

temptation:[英 [tempˈteɪʃn] 美 [tɛmpˈteʃən] ]



temptation 基本解释

名词诱惑,引诱; 诱惑物

temptation 相关例句


1. Don't give in to temptation.


temptation 网络解释

1. 邪念,诱惑:ecstasy 销魂 | temptation 邪念,诱惑 | blasphemy, profanation 亵渎

temptation 双语例句

1. Thus the temptation arises to deny, or to evade, the comprehensive character of politics and to treat politics as one compartment among many.


2. Such a market position brings inevitable temptation to exploit it.


3. There is one full of mysterious and forbidden temptation.


4. And temptation is like a powerful wind that blows on that stream.


5. I couldn`t resist the temptation to buy it.


6. I gave in to temptation and had a cigarette.


7. temptation的近义词

7. As the coat was a real bargain, I couldn`t resist the temptation to buy it.


8. Temptation red: often used in jellies and lollipops.


9. And when a dire prophecy from environmentalism's jeremiad looks as if it is coming true, as the price of petroleum rises through the roof and the idea that oil might run out is no longer whispered in corners but openly discussed, there is a temptation to believe that the end of the world is, indeed, nigh.


10. They maintain teamwork even when things are going wrong and the temptation is to slip back into former team unfriendly behavior.


11. Despite the temptation to view my candidacy through a purely racial lens, we won commanding victories in states with some of the whitest populations in the country.


12. temptation

12. Despite the temptation to view my candidacy through a purely racial lens, we won commanding victories in the states with some of the whitest populations in the country.


13. Why comes temptation, but for man to meet and master and crouch beneath his foot, and so be pedestaled in triumph?


14. The Heart of Everything is the fourth full-length studio album by the Dutch symphonic metal band Within Temptation, to be released in mid-March 2007. Unlike the band's previous albums, The Heart of Everything is to be released in the United States.

这么多年来在Within Temptation的身上或者可以说后期的他们,急风骤雨般的层层金属重量感,时时能吸引住听者的耳朵,《The Heart Of Everything》不论在各方面都较上张专辑成熟,不仅在音乐上的突破,更是在精神上传达了那种特有的音乐品质。

15. Others may suggest it's the temptation of the office chocolate machine.



16. This stress from home and the temptation of all that drug money at his job is causing him to jump back and forth from being a good cop to a bad cop.


17. temptation的反义词

17. I recall my childhood, always that temptation in the kitchen, a busy mother and oven baked delicious cakes are wonderful stay in the memories.


18. For a long time no diary, and I do not like talking, only the memories hidden in the memory of the haze, it brought out the soul of the world, changing ourselves, to change the life, I think I can insist, in order to dream I will be the temptation to abandon all of the.


19. Perhaps the temptation to declaim on such grand stage is too much to resist.


20. Gustave Flaubert(1821-1880)is considered to be a famous writer in the 19 century in france. The works of Flaubert concluede Madame Bovery, Sentimental Education, Salammbo, The temptation of saint Anthony, Three Story, Letters, Bouvard and Pécuchet, and so on.

居斯塔夫·福楼拜(Gustave Flaubert,1821-1880)是19世纪法国著名小说家家,作品主要有长篇小说《包法利夫人》、《萨朗波》、《情感教育》、《圣安东尼的诱惑》、《布瓦尔与佩库歇》;短篇小说集《三故事》;书信集等。

temptation 词典解释

1. 诱惑;引诱;诱惑物;诱因

If you feel you want to do something or have something, even though you know you really should avoid it, you can refer to this feeling as temptation. You can also refer to the thing you want to do or have as a temptation .

e.g. Will they be able to resist the temptation to buy?


e.g. ...the many temptations to which you will be exposed.


temptation 单语例句temptation

1. The temptation is strong to view China as a rising star with volcanic buying power.

2. No one can resist the temptation of ice cream in the summer.

3. Intensified argument indicates that the authorities have resisted the temptation to come to any conclusion before the issue has been thoroughly studied.

4. When a dog comes home from a walk filthy and smelling of something unmentionable, the temptation sometimes is to throw the darn thing in the washing machine.

5. These staff need to pay particular attention company loyalty and daily work objectives, and not be influenced by prejudice or temptation.

6. With the crucial information in hand and facing the temptation of getting rich overnight, they trap themselves in a fatal dilemma.

7. Pledged teens choose an " accountability partner " a friend to back them up and go on weekend " group dates " to distract them from temptation.

8. If experimental results do not measure up to the prediction, then there is always a temptation to manipulate the results.

9. But they obviously do not suffice to counter the temptation of the easy money and fame obtained with the help of steroids.

10. But the White House appears serious about its declared intent to avoid triumphalism or the temptation to exploit the event for electoral gains.

temptation 英英释义



1. the act of influencing by exciting hope or desire

e.g. his enticements were shameless

Synonym: enticement

2. something that seduces or has the quality to seduce

Synonym: enticement

3. the desire to have or do something that you know you should avoid

e.g. he felt the temptation and his will power weakened