

facilitate:[英 [fəˈsɪlɪteɪt] 美 [fəˈsɪlɪˌtet] ]


过去式:facilitated;   过去分词:facilitated;   现在分词:facilitating;

facilitate 基本解释


及物动词帮助; 促进,助长; 使容易


facilitate 相关例句


1. The broken lock facilitated my entrance into the empty house.


facilitate 网络解释

1. 帮助:教学若从帮助(facilitate)学习的角度出发,必然把我们的关注点集中到学习者预期学习结果达成的活动过程. 任务型阅读活动教学模式在教学步骤设计中充分体现并融合了现代第二语言教学的各种先进思想.

2. 促进:但一般而言治疗者与其说是带领,不如说是「促进(facilitate)」,是跟随者(follower)而非带领者,团体的方向是由成员的需要所决定的. 精神动力取向的团体治疗师,其主要的治疗工具是治疗题材的过程. 为了符合带领者/促进者的角色,

3. 便利:ARF藉本届会议重申受灾国政府救灾之责任,应包括便利(facilitate) 来自国际社会之人到救灾行动,而国际社会之救灾工作仍应以地主国为协调中枢,尊重其安排.

4. 推动:一旦你删掉了所有自我评价的字眼,就要重新浏览一遍简历,去掉令人乏味的商业用语,例毕业生自我鉴定范文(营销专业)如:尖端的(cutting-edge)、联络人(liaison)、协调(coordinate)、推动(facilitate)、被证明了的能力(proven ability)、配

facilitate 双语例句

1. That is designed to facilitate the examination of the concentration of the film, the corner of 菲林片 with a color number.


2. Electric adjustment phase carton size and height, and figures show that facilitate the achievement.


3. Over 80 years NTNU professor recently paralyzed in a bed, to facilitate access by real estate brokers to be located in the original four floors of housing for sale to the purchase of a lift ticket housing.


4. facilitate

4. For example, if the interval is 5 seconds to 10 exposures, then cuniform test is an e-commerce function similarly to facilitate.


5. facilitate什么意思

5. Our teachers'role is to provide guidance in selecting learning materials and methods, to respect student's decisions, and to facilitate students in achieving his/ her purpose of learing with full diligence.


6. Facilitate the mechanical equipment drawing and purchasing, ensure the accuracy of the design and drawing of equipments.


7. facilitate是什么意思

7. Liuxiang long (Liuxiang time ago are ordinary plasticéof more than 3 times), the use of natural materials, safe non-toxic, to facilitate exports.


8. We propose that the diversity of FDI country origins can facilitate FDI spillovers by increasing the variety of technologies and management practices brought by foreign firms, to which domestic firms are exposed and that they can potentially utilize.


9. In particular, we note the role of established action repertories that facilitate the response to novel stimuli and how routines and established role structures enable mindfulness to be sustained across time and the span of the organization.


10. To establish and maintain an agreed clear basis for Layout scope, programme and costs to facilitate the Company's effective, timely and efficient execution of the Project whilst meeting the needs and statisfying the expectaion of all our customers and the ultimate client.


11. Neglecting noise, to facilitate this, time lagged version matrix of convolved signal and seismic wavelet banded convolving mixture matrix are used, by multiplying the reflectivity vectors, to construct a basic ICA model.


12. Oxidation of carbon black can facilitate hydroxymethylation on its surface and is also favor of the free radical polymerization grafting of acrylic acid monomer.


13. facilitate是什么意思

13. The medusa have strong negative geotaxic and weak negative phototaxic behaviour. The character might facilitate their aggregation, thus increase fertilization rate.


14. Specifically, it is the science of developing computer databases and algorithms to facilitate and expedite biological research.


15. Shanghai Library, the Nanjing Library, Zhenjiang library, Zhangjiagang database to facilitate delivery, company annual distribution Sodium Sulfate, anhydrous sodium sulphate, soda ash, Italian olive oil, titanium dioxide, 2 - heptanone, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, gelatin, borax, boric acid and so on!



16. On site several local youngsters can be seen, helping to facilitate medical services.


17. Tributary that people from the sea so that the friendly envoys of the Silk Road, to be its Houzang, and he cited his left hand before looking for vessels to the sea-like, a statue of worship in the temple in the South China Sea, and he put on China's Yi Guan, closure To achieve Xi Si Kong, Song Emperor Gaozong of Shaoxing years, but also help facilitate closure of Xi Wei-designate.


18. BACKGROUND: Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells are easily isolated and amplified, and facilitate the exogenous gene transfer and expression. In the human medicine, it is believed that BMSCs are ideal therapeutic cells and target cells in the gene therapy.


19. Therefore both of them could be used to pretreat the acrylic fiber wastewater in order to facilitate the following biochemical treatment.


20. Crystal steady economic growth can be worn, Dr. Gina Cheung, Ping body, the crystals miraculous strength and purity of the Buddha is said, can not be said of supernatural legend, so understanding and Crystal Crystal Jie Yuan, Na Fu fortune, is the key to facilitate the security and peace.


facilitate 词典解释

1. 促进;使便利

To facilitate an action or process, especially one that you would like to happen, means to make it easier or more likely to happen.


e.g. The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism...


e.g. He argued that the economic recovery had been facilitated by his tough stance.


facilitate 单语例句facilitate

1. Incorporating operational energy efficiency into a company's overall business strategy will facilitate progression toward a reduction in the environmental impact and cost of business operations.

2. The two sides will also launch a newsletter to facilitate information exchange and business partnership between Guangzhou and Hong Kong software sectors.

3. They not only deputize for the patents but also act as an agent to facilitate the commercialization of patent technologies.

4. In fact, a number of local governments have announced policies to facilitate house buying in recent months.

5. He called for the organization to adjust its accession procedure for LDCs, in order to facilitate them.

6. The restructuring called for the old plants to move out of the city center to facilitate the urbanization process in accordance with environmental protection needs.

7. More capital would be channeled to environmentally friendly construction to facilitate economic restructuring, said Zhu.

8. The free trade scheme is often used to facilitate capital flows across the border without being watched by the authorities.

9. He said that the government's objective of the securitization is to facilitate further development of the local capital market.

10. More means are needed to facilitate such large projects, such as introducing private capital and raising money using bonds.

facilitate 英英释义


1. make easier

e.g. you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge

Synonym: easealleviate

2. increase the likelihood of (a response)

e.g. The stimulus facilitates a delayed impulse

3. be of use

e.g. This will help to prevent accidents

Synonym: help