

revelry:[英 [ˈrevlri] 美 [ˈrɛvəlri] ]



revelry 基本解释


revelry 相关例句


1. The sound of revelry filled the house yesterday.


revelry 网络解释

1. 狂欢:distort歪曲 | revelry狂欢 | revel陶醉

2. 狂欢的宴会:reveller狂欢者 | revelry狂欢的宴会 | rock and roll摇滚乐(或rock nroll)

3. 鬧飲煙酒飲酒用語:59688鬧區住屋一般名稱thriving area | 59689鬧飲煙酒飲酒用語revelry | 59690鬧飲;喧鬧;鼓起熱興成語英美片語成語to whoop it\things up

4. 寻欢作乐, 狂欢; 欢宴 (名):reveller 纵酒狂欢者; 寻欢作乐的人 (名) | revelry 寻欢作乐, 狂欢; 欢宴 (名) | revendication 收复失地的正式要求; 收复失地 (名)

revelry 双语例句

1. revelry的近义词

1. While you stroll in the fad feasting and revelry, can find our bookvery conveniently, take a satisfied book to go home, let you own delight being full with young!


2. The artists participate in this exhibition are once came to Shenzhen by suddenly, they are exploring in artistic thinking field while taking high strength and high pressure creating and living in extravagant feasting and revelry. This makes artists have different life experiences and artistic thoughts.


3. The enlarged figures in feasting and revelry is put in the background of the reduced city to make up an organic whole, so that the theme is conveyed that modern consumption habits are encroaching on the social frame.


4. revelry的意思

4. With your friends come together, Samba nearby and revelry in brazilian style!



5. Therefore, now they shall be the first to go into exile, and their wanton revelry shall be done away with.


6. revelry在线翻译

6. It is most associated with towns and villages celebrating springtime fertility and revelry with fetes and community gatherings.


7. revelry的近义词

7. The coloured lanterns had just been lit, the warbling of flutes and the plucking of strings mingled with cries of pleasure and peals of laughter, and from every one of its establishments came the sound of drinking-games, of voices raised in song and revelry.


8. The happy and kind Brazilian will tell you that life should be more funny with their performance in revelry style, In the atmosphere of music in latin custom, sexy and kind Brazilian girls and musicians with drums in their hands will sing and dance to the music, performing hot Brazilian dances.


9. The fifth section analyzes the intertextuality of Popular Culture and points out that for Popular Culture texts, the intertextuality is not merely a kind of narrative tactics or skills, and it has more noumenon meanings and reflects the recreational and revelry specialties of Popular Culture.


10. This chapter regards Shang Jing`s sitcom as cultural phenomenon, analyzes the internal reason of its dissemination and acceptance, mainly in three aspects: 1 according to the background of the arising of Shang Jing`s sitcom products, it is popular culture and meets TV audiences`spiritual demands of revelry; 2 according to the age structure of his TV audiences, the cultural characters of paying attention to popular culture, reflection of time spirit and post-modern meets the mental demands of the young generation.


11. It was generally believed to be a time of revelry.



12. It is also now that my senses pick up distant sounds of revelry in progress.



13. From now on, the revelry starts.


14. In this should the revelry time, the night actually silence.


15. Now that my senses pick up distant sounds of revelry in progress.



16. Yes, the revelry is a group of person's lonely, lonely is a person's revelry.



17. From the history, different nationalities and countries have different forms of revelry activities.


18. It seems sounds of drunken revelry.



19. I:x01.wild, drunken or licentious festivity or revelry.


20. revelry在线翻译

20. Their drunken revelry, their shameless flirting, must have offended the righteous believers in the jihad.


revelry 词典解释

1. (常指喝醉后的)狂欢,欢闹,作乐

Revelry is people enjoying themselves in a noisy way, often while they are drunk.


e.g. As we got close to Broadway, we heard the sounds of revelry getting louder and louder.


e.g. ...New Year revelries.


revelry 单语例句

1. What was a rather quiet scene a moment ago begins to seethe with excitement, and the people can't help but become immersed into a whirlpool of revelry.

2. But the joyous revelry was mixed with some dissent - and sorrow.

3. The revelry Beijing's citizens displayed yesterday in Longtan Park was reminiscent of the wild night when Beijing was awarded the Games.

4. Enroute they drew thousands of onlookers, many of whom joined the revelry.

5. Many big Chinese cities such as Beijing impose fireworks bans and only allow fireworks celebrations during the new year revelry.

6. Different from our own festivals that only Chinese people enjoy themselves, this was an unrestrained revelry of billions of people from different nationalities.

7. Media and bloggers have been accusing the attackers of committing a crime in the name of revelry.

8. New Year's Eve revelry in the predominantly Roman Catholic country has become among the most violent in the world.

revelry的翻译revelry 英英释义


1. unrestrained merrymaking

Synonym: revel