

deteriorate:[英 [dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt] 美 [dɪˈtɪriəreɪt] ]


过去式:deteriorated;   过去分词:deteriorated;   现在分词:deteriorating;

deteriorate 基本解释




deteriorate 同义词



deteriorate 反义词




deteriorate 相关例句


1. His work has deteriorated in the last month.



1. Relations between the two countries have deteriorated sharply in recent weeks.


deteriorate 网络解释

1. 恶化:许多公司老板张口就是:要吹,夸大其词地吹,吹到人一听就想买的地步才叫OK. 这种人,这种主导思想只会恶化(Deteriorate)市场,典型的近视症(Metoomyopia)患者. 人无远虑必有近忧啊!

2. deteriorate在线翻译

2. 退化:人们应该怀疑(dubiou)这样的说法:作为生存的一个不可避免的(inevitable)结果,生物随年龄的增长而退化(deteriorate). 一种有关衰老的正确理论应该解释为什么不同的物种(species)有不同的衰老率(senescencerate). 比如,在产完卵后(两岁或三岁时),

3. deteriorate的意思

3. 变质:酷,也请不要让我方向偏离了~变质(deteriorate) 变质是个贬义词,任何东西过了使用期限就失去本身的意义了.听说有人打架了,被公司炒了.原来,那个人,在前几年曾经是我最要好的朋友,她曾经胖乎乎,曾经讨人喜欢,曾经人缘很好!

4. deteriorate什么意思

4. 使恶化:scandal 丑行 | deteriorate (使)恶化 | gossip 闲话

deteriorate 双语例句

1. Developering concentration of wood or of the appearing too long exposure, even in normal circumstances, developering will also be excessive corrosion PS version tends to make the small dot graphics and text portion of the dissolved completely lost, as printed on the plate may deteriorate.


2. deteriorate

2. Men will deteriorate the money, yes, a lot of men out, however, deterioration of one rich man even if no money has not gone well.


3. This would cause capital to flow out of Taiwan and business opportunities to disappear, and strike a blow at those companies that insist on staying and doing business in Taiwan while forcing the slide in real-estate prices to accelerate, thus causing the financial situation to deteriorate even more.


4. Corrosives are substances that erode and deteriorate materials on contact, including metals, fabrics, and human tissue.


5. deteriorate的近义词

5. But many non-ideal factors, such as the limited bandwidth of output current loop and the time lag of signal sensing circuit and reference current generation etc, will deteriorate the compensation effect.


6. Engine temperature is too high a significant hazard, can be summed up with a lower coefficient of inflation, decline in engine power, reduce oil viscosity, lubrication performance deteriorate and undermine its support and Gangbi space, cause increased wear and tear, occurred when a serious bite or pull Nien - Cylinder, stick, a Qizu, ignition coils and the temperature increased, thus affecting the fuel supply system and the ignition system to work properly.


7. deteriorate在线翻译

7. In China, the supply of transportation infrastructure shows the characteristic of marked economic discrepancies in different regions and between city and county, which are embodied in both amounts and qualities. The differences in public infrastructure investment deteriorate economic discrepancies.


8. To diminish or destroy by degrees: a: to eat into or away by slow destruction of substance (as by acid, infection, or cancer) b: to wear away by the action of water, wind, or glacial ice *flooding eroded the hillside* c: to cause to deteriorate or disappear as if by eating or wearing away *inflation eroding buying power


9. For an aviation gasoline engine, the effect of altitude is the dominant factor because the low air density at high altitude would deteriorate the engine performance.


10. deteriorate的解释

10. Article 39 Artificial recharge for ground water may not deteriorate the quality of groundwater.


11. When all three of the most-watched gauges of stability in banking deteriorate, as they did in Europe in the last week of May, there is naturally a rush to sound the alarm. Nerves had already been frayed by the Bank of Spain`s seizure of CajaSur, a savings bank, on May 22nd (despite the central bank`s efforts to telegraph this for months).


12. Water pollution in China continues to deteriorate and steadily spread from smallscale point pollution to large-scale non-point source pollution.


