

shipwreck:[英 [ˈʃɪprek] 美 [ˈʃɪpˌrɛk] ]


过去式:shipwrecked;   复数形式:shipwrecks;

shipwreck 基本解释

名词灭亡,毁灭,失败,挫败; 船只失事,(海滩上的)失事船残骸


shipwreck 相关例句


1. shipwreck

1. Only three people were saved from the shipwreck.


2. shipwreck的近义词

2. The whole family perished in a shipwreck.


shipwreck 网络解释

1. shipwreck

1. 沉船:我愿意整个假期都无所事事,但是我的老公喜欢活动,所以我们通过潜水中心做了两次徒手潜水--洞穴(Caves)和沉船(Shipwreck),两个都非常棒,就算你像我一样,游泳不是很棒,我也建议你去一次--我租了一个救生衣,这使我感觉很高兴,

2. shipwreck的意思

2. 海难:基洛夫级舰载"花岗岩"(Granit)远程反舰导弹系统,因为威力巨大,北约组织命名为SS-N-19"海难"(Shipwreck),二十枚SS-N-19导弹安装在上甲板,呈一个60°仰角.

3. 遇难船:造船厂 shipyard | 遇难船 shipwreck | 造船厂 ship yard

4. 失事,遇难:to run aground 搁浅 | shipwreck 失事,遇难 | wreck 破损,毁坏

shipwreck 双语例句

1. shipwreck的翻译

1. Shipwreck and on land.


2. shipwreck的近义词

2. Leblanc should purchase, was nothing else, as the reader has divined, than the sign of his tavern painted, as it will be remembered, by himself, the only relic which he had preserved from his shipwreck at Montfermeil.


3. Video the main speaker at a centenarians to see a team of explorers has been the sinking of the Titanic 80 years found in a shipwreck on well-preserved sketch - one wearing a diamond necklace of the young woman recalled that at that time in Thailand坦尼克happened on board the day moving to the sense of the love and the after shipwreck.


4. Prison escapee, high-stakes politician, shipwreck survivor, Grotius was a remarkable man who led a remarkable life.


5. After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose, years of sabbatical.



6. Based on the investigation to the reasons for shipwreck in Hongze Lake during the past decade, wind and waves are identified as the main factors.


7. shipwreck

7. Whereas there is, at this time, not without the shipwreck of many souls, and grievous detriment to the unity of the Church, a certain erroneous doctrine disseminated touching Justification; the sacred and holy, oecumenical and general Synod of Trent, lawfully assembled in the Holy Ghost, --the most reverend lords, Giammaria del Monte, bishop of Palaestrina, and Marcellus of the title of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, priest, cardinals of the holy Roman Church, and legates apostolic a latere, presiding therein, in the name of our most holy father and lord in Christ, Paul III.

鉴于,在这个时候,不是没有沉船的许多心灵,严重损害教会合一的,有一定错误的学说传播感人的理由;的神圣和神圣的,oecumenical和一般主教的遄达,合法聚集在圣灵-最可敬的毒枭,G iammaria蒙特,主教P alaestrina,并玛尔凯的标题十字架在耶路撒冷,神父,主教的神圣罗马教会,并l egates使徒一l atere,主持其中,在名称我们最神圣的父亲和老爷在基督,保罗三。

8. shipwreck是什么意思

8. To demand internal assent from all the faithful to his teaching under pain of incurring spiritual shipwreck according to the expression used by Pius IX in defining the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin.

要求内部赞同从所有忠实于他的教学下的痛苦,招致精神沉船( naufragium信)根据表达所用的碧岳九,在确定圣母无染原罪观之美属维尔京。

9. We have nothing more to say; and it is with a sort of terror that we look on, at the bottom of that sea which is called the past, behind those colossal waves, at the shipwreck of those immense vessels, Babylon, Nineveh, Tarsus, Thebes, Rome, beneath the fearful gusts which emerge from all the mouths of the shadows.


