

tampon:[英 [ˈtæmpɒn] 美 [ˈtæmpɑ:n] ]


过去式:tamponed;   过去分词:tamponed;   现在分词:tamponing;   复数形式:tampons;

tampon 基本解释

名词卫生棉塞; 止血棉塞


tampon 网络解释

1. tampon的近义词

1. 卫生棉条:在此期间,你需要使用卫生棉(pad),以免弄污衣服,但不要使用卫生棉条(tampon),因为可能造成细菌感染. 我的感觉会怎么样? 像做完其它大手术一样,子宫切除术后,你可能会感到闷闷不乐或想哭. 这是正常的反应,医生和护士也明白.

2. tampon

2. 塞,塞子:tambour (记纹)气鼓 | tampon 塞,塞子 | tampon holder 持塞器

3. tampon在线翻译

3. 塞子:tampion 木塞 | tampon 塞子 | tan 茶色

4. 止血栓:止血剂 Styptic preparations | 止血栓 tampon | 止血药条 Hemostatic pencils

tampon 双语例句

1. I'm the only one in there without a tampon in my pocketbook, so they just deferred to me.


2. Most of us will try to use a tampon at sometime, so it's important to know how to insert a tampon in the right way. It might seem tricky at first, but after trying several times, insertion becomes as easy as putting on a glove.


3. Yes. I was a Thigh Mega Tampon.


4. I tried smoking a tampon, wet my brother`s bed twice, stole a car, got in a bar fight, ate some goldfish, played naked frisbee...



5. I don't know whose tampon this is.


6. All you have to do is coat the tampon in the yogurt and place that inside of your vagina.


7. No, I don't have a tampon and probably will never need one again.

我没有 而且可能再也不需要了

8. That was my last tampon. Are you packing?


9. The only thing she could come up with? A tampon.


10. Will nurse now process and experience report are as follows, consult in order to offer broad colleague. 1 nurse 2003-2007 of case of illness year, this academy shares 23 patients to accompany hair bedsore, age 45~81 year old, among them male 14, female 19 happen before 9; courtyard, erupt simultaneously inside the courtyard blood-vessel of 4; head is accident patient 17, patient of femur neck fracture 4, handkerchief gold family name solicits a patient integratedly 1, the whole body with most bedsore of a; has qualitative patient of evil fluid of terminal cancer of the stomach ten place, only place area is the largest amount to 8 Cm of 8 Cm ×, fester rate is the latest already produced fester sex to musculature necrotic. 2 nurse 1 article of 2 · prepares the method beautiful treasure is wet burn creams 1, the alexipharmic French chalk that contains borneol is bowl of right amount, physiological saline tampon, forceps, cure, curved dish, autograph of fluid of disinfection of iodic bend over, cotton, gauze, adhesive plaster, bumf, towel, washbasin. 2 · 2 operations measure 2 · of 2 · 1 wash one's hands, carry guaze mask, use content together to place cure fully push on the car to the bed by, make good explanation work to patient or its family member, obtain cooperation. 2 · of 2 · 2 close good door window, when necessary screen keep out, help patient takes appropriate position, reveal affected part, underlay bumf.

现将护理过程及心得报告如下,以供广大同仁参考。1护理病例2003-2007年,本院共有23例患者伴发褥疮,年龄45~81岁,其中男14例,女9例;院前发生19例,院内并发4例;脑血管意外患者17例,股骨颈骨折患者4例,帕金氏综合征患者1例,晚期胃癌恶液质患者1例;褥疮最多的全身有十几处,单处面积最大的达8 cm×8 cm,溃烂程度最深的已至肌肉组织并发生化脓性坏死。2护理方法2·1物品预备美宝湿润烧伤膏1支、含冰片的消毒滑石粉适量、生理盐水棉球、镊子、治疗碗、弯盘、碘伏消毒液、棉签、纱布、胶布、卫生纸、毛巾、脸盆、42℃温开水半盆。2·2操作步骤2·2·1洗手,带口罩,备齐用物放置治疗车上推至床旁,向患者或其家属作好解释工作,取得合作。2·2·2关好门窗,必要时屏风遮挡,帮助患者取适宜体位,暴露患处,下垫卫生纸。

11. Up until 1990s, doctor`s understanding of the relation between Toxic-Shock Syndrome and tampon as expressed in the newspaper and magazines in Taiwan was much dated. It repeated the dated version noted by Western medical professionals in early 1980s.


12. Tampon user-rate in Taiwan is so low (2.1%) whereas the rate in the West is so high (81%). It attributes to the views that Taiwan medical professionals, government and the public associate tampons with Toxic-Shock Syndrome and hymen myth, as a result, the selling locations and distribution of tampons is restricted by the health policy.



13. All you have to do is get a non-applicator kind of tampon and use a lubricant like olive oil or even KY to wet the top portion of it.


14. tampon的意思

14. Partial tampon splenic artery; hypersplenia; esophageal varices


15. Got your period? If you`re squeamish but homy, leave the tampon in and let him give you an orgasm using his fingers on your clitoris.



16. To observe the effect of calcium alginate dressing on nasal tampon during nasal operation.

目的 :为观察藻酸钙敷料填塞手术鼻腔的治疗效果。


17. Patients of test group were given calcium alginate dressing to tampon the nasal cavity.


18. Maybe apply a vasoconstrictor or a nasal tampon?


19. Break it sauce shape, wear with posse tampon Taoist sacrificial ceremony the sauce inunction of tomato is on your abluent face.


20. Methods The rat acute paw swelling test, mouse tampon granulation swelling test, mouse acute ear swelling test, and mouse acute exudation test were performed in the experiment.


tampon 词典解释

1. 卫生棉条;月经棉塞

A tampon is a tube made of cotton wool that a woman puts inside her vagina in order to absorb blood during menstruation.


tampon 单语例句

1. Exercise and sport in general are often responsible, as is tampon use and even a gynecological exam.

tampon的意思tampon 英英释义



1. plug of cotton or other absorbent material

inserted into wound or body cavity to absorb exuded fluids (especially blood)


1. plug with a tampon