

joke:[英 [dʒəʊk] 美 [dʒoʊk] ]


过去式:joked;   过去分词:joked;   现在分词:joking;   复数形式:jokes;

joke 基本解释


名词笑话,玩笑; 笑柄,笑料

及物/不及物动词开玩笑; 戏弄; 闹着玩; 说着玩

joke 相关词组

1. no joke : 不是闹着玩的;

joke 相关例句



1. I'm only joking.




1. Being cold and hungry is no joke.


2. She said this in a joke.


3. joke

3. He's the joke of the whole village.


4. Our teacher told us a joke today.


joke 网络解释

1. 笑口常开:美食天地(Food)笑侃食量,原来能吃的不是少数;圣诞节有MM相笑口常开(Joke)不都是笑话,早恋问题触动网友神经,堤口一开瘦身男女(losefat)提倡素食,实践者大谈其利,一呼十应.

2. joke在线翻译

2. 幽默笑话:[幽默笑话(Joke)没事偷着乐.无厘头爆笑宝典[幽默笑话(Joke)没事偷着乐.无厘头爆笑宝典作者: 大小:16KB 格式:TXT 免费图书 / 网络收集 / 幽默笑话(Joke) 语言:简体中文 图书简介:

joke 双语例句

1. Instead, it is the kind of profound affection that makes you smile at idiosyncrasies that anyone else would find pointless, or get the joke that nobody else will understand.


2. There is a total joke, that this is not, he will become a joke honest Medicines off.


3. They enjoy braging, however just a joke at most time


4. I thought this was really the worst joke he played on himself.


5. joke是什么意思

5. That's a good joke but i think i can cap it.


6. Joke: The Football-Playing Turke...


7. joke的翻译

7. Mr. Tracy Tupman, being quite bewildered with wine, Negus, lights, and ladies, thought the whole affair an exquisite joke


8. joke是什么意思

8. Mr. Tracy Tupman, being quite bewilder ed with wine, Negus, lights, and ladies, thought the whole affair an exquisite joke


9. Customers would joke that one day I'd be sitting at their table, waiting to be served.


10. It is all right to tell a joke or an anecdote if it is in good taste and will not embarrass the speaker.



11. Host Steve Martin kicked off the show with at least one new joke twinkling the wartime awards, I'm glad they cut back on all the glitz!


12. Host Steve Martin kicked off the show with at least one new joke twinkling the wartime awards, I'm glad they cut back on all the''.


13. Then I was sent to court by police, the judge asked me to tell the joke in the court, so that the jury could decide whether the doctor`s death was a chance-medley.


14. joke

14. I saw him a few days before he passed away, and I had no indication from him that anything was wrong other than that he was exhausted, ''said Paul Raven, an English musician who played bass in Killing Joke and Prong.

我在他死去之前的几天见过他,而且除了他很累以外我并没有发现他有任何异状。」保罗。拉文说,他是一个英国的乐团Killing Joke and Prong的贝斯手。

15. Send to one another for alaugh, this is a little different: This is notintended to be a joke


16. joke在线翻译

16. In light of the many perversions and jokes we send to one another for a laugh, this is a little different: This is not intended to be a joke, it's not funny, it's intended to get you thinking.


17. I thought I might be falling victim to another bad taste joke, like Jose Antonio Reyes when someone from a radio station rang him pretending to be the Real Madrid`s vice president Emilio Butragueno while he was still at Arsenal and he got himself in all sorts of trouble by admitting to `Butragueno` that he would love to join Madrid.


18. Listen to a joke at one's own expense.


19. When the real danger came one day, King You had the beacon fires lit again, but no one came to his rescue because they thought he was playing a joke again.


20. This new business sparked a public debate and when the police came to deal with Skaggs, he revealed that it was a joke.


joke 词典解释

1. 玩笑;笑话

A joke is something that is said or done to make you laugh, for example a funny story.

e.g. He debated whether to make a joke about shooting rabbits, but decided against it...


e.g. No one told worse jokes than Claus.