10. Jonathan Swift's best fictional work, contains four parts, each about one particular voyage during which Gulliver has extraordinary adventures on some remote island after he has met with shipwreck or piracy or some other misfortune.


11. The book contains four parts, each dealing with one particular voyage which Gulliver meets with extraordinary adventures on some remote island after he has met with shipwreck or piracy or some other misfortune.


12. The Bronze Age shipwreck's main cargo was hundreds of copper and tin ingots such as these.


13. shipwreck什么意思

13. Now, I begin to think that my reputation, such as it is, will suffer shipwreck if I so candid.


14. Shipwreck followed upon shipwreck on the reefs between Old Skagen and the Hunsby dunes.


15. Now the submarines'hulls have been discovered by a team led by Selcuk Kolay, a Turkish marine engineer, who will present his findings to a shipwreck conference in Britain this week.

现在潜艇的船体已经发现了领导的一个研究小组selcuk kolay ,土耳其海洋工程师,在英国这个星期他们将出席他的发现沉船会议。

16. St. Vincent and Caribbean Island (Black Caribs, Garífuna) some mixed blood from a shipwreck in 1675, suspected of holding the flight crew escaped black slaves. In 1795, they were deported to Roatan Island, Honduras, henceforth referred to as the descendants of settlers Garífuna this.

圣文森岛的黑加勒比人(Black Caribs,Garífuna)的血统有一部分混合自一场1675年沉船事件中,疑似挟持船员逃脱的逃亡黑奴。1795年,他们被放逐到洪都拉斯的罗阿坦岛,称为Garífuna的后裔从此定居于此。

17. He died in a shipwreck off the south coast.


18. And I certainly do not wish to imply that your time at Harvard Medical School was a shipwreck.


19. That's when the shipwreck happens, and again, the story picks up with the BlizzCon portion.


20. The miserable condition of the shipwreck is the epitome of the high price of the Nazi war.


shipwreck 词典解释

1. 船舶失事;船只遇难;海难

If there is a shipwreck, a ship is destroyed in an accident at sea.

e.g. He was drowned in a shipwreck off the coast of Spain.


e.g. ...the perils of storm and shipwreck.


2. 遇难船只;失事船只;沉船

A shipwreck is a ship which has been destroyed in an accident at sea.

3. 使(人)遭遇海难

If someone is shipwrecked, their ship is destroyed in an accident at sea but they survive and manage to reach land.

e.g. He was shipwrecked after visiting the island...


e.g. The shipwrecked couple were rescued by two fishermen.


shipwreck 单语例句shipwreck

1. Life of Pi is a fable about a boy and a tiger who survive a shipwreck.

2. But it was not until 2001 that China's first generation underwater archaeologists explored the site and found the exact location of the shipwreck.

3. Odyssey insists the shipwreck was outside any country's territorial waters but would not give the exact location or name of the ship.

4. At a depth of 27 meters, archaeological diver Ruan Youhao found the baseline he laid along a shipwreck last July.

5. BEIJING - More than 30 archaeological shipwreck sites have been discovered off the country's shoreline, the national oceanic body has reportedly said.

6. The shipwreck came days after maritime salvage team of Yantai announced an advanced vessel had been applied for maritime rescue.

7. Datong International Shipping Management Company Ltd has reported the shipwreck to the Qingdao City Administration which immediately mobilized rescue operation.

8. The shipwreck has become a tourist attraction on the southern Oregon coast.

9. Rodents have reigned at Rat Island at the western end of the Aleutians since the 1780 shipwreck of a Japanese sailing ship.

10. The seashells stuck to the bowls are reminders of the shipwreck more than two centuries ago.

shipwreckshipwreck 英英释义


1. a wrecked ship (or a part of one)

2. an accident that destroys a ship at sea

Synonym: wreck

3. an irretrievable loss

e.g. that was the shipwreck of their romance


1. destroy a ship

e.g. The vessel was shipwrecked

2. cause to experience shipwreck

e.g. They were shipwrecked in one of the mysteries at sea

3. suffer failure, as in some enterprise

4. ruin utterly

e.g. You have shipwrecked my career