

buoy:[英 [bɔɪ] 美 [ˈbui, bɔɪ] ]


过去式:buoyed;   过去分词:buoyed;   现在分词:buoying;   复数形式:buoys;

buoy 基本解释


名词浮标; 航标; 救生圈

及物动词使浮起; 支持,鼓励

buoy 相关例句


1. We were buoyed up by good news.


2. Her spirits were buoyed up by hopes of success.


buoy 网络解释

1. 救生圈:到屋子外面,把吊灯拆散(Look at Chandelier),留意小屋顶上有一个救生圈(Buoy),先以果酱涂面包,再把面包抛上屋顶(Roof). 不久后便有海鸥飞来吃面包,将屋顶上的救生圈碰下来. 用剃刀割下救生圈的绳索(Rope),

2. 浮漂:青岛永泰船用气囊护舷有限公司生产销售船舶上下水用新型整体缠绕高强度起重载动气囊、充气橡胶护舷(靠球)、实心聚氨酯漂浮护舷(靠球)、游艇专用碰垫(yacht ferder)、大型海洋浮漂(buoy)并进行船舶气囊下水和上排、大型构物搬运、


buoy 双语例句

1. buoy

1. You can take pilot at Fairway buoy at 1800 hours local time.

当地时间 1800 时你可以在航道浮标接引航员。

2. You can take pilot at Fairway buoy at 1800 hours local

当地时间 1800时你可以在航道浮标接引航员。

3. Passed fairway buoy No.10 and steady course to 205°, we are proceeding to the Pacific Ocean.


4. buoy的解释

4. Pick up pilot at the Fairway buoy No.


5. Mine network consists of the netty mine s and the wireless buoy nodes.


6. Mine network consists of the netty mines and the wireless buoy nodes.


7. buoy

7. Fishing test of patience, left hook after a short while will be able to see the buoy sinking, mentioning hook: the early, catch the fish before it.



8. It`s a buoy resembling a cone.



9. Autolight lamp Life line Toggle and line Whistle Inflation valve Inflatable life-raft Carley life float Inflatable life jacket Life-buoy Hand fire signal Immersion suit Rescue boat Fire-resistant lifeboat Totally enclosed lifeboat Life-saving appliance Lifeboat Open lifeboat Partially enclosed lifeboat I am a worker in electrical workshop.

浮锚 蓬架浮体救生索天棚灯 Sea anchor Arch Buoyancy tube Life line Tent Light 10 自动发烟式烟幕筒 11 自燃灯 12 救生索 13 系绳栓及绳 14 哨子 15 充气阀 16 气胀式救生筏 17 带格栅救生浮具 18 充气式救生衣 19 救生圈 20 手持烟火信号 21 救生服 22 救助艇 23 耐火救生艇 24 全封闭救生艇 25 救生设备 26 救生艇 27 开敞式救生艇 28 部分封闭救生艇第十六课工人常用会话 1。我是电工车间的工人。

10. When I was child, I often went swimming with a pneumatic tyre instead of a life buoy.


11. buoy

11. Maritime security areas: Marine-grade reflective Reflexite brand Products brightness in the 500 meters outside the clearly visible, widely used in life jackets, life buoy, lifeboats and life rafts and other inflatable buoyant apparatus.


12. He seized a piece of wreckage; this would buoy him up till rescue came.


13. For solving the problem of the dredging silt from fishpond bottom, a silt-dredger with the underwater walking ability is developed and its main implements are the diving type mud pump and screw propeller on the low specific pressure buoy.



14. According to the Russian maritime buoyage system the reef was to the east of an east buoy to the north of a north buoy etc.


15. Or you may have only gotten a glimpse of the buoy before you had to put your face back in the water.


16. buoy的反义词

16. He saw the buoy floating above the Inchcape Rock.


17. The light buoy was reported damaged in May.

此灯浮标於5 月期间遭损毁。


18. The light buoy was reported damaged and unlit in January.

平洲-D 此灯浮标於1 月期间遭损毁,航标灯熄灭。

19. buoy

19. There is a dangerous rock in position 2 miles 180°from South Point marked by isolation dangerous buoy showingwhite flashing light.

距南罗经点 180 度 2 海里处有危险礁石,标识为闪白光灯的孤立危险浮筒。

20. The method of incentive spirometry is using incentive spirometer to reinforce the patient to do deep breathing. Incentive spirometer has the buoy or light to show the volume or the flow of deep breathing. The patient can see his effort, then he is stimulated to do it by the feedback.


buoy 词典解释

1. 浮标;航标

A buoy is a floating object that is used to show ships and boats where they can go and to warn them of danger.

2. 鼓舞;鼓励;使振奋

If someone in a difficult situation is buoyed by something, it makes them feel more cheerful and optimistic.

e.g. In May they danced in the streets, buoyed by their victory...


e.g. German domestic consumption buoyed the German economy.


buoy 单语例句

1. I can only give you a bicycle tire as a life buoy.

2. China's securities authorities have announced a slew of market reforms to buoy investor gloom.

3. A drunkard wearing a life buoy fell asleep while sailing a hundred metres off the coast in Qingdao of Shandong Province last week.

4. The water is then pumped into a turbine inside the buoy which spins to create power.

5. Now it was snaking its way through the ice field to rescue a trapped navigation buoy.

6. Demand for gold in developing countries such as China and India will buoy its price, said Convoy Asset Management director Ernest Chan.

7. The WGC report said the Chinese lunar new year celebrations continued to buoy demand for gold items.

8. British officials are hoping that the impending royal birth will produce a bouncing baby buoy for economy.

9. Guo Chuan fixed the hydroelectric generator of his yacht but some parts of the fore sail were broken in gales on route to the buoy.

10. Inside each buoy, a piston rises and falls with the waves.

buoybuoy 英英释义



1. bright-colored

a float attached by rope to the seabed to mark channels in a harbor or underwater hazards


1. mark with a buoy

2. keep afloat

e.g. The life vest buoyed him up

Synonym: buoy up

3. float on the surface of water