13. Faced with the gravity of this situation, the government, in order to guarantee people's minimum living conditions and to enable citizens not only to have enough to eat and wear but also to grow better off, cannot do as some people imagine -- wait for a high level of economic development to initiate a natural decline in birthrate. If we did so, the population would grow without restriction, and the economy would deteriorate steadily.


14. Shenzhen Bay Hotel is a Four-star hotel belongs to Overseas Chinese Town Group. Along with the opening of China Hotel Market since 1997, the hotel`s operating performance was steadily deteriorate, especially China joined WTO, the speed of Foreign Hotel Management Group entering China Hotel Market becomes fasted, the competition hotel faced becomes increasingly fierce and complicated, so it has a severe challenge for the hotel`s survival and development.


15. It was found that the introduce of tip clearance deteriorate the overall performance of the compressor rotor.


16. deteriorate是什么意思

16. Because this reason, it will make nematde, nutrition and microbes-system to deteriorate.


17. At the mean time, the disproportion of magnetic field and assemble error enable the driving cross force and excite the disturbed motion in rolling, pitching and yawing direction, which extremely deteriorate the dynamic characteristics of actuator.


18. The relationship between these two types of diseases is complicated: vascular diseases may result in depression but depression can also deteriorate vascular diseases. So, when we treat the somatopathy diseases in the aged, we should not ignore the management of the possible concomitant mental diseases.


19. Results Oxygen metabolism abnormality was found after trauma, and it was correlated with ISS, RTS, injured organ or region and number of injured organs, shock, systemic inflammatory response syndrome and respiratory complications. It was more intense in the patients with MODS. There was marked difference in the ratio of change in oxygen metabolism between MODS and NMODS groups. Oxygen deficiency metabolic variables tended to deteriorate in the nonsurvival group. More marked changes in metabolic variables indicated severer organ dysfunction, reaching their peak values before death.

结果 氧代谢水平在创伤后即发生异常,与创伤严重度评分、RTS、损伤器官部位与数量、低血容量性休克、全身炎症反应综合征以及是否并发呼吸系统合并症等有关;并发MODS患者氧代谢水平变化更为明显,与轻伤对照组和NMODS组比较相关氧代谢比值改变差异均有显著性;死亡组乏氧代谢指标常呈持续恶化趋势,其代谢水平改变越显著,预示器官功能损害程度越严重,往往于死亡前达到峰值。

20. In particular, the banks with small-sized networks apparently have higher deposits per branch and saving deposits per branch, but their net deposit costs are so high that they deteriorate return on equity and asset quality.


deteriorate 词典解释

1. 恶化;变坏;衰退

If something deteriorates, it becomes worse in some way.

e.g. There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war...


e.g. The weather conditions are deteriorating...



...concern about the rapid deterioration in relations between the two countries.


...the slow steady deterioration of a patient with Alzheimer's disease.

一名阿尔茨海默病患者病情的持续缓慢恶化deteriorate 单语例句

1. The export business sentiment index below 100 indicates that the number of companies forecasting exports will deteriorate outnumbered those expecting improvement.

2. The summit urged a " continued political commitment to active labor market policies " as " the unemployment situation can be expected to deteriorate further " in the EU.

3. Defaulting tax rebates would deteriorate companies'capital flow and limit their capacities of reproduction and export.

4. But when it is a gloomy day, my mood will deteriorate in a way that makes me only centre on work.

5. The oldest vintages start to deteriorate if they come into contact with too much oxygen.

6. Besides the huge surge in prices that have compressed rental yields, a spate of mortgage rate hikes is also likely to further deteriorate the situation.

7. It said the failure of Time Warner and the gymnastics organization to obtain proper insurance has caused her condition to deteriorate.

8. A survey conducted by the federation in March found that 28 percent of the 146 manufacturers interviewed expected business condition will continue to deteriorate.

9. DTZ Head of Consultancy in North Asia Alva To expressed belief that the luxury sector will continue to deteriorate this year amid the worsening economy.

10. Should the security situation in the region deteriorate out of control, the US would be asking for trouble and could not guarantee its regional dominance.

deteriorate 英英释义


1. grow worse

e.g. Her condition deteriorated

Conditions in the slums degenerated

The discussion devolved into a shouting match

Synonym: devolvedropdegenerate

2. become worse or disintegrate

e.g. His mind deteriorated