

regulate:[英 [ˈregjuleɪt] 美 [ˈrɛɡjəˌlet] ]


过去式:regulated;   过去分词:regulated;   现在分词:regulating;

regulate 基本解释

及物动词调节,调整; 校准; 控制,管理

regulate 相关例句


1. Thermostats can be used to regulate the temperature of a room.


2. Private schools regulate the behavior of students.


3. The speed of the machine may be automatically regulated to pace the packing operation by an inner microcomputer.


4. Regulating your habits is conducive to good health.


regulate 网络解释

1. 调控:元认知是学习者对自身认知过程的认知,是学习者对认知过程的监督(monitor)、调控(regulate)和对多种认知策略进行调和(orchestrate)的活动. 元认知一词在被使用时,更多的是被当作一种能力、一个过程和一个对自身认知过程的控制者,

2. 调节:若再配合抽审条件的设计,提高品质监测指标异常院所的抽审机率,预期院所将透过预知、行为模仿、自律及自我反应等基本能力的运作,来驱使(initiate)、调节(regulate) 及维持(sustain) 其行为,在此自动修正的情况下,有助於提升基层照护品质(表2-1),

regulate 双语例句

1. Then I have another idea, feel, and the traffic lights is the law in order to regulate the normal activities of a human warning lights.



2. Application of needle valve to urban water and wasterwater treatment plants to avoid the cavitation and regulate water and air flow is introduced.


3. HUANGGUAXIANG could not only regulate the intestinal microecologieal balance, but also prevent the formation of hepatocarcinoma hydroperitonia.


4. Guston, we come to the conclusion that only setting up an intermediate organization and construction an organic ecology boundary between politics and science may control and regulate the degree of opening of the science system and intensity of the outer control, which is worthy of a meaningful try to find a way of self-organization evolution of scientific system.

戈斯顿(David H·Guston)的委托—代理者理论,在科学与政治之间建立中间组织,构建政治与科学的有机生态的边界,就能够起到控制和调节科学系统的开放度和外部控制强度的作用,这不失为寻求科学系统达到自组织进化的一种有意尝试。

5. Gonadotrophin could regulate the expression and activation of STAT3 in the luminal and glandular epithelium.


6. regulate在线翻译

6. You can regulate the ventilation of the insulators by chocolate.


7. You can regulate the ventilation of the insulators by calculating the circulation of manipulated chocolate.


8. You can regulate the ventilation of theinsulators by calculating the circulation of manipulated chocolate.


9. You can regulate the ventilation of the by calculating the circulation of insulators manipulated chocolate.


10. regulate的翻译

10. The Slingshot phosphatases(SSH1, SSH2, and SSH3) regulate microfilament dynamic assambly though regulation of the phosphorylation status of cofilin.


11. regulate

11. But during the postgraduate times I have gained a method of learning and analyzing problems, especially the studying of Statistics and Econometrics, from which I regulate my data processing method.


12. We use the kidney to research the issue of that cystamine can regulate kidney to improve the disease or not. In flow cytometry, we use CD8/CD4/CD25 makers to observe the balance of TH1/TH2, and we find that cystamine can raise TH2 expression to produce autoantibodies and also can induce overexpression of Treg to ease inflammation.

为了同时在免疫方面观察胱胺是否也有著能减缓SLE的倾向,进而深入了解观察肾脏这个重要的次级免疫器官,探讨cystamine是否对於肾脏也具有重要的调节作用进而能改善病症,在本实验中以flow cytometry对免疫倾向的确认,透过CD8/CD4/CD25 maker观察TH1/TH2 balance,发现胱胺能有效的反转SLE大量倾向TH2进而产生的自体抗体,同时也能增加 Treg的高量表达进而去抑制免疫反应缓解发炎。

13. regulate的反义词

13. It can be used for over 4 hours when charged for 2 hours by the output-Charger.3 Time delay Function of the switch: 45s to 6mins automatically regulate bright.


14. Thus, in the authors opinion, it is critical to establish a stipulative contract by which to regulate the cost coefficients b and the income ratio β to enhance the efficiency of monetary policy, inspiring commercial banks to behave in accordance with the bureaus expectation as much as possible.


15. regulate在线翻译

15. We have now identified at least four of its regulatory proteins that regulate distinct pools of PP1 gamma 2 within spermatozoa.


16. EBNA2 was shown to be able to down-regulate Mad2 and up-regulate Plk1. The dysregulation of Mad2 and Plk1 may lead to activation of APC/C and premature degradation of Securin.


17. Sincere smile can regulate the hormone of body, the body can produce Endorphin, it can let a person emit cheerful color from inside to outside and help his physical and mental health


18. GanLe capsule can regulate the engulfing index of little mices serum anthracic, can increase the contain of serum hemolysin, and the contractible thymus by CTX, but it have no effect to the T- lymphopoiesis out of body.


19. In addition, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commissions authority to regulate oil pipelines came from the Interstate Commerce Commission.


20. regulate的反义词

20. To solve the problem, we should regulate the tax handling of the returned profits of an investment.


regulate 词典解释

1. (尤指通过规章制度)管理,调整,控制

To regulate an activity or process means to control it, especially by means of rules.

e.g. The powers of the European Commission to regulate competition are increasing...


e.g. As we get older the temperature-regulating mechanisms in the body tend to become a little less efficient.



...a planned, state-regulated economy...


It's a treatment that can carry risks, and in Britain it's strictly regulated.

这种治疗方式可能会有危险,在英国是受到严格控制的。regulate 单语例句

1. A federal court in California has held that the Clean Water Act applies to ballast water and ordered the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate discharges.

2. The letter also promised the hotel would strictly regulate its management and do business strictly according to laws to avoid such cases in the future.

3. The central government adopted the hukou system in 1951 to restrict and regulate the movement of people by tying everyone to their place of birth.

4. The cable car company said one of the suspensions was needed to regulate the distance between the cabins.

5. Since large capital inflows or outflows can have destabilizing effects on a nation's economy, many countries have controls in place to regulate capital account flows.

6. From central banks to corporate board rooms, they try to regulate how goods and capital must flow around the globe.

7. The central government will also issue regulations on port investment to regulate operation of foreign capital.

8. He said the two sides should regulate trade through the early warning and consultation mechanisms on sensitive products and carefully handling bilateral trade problems.

9. The reform plan calls for government to regulate the pricing system of medicines, with particular control on the prices of essential drugs listed in the catalogue.

10. " I believed it'll help regulate the heavy pedestrian flows in districts such as Causeway Bay, " Wong said.

regulate 英英释义


1. check the emission of (sound)

Synonym: baffle

2. fix or adjust the time, amount, degree, or rate of

e.g. regulate the temperature

modulate the pitch

Synonym: modulate

3. shape or influence

give direction to

e.g. experience often determines ability

mold public opinion

Synonym: determineshapemoldinfluence

4. bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage

impose regulations

e.g. We cannot regulate the way people dress

This town likes to regulate

Synonym: regularizeregulariseordergovern