

amenable:[英 [əˈmi:nəbl] 美 [əˈminəbəl, əˈmɛnə-] ]


amenable 基本解释


形容词(对法律等)负责的; 易控制的; 经得起检验(或考查)的; 可用某种方式处理的

amenable 相关例句


1. The case is not amenable to ordinary rules.


2. He is amenable to reason.


amenable 网络解释

1. amenable的反义词

1. 顺从:a + men + able一个人(a)面对一群人(men)时当然要多讲道理、顺从(amenable)一点啦,好汉不吃眼前亏嘛. ten + a + city 只剩下十个(ten)人了,还在坚守一座(a)城市(city),真可称得上不屈不挠、坚忍不拔(tenacity)了吧. 复制本文链接(URL)发送给朋友:

2. 有责任,应服从的:ameliorate 改善 | amenable 有责任,应服从的 | amend 修正,改良

3. 应服从的, 有服从义务的, 有责任的:amenable 应服从的, 有服从义务的, 有责任的 | fuel pump push rod 油泵推杆 | climaticatlas 气候图册

4. amenable的翻译

4. 应负责的,有义务的:AMEL (aero-medical equipment laboratory 航空医学设备实验室 | amenable 应负责的,有义务的 | amend 修正,改正

amenable 双语例句

1. A Multidisciplinary methodology for aircraft design is not a single tool but rather a very large toolbox, including optimizers, the various analysis codes, an interface that enables the interaction of the various parts and an optimization strategy that makes the solution of a very complex problem amenable to an automated process.


2. Small pump pumping technology in deep Linpan Oilfield Eastern Provisional Application Abstract: With the temporary set-depth development of the oil field development, due to the complexity of the Eastern Pro small block structure broken, and so are less amenable to the corresponding water features, can only rely on the exploitation of natural energy, the energy of formation declining, then the more liquid oil move To lower the number of oil well lead to even stop production wells.


3. amenable的翻译

3. Small and medium sized suprasellar lesions located in the midline, with or without a limited parasellar extension and without involvement of vascular structures, seem amenable to be resected through such extended endoscopic transsphenoidal approach.


4. amenable的翻译

4. Small and medium sized suprasellar lesions located in the midline, with or without a limited parasellar extension and without inolement of ascular structures, seem amenable to be resected through such extended endoscopic transsphenoidal approach.


5. amenable是什么意思

5. Opinions similar in principle to these, already prevail widely among the artizan class, and weigh oppressively on those who are amenable to the opinion chiefly of that class, namely, its own members.


6. transrectal endosonography is a useful technique for the selection of patients for TEM but is amenable to further improvement.


7. Mind, I don't say a CRIME; I am not speaking of shedding of blood or any other guilty act, which might make the perpetrator amenable to the law:my word is ERROR.


8. amenable的意思

8. Robust and amenable to HTS. All reagents are compatible with highthroughput liquid handling instruments.



9. I often find there's a dearth of brass tacks answers in Internet tutorials so if you've got this far I'll guess you are either familiar with or amenable to a Web request that is formatted...


10. However, dynamic capabilities have been viewed as abstract phenomena not amenable to managerial action.


11. Waters with low SUVA values contain primarily non-humic organic matter and are not amenable to enhanced coagulation.


12. amenable

12. Now sudd ly many factors in international relations seemed amenable to creative diplomacy at the same time.


13. It requires that their proposals must be subject to argument and amenable to reason.



14. As an authoritarian regime, it obviously will not be amenable to an open and anonymous net regime. Protecting information on the Internet is a responsibility of U. S. corporations and their security tools, not the State Department.


15. The purpose was not to carry her away to Mars, but to elicite her friendship so that she might approach other elites amenable to help those foisting this hoax.


16. His scientific discoveries are amenable to the laws of physics.


17. amenable的意思

17. The Chairman explained to the Taxpayer that whereas assessors are often amenable to adopting a lenient approach to the question of expenses based on empirical considerations the Board has no such discretion.


18. Fostering this belief is hardly a way to make people more amenable to painful changes at home.


19. She'll be amenable to any sensible suggestions.


20. She will be amenable to any sensible suggestions.


amenable 词典解释

1. 顺从的;服从的

If you are amenable to something, you are willing to do it or accept it.

e.g. The Jordanian leader seemed amenable to attending a conference...


e.g. I never had a long-term relationship as I wasn't good enough, or interesting or amenable enough.


amenable 单语例句

1. The amenable dog lies down to let the cat nurse on demand.

2. Burns acknowledged that not all states are amenable to imposing sanctions and suggested Washington might seek to have willing countries act outside the Security Council.

3. Officials said the Chinese were amenable to a smaller plane - but that would involve further dismantling the plane to make it fit.

4. Bolton indicated he was amenable to using other language which would make the resolution mandatory as Chapter 7 language does.

5. Many of the new generation of China experts in the United States were educated in the island and therefore are more amenable towards it.

amenable 英英释义



1. disposed or willing to comply

e.g. someone amenable to persuasion

Synonym: conformable

2. liable to answer to a higher authority

e.g. the president is amenable to the constitutional court

3. open to being acted upon in a certain way

e.g. an amenable hospitalization should not result in untimely death

the tumor was not amenable to surgical treatment

4. readily reacting to suggestions and influences

e.g. a responsive student

Synonym: tractable