

selection:[英 [sɪˈlekʃn] 美 [sɪˈlɛkʃən] ]



selection 基本解释

名词选择; 被选中者; 可供选择的事物

selection 相关例句


1. selection的反义词

1. This volume contains selections from his early works.


2. She was my selection.


3. It took her a long time to make the selection of this dress.


selection 网络解释

1. 遴选:并加以分析(target analysis)「何时」、「何事」、「何地」、「为何」、「如何」并决定「何人」,设法接近诱导为我方工作. 1.遴选(selection) 确定对象可否接近?是否为敌方保防所注意?并确定其动机,期加以应用,而动机通常是以下三个因素互为混合──思想、感情、物质.

2. 甄选:所谓招募(Recruiting),意指吸引合格的应征者前来应征、参与甄选流程并愿意接受雇用;而甄选(Selection)系指经由科学化的流程与工具来搜集人员的信息,并利用这些信息来挑选出最符合职缺条件与组织想要的人选.

3. 选项:比如,选项(selection)与构筑(Compositing)的功能使后现代的拼贴(pastiche)和引用的观念凸现出来. 选项是将文化数据库中的因素和风格重新捡拾出来;而构筑则起到了将这些重新捡拾的东西加以拼接并组成新的作品. 构筑的概念看似简单,

selection 双语例句

1. First, we expand the adverse selection model of new regulatory economics and apply it to argue the design of incentive compatible mechanism of equity issue.


2. Selection of outsourcing projects for information systems is very important in outsourcing activities. After analyzing the existing selection approaches to outsourcing projects, a decision method of outsourcing projects combined with both the advantages of analytic hierarchy process and Preference Ranking Organization Methods for Enrichment Evaluations was proposed.

信息系统外包(15/IT outsourCing)是指在企业内部信息资源(信息技术人员、信息技术基础设施等)有限的情况下,为取得更大的竞争优势,用户公司通过契约关系将全部或者部分信息系统业务外包给信息技术供应商来完成的一种企业战略措施艺2一3〕。

3. From design, material selection, cutting, processing to finished all aspects of packaging are sure to do meticulous, elegant, distinctive originality.


4. selection的意思

4. It also represents the material selection, fabrication, installation and detection of U-tube heat exchanger.



5. First, cationics are easy to have electrical neutralization function with negative charged reservoirs and HPAM and other polymers, which will result in adsorption loss and precipitation loss, so the selection and use of the cationics should be careful. Second, chromatographic fractionation should be avoided in the application of various surfactants in the combination system. Third, the same type of surfactants makes little combination synergistic action, but it can remedy a defect of single surfactant.


6. It desides his selection in literary style that his live engenders emotional experience for destiny and reflection on living.


7. The fourth chapter presents a concept of infinite population according to the features of CCGA, and designs some particular methods for adversarial problems solving based on this concept. These methods include shared fitness, gene linkage, self-adapted mutation, phantom parasite, elitist population, shared sampling and brood selection. Then we give the explanation and argumentation of these methods in theory and in experiment.


8. Article 17 The selection or change of the managers and other senior managerial personnel of a fund manager shall be submitted to the securities regulatory department under the State Council for examination in accordance with the conditions for holding such office provided for by the present Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.


9. Article 17 The selection or change of the managers and other senior managerial personnel of a fund manager shall be submitted to the securities regulatory authority under the State Council for examination in accordance with the conditions for holding such office provided for by the present Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.


10. selection的近义词

10. The microstructure of materials depends on not only the phase selection at the onset of solidification, but also on the following microstructural evolution. In the present paper, the near equal atomic percent Ti-Al peritectic alloys were selected.


11. The final section, Section 6 contains clear and comprehensive selection tables for all the bearing types.


12. selection的解释

12. It is result that the future of submarine escape capsule which is significant to designed boats materials selection, manufacture and testing of models.


13. The alkoxylation of α pinene in propanol catalyzed by D 72 ion exchang resin was studied in this paper, α propyl terpinyl ether is a major addition product, which contains 50 percent of total selection of alkoxylation addition products.


14. Keywords Hip prosthesis; Preoperative super-selection system; Super-selection principle; Hip orthotopic microradiogram


15. At that time, art is intuitive and has no selection of materials.

在- 那时,艺术是直觉的、泛灵的、不择-料的。


16. This paper makes comparison of and analysis on the features, special requirements for engineering applications and cost of common pipe materials used in water supply works, and puts forward some corresponding suggestions for selection of pipe materials and construction techniques.


17. Spaces and the effect of white point selection is very important to producing images with the desired color fidelity.


18. At last, a super mutation anti-body clonal selection method applied to large scale JSSP is given, and the testing results show its much better performance comparing to genetic algorithm.


19. selection的意思

19. In NPK production, a correct selection and mixing of raw material varieties is very important to avoid phosphorus degradation.



20. In e-portfolio creation process, learners` abilities of item selection, presentation and organization are more critical to the success of portfolio creation and require more profound exploration.


selection 词典解释

1. 选拔;挑选;选择

Selection is the act of selecting one or more people or things from a group.

e.g. ...Darwin's principles of natural selection...


e.g. Dr. Sullivan's selection to head the Department of Health was greeted with satisfaction...


2. 挑选出来的一批人(或事物)

A selection of people or things is a set of them that have been selected from a larger group.

e.g. ...this selection of popular songs.


e.g. ...a dramatic rendition of selections from Dickens' A Christmas Carol.


3. (商店内)可供挑选的某类商品

The selection of goods in a shop is the particular range of goods that it has available and from which you can choose what you want.

e.g. It offers the widest selection of antiques of every description in a one day market.


selection 单语例句

1. Macao's wide selection of restaurants can now be accessed by means of a new online restaurant guide.

2. He also denied making any attempt to bypass the normal selection procedure, nor instruct anyone that the project be awarded to a particular agency.

3. The cadre selection system should be reformed to make the process more transparent and allow the public more say and a greater supervisory role.

4. China will change its method of cadre selection from appointment to open competition, according to a provisional regulation released Wednesday.

5. These opinions will also be incorporated into the work evaluation of officials in charge of local cadre selection and promotion.

6. This shows the trend of openness and democracy among the current cadre selection framework of China.

7. The statement called for efforts to intensify the supervision over the Party cadre selection procedures.

8. Among the courts in which jury trials are practiced, half have applied a random selection process to call on jurors to participate.

9. Its selection underlined the growing influence of Asia in Cannes and in world cinema generally, and of the enduring fascination with US culture.

10. There is a small counter by the ground floor entrance that sells traditional Cantonese wedding pastries as well as a selection of tea leaves.

selection 英英释义


1. the act of choosing or selecting

e.g. your choice of colors was unfortunate

you can take your pick

Synonym: choiceoptionpick

2. the person or thing chosen or selected

e.g. he was my pick for mayor

Synonym: choicepick

3. a passage selected from a larger work

e.g. he presented excerpts from William James' philosophical writings

Synonym: excerptexcerptionextract

4. an assortment of things from which a choice can be made

e.g. the store carried a large selection of shoes

5. a natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment

Synonym: survivalsurvival of the fittestnatural selection