

confused:[英 [kənˈfju:zd] 美 [kənˈfjuzd] ]



confused 基本解释

形容词糊涂的; 迷乱的; 混杂的; 不清楚的


confused 网络解释

1. 困惑:进行先攻权检定的方式如下:掷1d20并加上己方战团中仍健全的指挥官中最高的指挥官值. 被震摄(stuned),溃败(routing)中,困惑(confused)中,或处於无助(helpless)状态的指挥官不得修正先攻权检定.

2. 混淆:澄清:其目的在於对所讨论的内容加以厘清,使成员能接收到正确的讯息,以防冲突(conflicting)与混淆(confused)的产生;领导者须适时介入协助团体的讨论,使讯息能正确且有效的传递.

3. confused的翻译

3. 混乱的:这样数据包被错误地重构(因为压缩包的丢失),但是仅有TCP端(end)知道数据包是错误的,解压器根本不感觉到混乱的(confused)解压器处于TCP对话的前向部分(即数据传输部分).

4. confused

4. 混乱:为防止这种情况发生,在收到来自成帧器(framer)的CRC错误错误恢复等于在解压器在感到混乱(confused)时迫使压缩器发送一个未压缩数据包. 干扰(linehit)可能把它完全淹没,最终解压器什么也没收到. 这样数据包被错误地重一个数据包的长度,

confused 双语例句


1. Probably you know as well as the speaker what is actually taking place in the world - utter chaos, disorder, violence, extreme forms of brutality, riots ending up in war. Our lives are extraordinarily difficult, confused and contradictory, not only in ourselves - inside the skin as it were - but also outwardly. There is utter destruction.



2. He never held forth; his ideas were really not vital enough for it, he was too confused and emotional.


3. I was amazed at their easy and graceful manner while I stood there feeling somewhat confused by the food.


4. Athens was a polis, a political entity consisting of vast territories -- in this case, Attica and its town, and is not to be confused with an asty.


5. Only in this dark world, I started to become confused.....



6. The reason why the former collapse has been happening is that current financial accounting conceptual framework is not internally coherent in logic, and it is not thoroughly applied in the current financial accounting regulations and practice framework, so the latter framework is also confused in logic.


7. Confused: Ah, perhaps I have found the core of my problem: Desire to me is a rather pejorative term and consequently my identification with the word have constructed our difference in perception.


8. Does this mean he is confused or that we did something wrong?


9. Excited Cecil became confused, he cherished the opportunity to enter the Class, but also did not want to separate from Odelia.


10. confused的近义词

10. Blathering like the addlepated nincompoop that you are; a confused puddingheaded, muddleheaded fellow- Isaac Sterne.


11. Numpad +: Confusion- When activated, the enemy is completely confused and will not react to your presence at all, even if you are uncloaked!


12. confused

12. But in so many cases where that wasn't there, one begins to deviate and become confused.


13. confused

13. So we are confused as losing our bearings, mislaying our previous dreams, and losing ourselves gradually.


14. He is as confused as my brother.


15. Please read all the message i have sent you so far and then know what you are doing in case if you did not understand me well and i am try all best to understand why you message is sound abnormal in my understanding but only you said that you are poor in english made me confused.


16. confused的解释

16. You are confused because any native speaker would be confused; and you are dealing with a legal document!


17. In our knowledge of Chinese contemporary and modern history, there are still many fields remaining untouched, whose mystery and abstrusity make us feel confused and helpless, just like when we face heaven and ocean. This knowledge can not even be comparable to our understanding of ancient history.


18. confused什么意思

18. Everyone seemed to be confused that our leading speaker could be so young and unsophisticated. We looked at him surprisingly, expecting his brilliant lecture.


19. confused的近义词

19. One of my friends told me about, they have expanded their Chinese community, blinded by greed, some people naturally breeds greed, to the right name, interests, etc., do everything possible to exclude dissidents, this time there have been the so-called Chuichentingzheng Empress Dowager Cixi, confused emperor, and Clifford Chance and others, the associations for these people into gangs, and members did not establish good communication mechanisms, associations, such as bureaucratic struggle in the ancient palace The temple, also fierce fighting, not members of the internal unity, Gouxindougu it and the other members of the dilemma, a small group of internal disputes, failed to hold a community speak with one voice, we must avoid this vicious competition and guard against with the United States of Envy, and friends into accuser.


20. I was so confused in today's history lesson. I didn`t understand a thing.


confused 词典解释

1. 困惑的;糊涂的

If you are confused, you do not know exactly what is happening or what to do.

e.g. A survey showed people were confused about what they should eat to stay healthy...


e.g. Things were happening too quickly and Brian was confused.



He shook his head confusedly.


2. 混乱的;难懂的

Something that is confused does not have any order or pattern and is difficult to understand.

e.g. The situation remains confused as both sides claim success.


e.g. ...a modern society in which values have become increasingly confused.


Note the difference in meaning between confused and confusing.

注意 confused 和 confusing 意义上的区别。confused 单语例句

1. Since the government should know the actual impact of price rise on poor people's lives, it ought not to be confused by the average CPI.

2. Ada's classmates were once very confused when they were late for class and the teacher said to them " you know ".

3. But while investors are right about China's economic importance to the world, they're clearly still confused about how to interpret a decline in Chinese stocks.

4. The problem with the government was that it confused personal security and collective security.

5. This might explain why the nation was confused at news that Gates and Buffett would come to town.

6. They become less communicative and more closed, confused between the virtual land and the real one.

7. Liverpool were grateful for the gift but it was a shambolic goal to concede and summed up Chelsea's confused display.

8. " Many Chinese people are confused by the two, " Peng said.

9. A severe earthquake in Taiwan on December 26 damaged several underwater telecommunications cables, leaving banks and trading houses swamped with queries from confused clients.

10. That includes roadwork which made some parts of the city noisy, and a lane on all major roads reserved for Games participants that sometimes confused people.

confused 英英释义


1. mentally confused

unable to think with clarity or act intelligently

e.g. the flood of questions left her bewildered and confused

2. lacking orderly continuity

e.g. a confused set of instructions

a confused dream about the end of the world

disconnected fragments of a story

scattered thoughts

Synonym: disconnecteddisjointeddisorderedgarbledillogicalscatteredunconnected

3. thrown into a state of disarray or confusion

e.g. troops fleeing in broken ranks

a confused mass of papers on the desk

the small disordered room

with everything so upset

Synonym: brokendisorderedupset

4. having lost your bearings

confused as to time or place or personal identity

e.g. I frequently find myself disoriented when I come up out of the subway

the anesthetic left her completely disoriented

Synonym: disorientedlost

5. perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements

filled with bewilderment

e.g. obviously bemused by his questions

bewildered and confused

a cloudy and confounded philosopher

just a mixed-up kid

she felt lost on the first day of school

Synonym: baffledbefuddledbemusedbewilderedconfoundedlostmazedmixed-upat sea