

anatomy:[英 [əˈnætəmi] 美 [əˈnætəmi] ]



anatomy 基本解释

名词解剖,分解,分析; (详细的)剖析; (生物体的)解剖结构; 骨骼

anatomy 相关例句


1. We studied the anatomy of the snake.


anatomy 网络解释

1. 解剖学:)医学人类学的研究主题人类进化(evolution) 解剖学(anatomy)流行病学(epidemiology)医病关系心理卫生 滥用药物健康和疾病定义 医务人员培养医疗管理人员医院组织与工作生物极与文化极生物极人类的生长发育(平均身高与体重变化,

2. 人体解剖学:人体解剖学(anatomy)是研究正常人体各部分形态、结构及其发生、发展规律的学科. 人体生理学(physioogy)是研究人体的功能及其活动规律的学科. 人体解剖生理学(Human anatomy and physiology)则是以人体解剖结构为基础,

3. 剖析:从文 体学的角度来看,这种以个人经验为题材的叙事方式,有自传的回顾与总结,随笔的轻盈与从容,日记的私密与幽暗,同时融合了小说(novel)、自白 (confession)、剖析(anatomy)和传奇(romance)的特点--它可以将虚构的故事、随意的絮语、内心的独白自由组合,

anatomy 双语例句

1. MA Wei/XU Fei(Department of Anatomy, Dalian Medical University, China): Polymorphism Studies Of D10S1248、D14S1434 And D22S1045 Ministr Loci Of Han Nationality Of The Northeast In China



2. Anatomy Any threadlike fiber or filament, such as a myofibril or neurofibril, that is a constituent of a cell or larger structure.


3. It was revealed by internal anatomy that the female of Chouioia cunea Yang has a pair of ovaries.


4. Among C4 plants, however, special leaf anatomy and a unique biochemical pathway enable the plant to thrive in arid conditions.


5. anatomy在线翻译

5. Among C4 plants, however, special leaf anatomy and a unique biochemical pathway enable the plant to thrive in and conditions.



6. Some difficulties have been encountered in the research and clinical application of spinal cord DTI due to its special anatomy and adjacent structures. Fast sequences have resolved the problems to some extend DTI study of the cervical spinal cord showed that ADC and FA values distribute with certain orderliness.


7. All flowers, from Amborella on, have the same basic anatomy.


8. RESULTS: There were many similarities between the Banna pig heart and the human heart in anatomy and histology. However, the following differences were observed in the Banna pig heart: 1. Azygos vein directly drew into right atrium cordis. 2. The intercalated disk of cardiac muscle was less than that of human. 3. The Purkinje`s fibre was bigger than that of human.

结果 版纳微型猪近交系心脏外形、各腔室及内部结构等与人心脏基本匹配,但是微型猪奇静脉直接开口于右心房;组织学观察微型猪心脏各部分结构组成及其细胞种类与人心脏相似,但是心肌闰盘较人的少,心室内膜下的蒲肯野氏纤维较人的粗大。

9. The geometry and anatomy of the surface of the cartilage and corresponding subchondral osseous contours of patellofemoral joint were different.

结果 1。髌股关节软骨形态和软骨下骨的形态是不一致的。

10. Yes, I never thought I will like anatomy too but it's so important as a foundation.


11. I do not like Greys Anatomy or Private Practice.

我不喜欢 greys 解剖或私人执业。


12. I have written Yogabody as if I were teaching an anatomy class.


13. anatomy的解释

13. I checked out fish anatomy for better to make modeling and texturing.


14. anatomy什么意思

14. Walking away from the course I thought to myself at the very least I had revised my anatomy knowledge!


15. Often, I was an anatomy instructor.


16. anatomy的翻译

16. In the new research, a team led by Professor Declan Murphy, Michael Craig and Marco Catani, of the Institute of Psychiatry at King`s College, London, compared the brain anatomy of pscyhopaths to that of ordinary people using a new scanning technique called diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging.


17. The anatomy relationship of venae hepaticae intermediae and its branches on gallbladder bed were analysed, which could be the reference during the LC. Results:For 112 patients suffered from inatrophic cholecystitis and cholecystolithiasis, whose gallbladders were decoherence directdly from ectoptygma muscular coat close to the gallbladder wall.