2. 讲笑话;开玩笑

If you joke, you tell funny stories or say amusing things.


e.g. She would joke about her appearance...


e.g. Lorna was laughing and joking with Trevor...


3. 恶作剧;捉弄人的玩笑

A joke is something untrue that you tell another person in order to amuse yourself.

e.g. It was probably just a joke to them, but it wasn't funny to me.


4. 开玩笑;搞恶作剧

If you joke, you tell someone something that is not true in order to amuse yourself.

e.g. Don't get defensive, Charlie. I was only joking...


e.g. 'I wish you made as much fuss of me,' Vera joked.


5. 荒唐可笑的事(或人);笑料;笑柄

If you say that something or someone is a joke, you think they are ridiculous and do not deserve respect.

e.g. It's ridiculous, it's pathetic, it's a joke...


e.g. The police investigation was a joke. A total cover-up.


6. (恼人或令人担心的事)不可理喻,使人无法接受

If you say that an annoying or worrying situation is beyond a joke, you are emphasizing that it is worse than you think is fair or reasonable.

e.g. Giving an arsonist a lighter is beyond a joke...


e.g. I'm not afraid of a fair fight but this is beginning to get beyond a joke.


7. 拿(严肃或悲惨的事情)开玩笑;对…一笑置之

If you make a joke of something, you laugh at it even though it is in fact rather serious or sad.

e.g. I wish I had your courage, Michael, to make a joke of it like that.


8. 不是轻而易举的事;不是闹着玩的

If you describe a situation as no joke, you are emphasizing that it is very difficult or unpleasant.

e.g. Two hours on a bus is no joke, is it?


9. 对…开玩笑;戏弄

If you say that the joke is on a particular person, you mean that they have been made to look very foolish by something.

e.g. 'For once,' he said, 'the joke's on me. And it's not very funny.'


10. 开不起玩笑;经不起玩笑话

If you say that someone cannot take a joke, you are criticizing them for getting upset or angry at something you think is funny.

e.g. 'What's the matter with you, Simon?' Curly said. 'Can't you take a joke?'


11. (用于表示吃惊或认为不可理喻)你一定是在开玩笑吧

You say you're joking or you must be joking to someone when they have just told you something that is so surprising or unreasonable that you find it difficult to believe.

e.g. You're joking. Are you serious?...


e.g. One hundred and forty quid for a pair of headphones, you've got to be joking!


joke 单语例句

1. All the customers in his shop fell about laughing, but mainly at the female butt of his joke.

2. His friends joke that he must have talked to more than 500 million people by now.

3. Beijing residents often joke that the time they spend on the way to work often turns out to be longer than their actual working hours.

4. The mobile censor system in China operates on picking out sensitive words that might indicate to the computer that the message is a dirty joke.

5. There was a classical joke about a teacher composing a humourous couplet complaining about the bad food his host supplied him with.

6. HAIKOU - Huang Jinzhong thought it was a joke when his fellow villagers told him to go to a free hospital for colon cancer treatment.

7. When the idea is transplanted into China, our compatriot copycat liberals make this tradition a downright joke.

8. It did not infer that Shi would change his ways and he showed his contempt by calling the attack a " joke ".

9. Residents joke that officials should install a zipper so these companies can deal with the pipelines more conveniently.

10. The gist of a joke doing the rounds at the moment is that China is Italy's " sugar daddy ".

joke 英英释义



1. a ludicrous or grotesque act done for fun and amusement

Synonym: anticpranktrickcaperput-on

2. activity characterized by good humor

Synonym: jestjocularity

3. a triviality not to be taken seriously

e.g. I regarded his campaign for mayor as a joke

4. a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter

e.g. he told a very funny joke

he knows a million gags

thanks for the laugh

he laughed unpleasantly at his own jest

even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point

Synonym: gaglaughjestjape


1. act in a funny or teasing way

Synonym: jest

2. tell a joke

speak humorously

e.g. He often jokes even when he appears serious

Synonym: jest