

swine:[英 [swaɪn] 美 [swaɪn] ]



swine 基本解释

名词猪; 讨厌鬼; 下流坯; 讨厌的人


swine 相关例句


1. He realized what a swine he had been.


2. That swindler inspired dislike in me.


swine 网络解释

1. 猪(集体名词):boar 未阉的公猪 | swine 猪(集体名词) | piglet 小猪

2. 猪类:斑猫 tabby | 猪类 swine | 泽鹿 swamp deer

3. 猪头:If only it were that simple, sire.|陛下,如果真的有那么简单就好了 | Swine!|猪头! | Is there a problem, sir?|有何不妥吗,先生?

swine 双语例句

1. Federal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, director of public health science and its Sudrajat said that the United States with swine influenza virus from pigs in North America, Europe, pigs, poultry and human hybrid gene sequencing.


2. Here swine, because it is the terminology that pig, hog cholera for swine fever.

在这里用swine,是因为它是猪的术语说法,猪瘟为swine fever。

3. swine的意思

3. And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.


4. swine的解释

4. In addition, the reassortment of H3N2 human and H1N1 swine influenza virus in pigs was common in recent years.


5. swine

5. Kidney worm disease; larva migrans; Swine disease


6. Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their vessels

65:4 在坟墓间坐着,在隐密处住宿,吃猪肉,他们器皿中有可憎之物作的汤。


7. Which remain among the graves, and lodge in the monuments, which eat swine's flesh, and broth of abominable things is in their veel

65:4 在坟墓间坐着,在隐密处住宿,吃猪肉,他们器皿中有可憎之物作的汤。

8. swine的反义词

8. Who sit among the graves And lodge overnight in the secret places; Who eat swine's flesh And the broth of abominations in their pots

65:4 在坟墓间坐着,在隐密处住宿;他们吃猪肉,器皿中有可憎之物作的汤

9. Classical swine fever virus, Bovine viral diarrhea virus, Border disease virus, and Giraffe pestivirus are members of the pestivirus genus within the family of Flaviviridae.


10. Heinie - A pronunciation of H1N1, the swine flu virus.

海泥--甲流病毒 HINI 的发音。

11. Years old of half are awaited, as a result of a few things in the home, cause uncle and father relation feud, still the person that there is 90% in the village at that time elbows out my home, the uncle heard the word of others, drank pesticide to chop an uncle, just touch on my father, my father said him a few, chasing after father to chop, my father runs, he comes to my home, just my mom takes yam to come out to feed a swine in cellar, I above, my head dropped within an inch of, fortunately my mom helps me subdue an uncle, but as a result of this reason, the uncle died not in time because of rescue later, village person is maintained readily is my mom do.


12. swine的反义词

12. Since 2006 it has been hammered by an electoral crisis, a swooning economy and the swine-flu epidemic.


13. Swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.


14. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

马太福音 7:6 不要把圣物给狗,也不要把你们的珍珠丢在猪前,恐怕它践踏了珍珠,转过来咬你们。

15. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs` neither cast ye your pearls before swine; lest they trample them under their feet and turn again and rend you.


16. swine在线翻译

16. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.



17. How did the swine industry get a bad rap on this?



18. One pair of specific primers to aim at PRRSV N2 gene was designed by software Oligo6.0 and used to PRRSV N2 gene of amplification and sequencing in PRRSV positive cases from swine high fever.

利用软件Oligo6.0设计1对针对PRRSV N2基因的特异性引物,对已检测为PRRSV阳性的病料进行PRRSV N2基因扩增及测序。

19. Swine flu spreads to humans mainly through contact with infected pigs, which shed the virus in their saliva, nasal secretions and faeces.


20. (1)Compared with the early phase cardioprotection induced by-opioid receptor agonist DADLE after CPB in swine, the late phase cardioprotection has more advantages.


swine 词典解释The form swines is used as the plural for meaning 1; swine is used as both the singular and plural for meaning 2. swines 用作义项 1 的复数形式; swine 用于义项 2 时单复数同形。

1. 讨厌鬼;猪猡;下流坯

If you call someone a swine, you dislike them or think that they are a bad person, usually because they have behaved unpleasantly towards you.


A swine is a pig.


e.g. ...imports of live swine from Canada.


e.g. ...pigs with swine fever.


swine 单语例句

1. Colombia on Sunday reported South America's first confirmed case of swine flu a day after Costa Rica reported the first in Central America.

2. He added Hong Kong's swine flu vaccine supply does not have added adjuvant.

3. Ruzhou has succeeded in transforming its small raising scale into a large and organized one, making it a major production base for meat and commercial swine in China.

4. But he warned that more people may contract the disease in the next two weeks, as it remains a peak period for human swine flu.

5. The policy shift came a day after Egypt began slaughtering thousands of pigs in a misguided effort to prevent swine flu.

6. Due to the threat of human swine influenza, the government has deferred the consultation exercise on healthcare financing.

7. With little definite knowledge of the swine flu, a downward revision of the global growth forecast looks premature at present.

8. Many people 55 and older have some degree of immunity to the swine flu virus, perhaps from exposure decades ago to a similar virus or vaccine.

9. Huang said the hospitals have advanced medical facilities and laboratory techniques and can make fast and accurate diagnoses of swine flu cases.

10. Russian football fans have been advised to drink whisky to protect themselves against swine flu ahead of next month's World Cup qualifying match in Wales.

swine 英英释义


1. stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals