

suit:[英 [su:t] 美 [sut] ]


过去式:suited;   过去分词:suited;   现在分词:suiting;   复数形式:suits;

suit 基本解释

名词诉讼; 一套外衣; 西装,套装; 恳求

及物动词适合于(某人); 尤指服装、颜色等相配; 合身; 适宜


suit 相关词组

1. follow suit : 跟着做, 跟着出同花色的牌;

2. suit oneself : 按自己意愿做事;

3. in ones birthday suit : 赤身裸体, 一丝不挂;


suit 相关例句


1. suit什么意思

1. That dress suits you.


2. This dress suits you beautifully.


3. suit

3. Her speech was well suited to the occasion.



1. Which date suits best?


suit 情景对话


A:I’m in big trouble. I need to find something to wear for tonight’s fashion show.


B:You’re going to a fashion show?


A:Yes. Would you like to come along? I have never seen a fashion show before!


B:Really? I’d love to! I’ve never seen a fashion show before!


A:Ok, you can come along, but only if you help me find something trendy to wear. I don’t want to look stupid in front of all those stylish people.



B:I don’t think you’ll look stupid. You always look stylish to me.



A:That’s sweet. Now, what do you think about this pink and orange striped suit?



B:Isn’t that a bit too flashy?


A:Ok, how about this chocolate brown suit with a yellow tie?


B:That’s Ok, but it remains me a bit of my grandpa.


A:What if I wore this black shirt with the suit?


B:That would look better, but what about the tie?


A:You’re right. The yellow one isn’t quite right.


B:How about the brown suit with this T-shirt and no tie?

那么,穿棕色的外套配T 恤衫不打领带怎么样?

A:That’s perfect. Now, what are you going to wear?


B:I don’t know. You’re going to have to help me find something to wear now!



A:Do you know what we’re supposed to wear to the party this evening?



B:I don’t know. I was just going to go in a pair of shorts and my blue Hawaiian shirt. What were you going to wear?


A:I was going to wear my new suit that I bought last week.


B:That’s a little dressy, isn’t it?


A:Your outfit is a little too casual, isn’t it?


B:I don’t know. I thought it was an outdoor barbeque.


A:Well, it is, but it’s for a special occasion.



B:Surely they wouldn’t expect us to dress up if we were going to be outside.


A:I think it’s a catered barbeque though. I think it’s going to be quite fancy.


B:Well, if you think we should dress up, I’ll dress up.


A:I don’t know. I don’t want to be overdressed.


B:Do you think we should call to ask about the dress code?


A:I don’t want to bother them with our silly questions.


B:Why don’t we call some of the other people who are going? We can ask them what they’re going to wear.


A:Ok. You talk to the guys and I’ll talk to the women.


B:How about you talk to the women for both of us and I’ll go take a quick nap?




suit 网络解释


1. 套装:(3)790 以同布料制成,但可互相组合的衣服,称为:套装(SUIT)组合装(ENSEMBLE)分离式组合装(SEPARATES)两件装(TWOPIECE). (4)804 蒙得里安(Mondrian)所画「红黄蓝」的构成,是以何种形式表现涡线曲线抛物线垂直线与水平线.

2. 诉:(6)如果在注册申请、延期申请或执照更正申请中列明有限责任合伙合伙人中某人,则在为了确定该人是否作为该注册有限责任合伙合伙人承担责任时,列明该人的申请无论是在民事的、刑事的、行政的还是调查程序中中,均不得作为任何诉讼(action)、控诉(suit)或诉讼程序(pro

3. suit的解释

3. 花色:5.一副纸牌(playingCard)有52张,一张纸牌有花色(suit)与大小(rank),画出纸牌的类别表示(UML),并写出其Java的表示.

suit 双语例句

1. His suit coat was ripped there, and if you pull hard enough...


2. Firstly, the system dynamics model of the LRE and the structural and damage models of the critical component are built. With these models the computations and analyses are carried out. Some results are obtained. For example, developed is the LRESim, a universal simulation module library for the LRE, which can be applied to investigate the related problems of the startup transient and the steady state process, or to demonstrate the different schemes in the phase of design of LRE. The finite element method and the intensity calculating method are used to analyze the structural dynamic characteristics, respectively. It is a kind of preferable method in analyzing real-time online structural dynamic characteristics at present. The ICM acts as a main online computing method, while the FEM provides offline correction for the computing results. The damage-calculating model based on the continuous time is built for the material constructed turbine blades. The simulation computations are carried out. The results indicate that the model is suit of this research. Secondly, the main innovative works are introduced.


3. The evening of the concert Mom wore glittery earrings and more makeup than I could remember. Dad got out of work early, put on a suit and tie, and slicked down his hair with Vitalis.


4. You may soon be asked by your employer to follow suit.


5. It doesn't suit my business.


6. But I wanted to buy you your first business suit.


7. I want to cut out this business suit.


8. suit

8. I want to alter this business suit.


9. I don't really know if this will suit well for business or corporate websites.


10. I'd like a business suit made with this material.


11. suit

11. On the basis of study on the theory of dynamic compaction, the specific property of soil and the working mechanism of dynamic compaction was studied and also studied was the dynamic compaction method design and the construction technology. Chiefly studied are design principle, computation theory and influence factor etc and studied in detail were the design parameters and construction technology; The on-the-spot test and the quality checking method were introduced; By analyzing the influence factors of reinforced depth and on the basis of dimension comparison, the reinforced depth is calculated by applying the square of the energy on the bottom of the hammer and also, the energy could be decided by the required reinforced depth and the weight of the hammer; On the basis of the diagram of the dynamic compaction method, the method for computing the reinforced range, which is suit for unitary soil layer, is deduced. By combining neural network with the requirement for stopping compaction, the deformation module is calculated, based on which, the capability of the soil after compaction is calculated as the reference for design and construction; With the influence during compaction procedure on the environment studied, the vibration principle is analyzed to work out the safety distance in construction and rational vibration resistance measures.


12. On panel, choice switch SW2 which is COIN signal; 20ms is quick signal, suit the machine which need quickly throwing coin; 40ma is need middle-quick signal, suit normal machine; 60ms is slow signal, suit normal fun machine

配合游戏机台版的需要,选择 COIN 讯号长短/快慢的三段开关( SW2):20ms 为短快讯号,适用与大玛莉等需要快速投币的机台:40ms 为中快讯号,适用于一般机台(如非特殊规格一般机台切换至本段即可):60ms 为长慢讯号,适用于一般性的娱乐性机台

13. suit的翻译

13. So, it is very suit for the application in the measuring equipment.


14. A formal denial of the opposing party's allegation of fact in a suit.


15. Law A formal denial of the opposing party's allegation of fact in a suit.

反驳:在诉讼中对提出的指控事实提出正式的否认 adj。

16. The price of this suit is out of all proportion to its value.


17. suit的意思

17. Receiving the yeoman's service idea, there is a QC Support Specialist in every chain store of HENGCHAN for giving you some advice on the decoration of bedroom suit.


18. suit

18. We stay in Malaysia for our next story to introduce you to two little boys at the Malacca Da Ai Kindergarten. Doing what their teachers told them, Yang Weizhe and Zheng Ying have given up eating meat. More than that, they persuaded their parents to follow suit. As one father said, three years of Tzu Chi education adds up to a precious gift that will last a lifetime.



19. I bought a new suit in the central city this year.


20. TP8A16 Timer is suit for water heater, Water dispensers, Street lamp, Staircase lamp, Advertising lamp boxes, Breed aquatics, Irrigate, Office power auto control, in anywhere need time control in civilian, home or industrial, etc.


suit 词典解释

1. (男士的)一套外衣,套装,西装

A man's suit consists of a jacket, trousers, and sometimes a waistcoat, all made from the same fabric.

e.g. ...a dark pinstriped business suit.


e.g. ...a smart suit and tie.


2. (女士的)一套外衣,套装,套裙

A woman's suit consists of a jacket and skirt, or sometimes trousers, made from the same fabric.

e.g. I was wearing my tweed suit.


3. (从事特定活动时穿的)成套服装

A particular type of suit is a piece of clothing that you wear for a particular activity.

e.g. ...a completely revolutionary atmospheric diving suit.


4. 对…方便;满足…需要;合…心意

If something suits you, it is convenient for you or is the best thing for you in the circumstances.


e.g. They will only release information if it suits them...


e.g. They should be able to find you the best package to suit your needs.


5. 讨…喜欢;中…的意

If something suits you, you like it.

e.g. I don't think a sedentary life would altogether suit me.


6. (服装、风格、颜色)使显得漂亮,与…相配;适合

If a piece of clothing or a particular style or colour suits you, it makes you look attractive.


e.g. Green suits you.


