双语例句

1. segregation

1. District rich in plants dotting the landscape is made of different quarter-phase乔灌, flowers, tall trees, green space segregation of different functions, the center green space, green groups, before the green house, is made up of flower lawn, to maximize people`s health to meet the demand for green, spring, summer, autumn garden outside, tree-lined walls, water gurgling, beautiful.


2. NIR Feed Grain Segregation Project - DES MOINES - Sep 8/05 - SNS -- Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc. and CHS Inc. are working on a pilot project to evaluate the feed quality of incoming grain to develop more efficient channeling of defined grain to specific end-use customers.


3. She said the greatest change she witnessed was the ending of racial segregation laws in the United States.


4. Racial segregation in housing and in public schools


5. Supreme Court has much to do with the rise and fall of the racial segregation system.


6. Using detailed data on friendship networks, we calculate levels of within-school racial segregation in a sample of U.


7. Racial discrimination still exists in various forms in the U. S. though racial segregation is against the law.


8. In the BC2F1 and BC3F2 population, both grain length displayed two distinct phenotypic groups, the ratio of the two groups fit well to the expected ratio (1:1 and 3:1) of single locus Mendelian segregation, respectively, which indicated that the grain length in the BC2F1 and BC3F2 population were mainly controlled by a long-grain dominant gene.


9. Yesterday afternoon my mother-in-law started the beginning of diarrhea, go to the hospital after inspection is infectious diarrhea, should pay attention to segregation, but I only baby birth at home confinement, it will inevitably come into contact with mother-in-law used such things, but the total can not be sick because the mother-in-law let her move out to live it, then the baby would have been inadvertently infected with it?



10. On the dendrite arms, concentration of the early solidified parts is lower than that of the later solidified parts, and the center is lower than that of the edges, so the dendrite segregation is produced which is prominent at the stage of metastable dendritic growth.


11. The results demonstrated that the offspring plants had certain genetic diversity. The pink and the nacarat/saffron plants had the highest genetic diversity. When RP1 or R01 as father or mother was crossed with the other color varieties, their F1 populations had significant segregation chromatogram.


12. The fact that the pink plants were predominant among the population of RP1 cross progeny hints that the pink had the strong descendiblity, Whereas another fact that the plants with the color of another parent were predominant among the population of R01 cross progeny indicates that the nacarat/saffron plant had the low descendiblity. The above results suggest that it is better to choose the pink plants with the target color flower of breeding as a parents when arranging the cross combination. Many novel flowers with singular value of view and admire can be bred by the different cross combination since the wide segregation chromatogram is not confined to the parents'.


13. The amphidiploid was not stable, the segregation existing in its self-fertilizationprogeny.


14. A series of measurements such as welding baffle to receiving cone of the furnace roof, distributing at the fixed point, increasing the ratio of direct charging and using the rational charging system are adopted on No.1 BF of Zhanggang, then the distributing segregation is eliminated, the melting is strengthened, the utilization coefficient is up to 2.81t/m3.d, and the coke rate is decr eased from 612kg/t to 550kg/t.


15. Evaluate MRI representation:(1) segregation condition: transfixation band, segregation between cartilage and bone, segregation between bone and bone; (2) four stages of pathologic classification based on MRI signal character; (3) texture in weight bearing zone; (4) add Bone Marrow Edema score and joint effusion score as stasis index.


16. Using layer-by-layer shave steel scrap, the effect of electromagnetic stirring frequency parameter at secondary cooling area on the central segregation and equiaxed crystal ratio of a 1450 mm×230 mm slab was investigated by chemical analysis and macrostructure.


17. Viridescence of equestrian orchid colour and lustre, in northern region green period can amount to 280 days of above; Ma Lan's purple beautiful quietly elegant is beautiful, nectar faint scent, florescence is as long as 50 days, still can serve as the material that cut a flower; Malannai tramples, after experience tramples, need not breed can ego restores; Moderate of height of equestrian orchid plant, the leaf is much and erect grow, have stronger aspiration, decrease dry, drop in temperature action; Equestrian orchid vitality is strong, do not need daily conserve basically, managing water fertilizer and management are devoted; In the city that build plant segregation of two side afforest takes open greenbelt, road to wait with ground of compose flowers and plants in, ma Lan is unquestionable high grade material.


18. According to the result of genetic analysis, bulked segregant analysis and co- segregation analysis in the F2 of 881 and 527 populations were used to screen rice SSR molecular marker linked with the short-grain dominant gene.

根据遗传分析的结果,利用水稻微卫星标记结合881、527 F_2群分法分析表明该短粒主效显性基因与水稻第三染色体上的微卫星标记RM16连锁。

19. In order to assure the security and segregation of information, the system makes use of Dual Signature, Digital Time Stamp and other techniques.



20. The effect of hafnium on freely migrating defect population is discussed and estimated to indicate the effect of the element on segregation behaviour of the elements like P and Cr in the ferritic steel.


segregation 词典解释

1. (因种族、性别、宗教不同而采取的)隔离措施,隔离政策

Segregation is the official practice of keeping people apart, usually people of different sexes, races, or religions.


e.g. The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional...


e.g. Connecticut agreed to end its segregation of prison inmates suffering from AIDS.


segregation 单语例句

1. Effectively lowering the cost of travel will reduce segregation and allow people living in the city's periphery to come to the city center to work.

2. It's an irony of the kingdom's strict segregation of the sexes.

3. " The development of a black middle class was deliberately stunted under segregation and apartheid, " said the HSRC's Roger Southall.

4. Hospital staff will keep close watch over visiting patients and enforce triage assessment and appropriate segregation at waiting areas in line with clinical guidelines.

5. Schools for migrant children should also be a temporary phenomenon because its existence symbolizes a kind of discrimination and segregation.

6. She added that not all women have benefited from the rising status, and she anticipated a wider social segregation between the rich and the poor.

7. The hybrids itself have an advantage whereas its offspring have no advantage due to genetic segregation.

8. The Sunday concert will incorporate songs from Anderson's event and remember its significance during America's era of segregation.

9. Indeed, the segregation caused by the land system has enlarged rather than narrowed social disparities.

10. Mechanical restraints and segregation of prisoners are also allowed as long as certain provisions are followed.

segregationsegregation 英英释义


1. the act of segregating or sequestering

e.g. sequestration of the jury

Synonym: sequestration

2. a social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups

Synonym: separatism

3. (genetics) the separation of paired alleles during meiosis so that members of each pair of alleles appear in different gametes