

culminate:[英 [ˈkʌlmɪneɪt] 美 [ˈkʌlməˌnet] ]


过去式:culminated;   过去分词:culminated;   现在分词:culminating;

culminate 基本解释


culminate 相关例句


1. A reading from Shakespeare culminates the performance.


2. Their marriage culminated their long friendship.



1. The tower culminates in a 40-foot spire.


2. The battle culminated in total victory.


culminate 网络解释

1. 达到顶点:cultivated 耕耘的, 有教养的, 栽植的 | culminate 达到顶点 | preposition 前置词

2. culminate的近义词

2. 达到顶点,达到最高潮:1. culminate 达到顶点,达到最高潮 | 2. insuperable 不可逾越的,不可克服的 | 3. tarlatan 薄纱,塔拉丹

3. 到绝顶:culmiferous 碳质页岩的 | culminate 到绝顶 | culminating 到绝顶的

4. 达到定点:culinary厨房地 | culminate达到定点v | culp罪(词根)

culminate 双语例句

1. culminate的近义词

1. There is a grotesque horror about its comedies, and its tragedies seem to culminate in farce.


2. culminate的意思

2. All that you have learned and all that you have been through culminate in this place now.


3. Will culminate in an appealing union with you.


4. That will culminate in Copenhagen in December.



5. These studies should culminate in a broader range of scientific''.


6. But it could yet culminate in another big deal.


7. These studies should culminate in a broader range of scientific data to facilitate the development of sound environmental policies.


8. All his efforts culminate in success.


9. The stage is set for global negotiations which will culminate in the Copenhagen climate summit in December.


10. Only Galliano could move from Edie's black leotards and flat crocodile knee boots through striped paillette minidresses, pea coats, and mod caps to culminate—without a single stumble—in russet Empire-line velvet and ethereal Directoire ivory organza.

只有加里亚诺可以从edie的黑色紧身衣和单位鳄鱼膝皮靴,通过条纹paillette minidresses ,豌豆大衣,帽子和按付款当日价格计算,以达到高潮-没有一个单一的蹒跚-在russet帝国在线天鹅绒和醚directoire象牙organza 。

11. In the southeast, the North and South Downs culminate in the White Cliffs of Dover.


12. Wear of the polyethylene counterface results in osteolysis and impingement, both of which culminate in aseptic loosening.


13. culminate什么意思

13. And ultimately, it was the old wineskin that burst – and a new world, which will culminate in Jesus` return, was begun.


14. Everyone feared that the boundary dispute between these two countries would culminate in a war.


15. The situation of Sanyuan mingles hope and fear, even slightest inadvertency may culminate adversity. Thus to Sanyuan, there`s no room for complacency but long way to go to implement its strategy for industrial marketing.


16. culminate的近义词

16. In a sense, those efforts culminate this week.


17. They would culminate in a swift, controlled sound of footsreps along the passage, the rustle of a print drees, the subdued chink of tea-things as the tray was deposited on the table outsade, then the soft knock and the entry of Mary to draw the curtains.



18. A month of festivities ranging from motorcar events to massive fireworks displays will culminate with an annual flower and march-past parade on August 31, when the nation will celebrate 50 years of freedom from former British rulers.


19. These wraparound units culminate in an upswept rear edge, introducing a Saab design theme from the 9-5 range and classic 900 model.


20. After the initial prevalence of the Han Dynasty, the Tang and Song Dynasties Cuju activities culminate, and even appeared in court in accordance with the location of the division of the kick.


culminate 词典解释

1. (以…)结束,告终

If you say that an activity, process, or series of events culminates in or with a particular event, you mean that event happens at the end of it.

e.g. They had an argument, which culminated in Tom getting drunk...


e.g. The celebration of the centenary will culminate with a dinner on November 20.


culminate 单语例句

1. After unwrapping the chocolate and washing away the fragrant mud, an essence oil Chinese massage is a good option to culminate the effect.

2. Tao said the consolidation exercise is likely to start at the provincial level by the end of this year and culminate in nationwide consolidation later.

3. The discussion on these measures will culminate at an EU meeting in June.

4. If massive populations were struck down, even a low mortality rate would culminate in devastating death tolls.

5. He said he had planned to culminate the attacks by assassinating Obama, then a US senator and presidential candidate.

6. Negotiations culminate in Copenhagen in December when delegates will attempt to complete a treaty to replace the Kyoto Protocol which expires in 2012.

7. The joint maneuvers will culminate with a live interception of a Patriot missile, the report said.

8. " It's really awesome to have everything culminate here in Hawaii, " he said.

9. The event will culminate on April 6 with London playing host to the Olympic Flame as part of the Beijing Olympics Torch Relay.

10. The campaign will culminate with the awards ceremony to be held in May 2010 in Shanghai.

culminate在线翻译culminate 英英释义


1. rise to, or form, a summit

e.g. The helmet culminated in a crest

2. bring to a head or to the highest point

e.g. Seurat culminated pointillism

3. end, especially to reach a final or climactic stage

e.g. The meeting culminated in a tearful embrace

Synonym: climax

4. reach the highest altitude or the meridian, of a celestial body

5. reach the highest or most decisive point