You do not use the verb suit if clothes are simply not the right size for you. The verb you need is fit. The size 12 gown was gorgeousand fitted perfectly... The gloves didn't fit. You can say that something suits a person or place if it looks attractive on that person or in that place. It is really feminine and pretty and it certainly suits you. However, you cannot usually say that one colour, pattern, or object suits another. The verb you need is match. She wears a straw hat with a yellow ribbon to match her yellow cheesecloth dress... His clothes don't quite match.

表示衣服的尺码是否合适不用 suit,应该用 fit,如:The size 12 gown was gorgeous and fitted perfectly (那件 12 码的礼服看上去光彩夺目,而且大小正合适),The gloves didn't fit (手套大小不合适)。可用 suit 来表示某物穿在某人身上或放在某处非常漂亮,如:It is really feminine and pretty and it certainly suits you (它真是又漂亮又有女人味,你穿上去一定好看)。然而通常不能用 suit 来表示颜色、图形或物件或其他事物相匹配,此时应该用的动词为 match,如:She wears a straw hat with a yellow ribbon to match her yellow cheesecloth dress (她戴了一顶缀黄丝带的草帽来搭配黄色的薄纱连衣裙),His clothes don't quite match (他的着装不是很搭)。

7. 随自己的意愿;随性子;自便

If you suit yourself, you do something just because you want to do it, without bothering to consider other people.


e.g. These large institutions make — and change—the rules to suit themselves...


e.g. He made a dismissive gesture. 'Suit yourself.'


8. 诉讼;讼案

In a court of law, a suit is a case in which someone tries to get a legal decision against a person or company, often so that the person or company will have to pay them money for having done something wrong to them.


e.g. Up to 2,000 former employees have filed personal injury suits against the company...

多达 2,000 名旧职员以个人伤害为由向该公司提起诉讼。

e.g. The judge dismissed the suit.


9. (扑克牌中的)同花色牌,花色

A suit is one of the four types of card in a set of playing cards. These are hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades.

10. see also: bathing suit;birthday suit;boiler suit;trouser suit

11. 跟着做;照着做;仿效

If people follow suit, they do the same thing that someone else has just done.

e.g. Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued.


12. 对…非常方便;很合…心意

If something suits you down to the ground, you like it a great deal or find it very convenient.


e.g. Their London house suits them down to the ground.


相关词组:suit up

suit 单语例句

1. Wearing a smart business suit and tie, he would surely speak English wouldn't he?

2. When afternoon comes, she changes into her business suit and becomes a marketing specialist at an English magazine.

3. Most likely, they would both sport a business suit because it is the sartorial middle ground.

4. His pile of gifts included new tires for his taxi, a business suit and a bottle of wine.

5. I was wearing an old business suit of my father's and I sat in the back row.

6. For the coming summer months, a white or khaki linen suit is preferable to a business suit for daytime weddings.

7. Moreover, we have new business agendas some of them suit the Chinese market well.

8. The Business Park was actively adjusting the strategy and style for investment to suit the requirements demanded by industry development.

9. Airlines are also offered even more options and operating environments to suit their various business models.

10. Maybe it's not a big deal to follow suit in the nightlife business.

suit的解释suit 英英释义


1. a comprehensive term for any proceeding in a court of law whereby an individual seeks a legal remedy

e.g. the family brought suit against the landlord

Synonym: lawsuitcasecausecausa

2. a set of garments (usually including a jacket and trousers or skirt) for outerwear all of the same fabric and color

e.g. they buried him in his best suit

Synonym: suit of clothes

3. playing card in any of four sets of 13 cards in a pack

each set has its own symbol and color

e.g. a flush is five cards in the same suit

in bridge you must follow suit

what suit is trumps?

4. a petition or appeal made to a person of superior status or rank

5. a man's courting of a woman

seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage)

e.g. its was a brief and intense courtship

Synonym: courtshipwooingcourting

6. (slang) a businessman dressed in a business suit

e.g. all the suits care about is the bottom line


1. accord or comport with

e.g. This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman!

Synonym: befitbeseem

2. be agreeable or acceptable to

e.g. This suits my needs

Synonym: accommodatefit

3. enhance the appearance of

e.g. Mourning becomes Electra

This behavior doesn't suit you!

Synonym: become

4. be agreeable or acceptable

e.g. This time suits me