18. Objective: To investigate a new method for the study on coronal and sagittal sectional-imaging anatomy.


19. Detail Contents: Genetic disorders -- Immune deficiencies -- Breast cancer -- Colon cancer -- Melanoma -- Cystic fibrosis -- Hemophilia -- Liver disease -- Cardiovascular disease -- Muscular dystrophy -- Alzheimer's disease -- Parkinson's disease -- Huntington's disease -- Viruses: the cornerstone of gene therapy -- Viruses are living crystals -- Viral genomes may be RNA or DNA -- Viruses evolved from plasmids -- Viruses know how to infect cells -- The virus as a gene vehicle -- Viruses used in gene therapy -- Ashi DeSilva: a promising start -- Clinical trials defined -- Cells of the immune system -- Adenosine deaminase -- Preliminary research -- Clinical procedure for ADA gene therapy -- The DeSilva clinical trial -- Jesse Gelsinger: down to earth -- Ornithine transcarbamylase -- Preliminary research -- Clinical procedure for OTC gene therapy -- The Gelsinger clinical trial -- The investigation -- Concluding remarks -- Future prospects -- Safer vehicles -- Reducing immune rejection of the vector -- Improved risk assessment -- Redesigning human anatomy and physiology -- Ethics of gene therapy -- The Belmont report -- Clinical trials -- Physiological enhancement -- Cosmetic applications -- Legal issues -- Regulatory agencies -- The Gelsinger legal trial -- International regulation -- Resource center -- Eucaryote cell primer -- Recombinant DNA primer -- The human genome project -- X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID-X1)-- Alzheimer's disease -- Huntington's disease.

细节内容︰遗传疾病-免疫的缺乏-乳腺癌-结肠癌-黑瘤-囊性纤维变性-血友症-肝疾病-心血管疾病-肌营养不良-早老性痴呆病-帕金森疾病-亨廷顿疾病-病毒︰基础的基因治疗-病毒在活著水晶--病毒的基因可能是RNA或者DNA --病毒从plasmids被逐步形成--病毒知道怎样感染细胞--作为一辆基因车辆的病毒--基因治疗使用的病毒-Ashi DeSilva︰有希望开始-临床试验确定--细胞的这免疫系统-Adenosine deaminase-初步研究-临床程式给埃达基因治疗--这DeSilva临床试验-婕西Gelsinger︰到地球-Ornithine transcarbamylase-初步研究-临床程式给OTC基因治疗-- Gelsinger临床试验-调查-达成评论-前景-更安全的车辆--矢量的降低免疫的拒绝-改进风险估计-重新设计人解剖学和生理学--伦理学的基因治疗-那些贝拉蒙特报告-临床试验-生理提升-美容应用-法律问题-协调机构-- Gelsinger 合法审讯-国际管理-资源中心人物-Eucaryote信元第一-Recombinant DNA 入门--人类基因工程-- X 连结的严重的结合的免疫缺陷(SCID-X1)-早老性痴呆病--亨廷顿的疾病。

20. The company has superb medical experts and technical personnel, including graduated from the University of Leuven in Belgium, medical doctors of science and orthopaedic surgeons, they have advanced in the bone science, anatomy, bone physiology, biomechanics and materials science expertise and rich Clinical experience.


anatomy 词典解释

1. 解剖学

Anatomy is the study of the structure of the bodies of people or animals.

2. (人的)身体

You can refer to your body as your anatomy.

e.g. The ball hit him in the most sensitive part of his anatomy.


3. (动物体的)结构

An animal's anatomy is the structure of its body.

e.g. He had worked extensively on the anatomy of living animals.


4. 剖析;分析

The anatomy of a subject or an idea is an examination or investigation of it.

e.g. This was a troubling essay on the anatomy of nationhood.


anatomy 单语例句

1. The actor's future with " Grey's Anatomy " is uncertain.

2. Though merely the name of a part of the female anatomy, its utterance in public is likely to jar listeners - whatever their cultural background.

3. The news further deepened Ba Jin's hatred of the feudal system, driven him to dissect its anatomy in a novel that became an enduring masterpiece.

4. The clean white lab coats and anatomy charts on the wall reassures you that your qi will flow more healthily.

5. The two actresses share a love of hit TV show Grey's Anatomy and even watched the series'September premiere together in Shields'living room.

6. But Gilson Barreto and Marcelo de Oliveira believe Michelangelo also scattered his detailed knowledge of internal anatomy across 34 of the ceiling's 38 panels.

7. The work is important because medical researchers have hankered for an animal model that is closer to the human anatomy than rodents.

8. One guy Rihanna has her eye is'Grey's Anatomy'actor Jesse Williams - who plays her love interest in the video for'Russian Roulette'.

9. Musician Josh Kelley - who married the'Grey's Anatomy'actress in 2007 - was blown away when he met Katherine as they were so similar.

10. Ma's elder sister Ma Hui urged an open, recorded anatomy of her brother's body when journalists were at the scene.

anatomy 英英释义



1. a detailed analysis

e.g. he studied the anatomy of crimes

2. alternative names for the body of a human being

e.g. Leonardo studied the human body

he has a strong physique

the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

Synonym: human bodyphysical bodymaterial bodysomabuildfigurephysiqueshapebodchassisframeformflesh

3. the branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals

Synonym: general anatomy