

discriminate:[英 [dɪˈskrɪmɪneɪt] 美 [dɪˈskrɪməˌnet] ]


过去式:discriminated;   过去分词:discriminated;   现在分词:discriminating;

discriminate 基本解释


及物/不及物动词歧视; 区别; 辨出


discriminate 相关例句


1. discriminate

1. This boy can discriminate minute variations in tone.



2. Can you discriminate good apples from bad ones by their appearance?


3. discriminate的解释

3. The ability to think discriminates humans from other animals.



1. It is important to teach children to discriminate between right and wrong.


2. Our teacher never discriminates in favor of brighter pupils.


discriminate 网络解释

1. 歧视:英语德语一起上,我在边上悄悄地偷听,只听懂了三成,大概是在和男朋友或者某亲人,说到她在香港公寓的那条狗,受到了菲佣的歧视和不友好对待. 可是我对她歧视(discriminate)这个单词实在很吃不准,也不便问,就在一边沉默着.

2. 分辨:媒介素质教育的核心理念是分析的工具(analyticaltools),就是要学会灵活的应用各种分析的方法与工具,其目的不在防疫而在分辨(discriminate)媒体呈现方式的优与劣.

3. 区分:iii)对研究对象进行区分(discriminate)是知识分子不可推卸的责任. 这里我想再谈谈最后一个问题,因为在我看来,近期以来评价已经被贬低为偏见的表达,最后这一点似乎是一个在近期很难高扬的原则. 首先,我想说的是,


4. [辨析]:写篇论文需要个英文题目:几组发育生物学名词辨析帮我翻译一下,谢谢!几组(several group)发育生物学(developmental biology)名词(noun)辨析(discriminate)怎么串起来?

discriminate 双语例句

1. Are equally worthwhile in the sense that there can be no commensurable, rational criteria to discriminate among them, I also advance some positive arguments to the effect that certain universal justification may be found for a type of liberalism mainly based on negative freedom.


2. discriminate

2. The law, too, is draconian and does not discriminate between minor and major offences.


3. Two of them were used99mTcsestemibi as mark to discriminate the parathyroidoma during the operation, frozen section pathological examination was used to determine the diagnosis post parathyroidoma excision.

目的 探讨放射性核素99mTcsestemibi双时相显像在原发性甲状旁腺功能亢进病人术前诊断、定位及术中辅助识别切除甲状旁腺瘤的应用价值。


4. This paper is aimed at functions, function and a series of parameter improper integral uniform convergence of discriminate method to make a brief summary.


5. discriminate的意思

5. Not that she would only like you because she doesn't discriminate.


6. discriminate的近义词

6. fingerprint technology is an important part of computer software encipher, this paper presents the principles and methods to make and discriminate the laser hole fingerprint, the weak region fingerprint and the short sector fingerprint


7. Since take long south vegetables, and then discriminate between south flavor but be partial to simple elegance.


8. They have to be delighted with music and discriminate people`s rank in rite and by clothes, for which the discrimination appeared in the society.


9. The diagnostic pattern combining 3974, 3398, 13732m/z protein peaks can discriminate not only cervical squamous cell cancer but also CINⅢ and SCC-Ag negative patients from controls.


10. The results indicate that female wasps deposit HMPs on the chorion of host eggs with her ovipositor near the end of egg-laying process. Na ye females do not posses the ability for recognizing the marking pheromones and have to obtain the ability though the learning process, in which the wasp inserts her ovipositor into a host egg to determine whether the egg has been parasitized followed by antennal drumming on the exterior. Once the learning process is completed, the female wasp will be able to discriminate between parasitized and unparasitized hosts and reject a parasitized egg by simply drumming on the exterior of the egg. Learning plays an important role in reducing initial rejection time when an unsuitable host is encountered. Female wasps of T. astriniae can quickly learn to associate the presence of a HMP on host egg chrion with the internal status of the egg.


11. Real name makes roll out OK and effective ground to discriminate minor, have better control and government to them.


12. Employers are prohibited from failing to hire persons in this age group, and they may not limit, segregate, classify, discharge, or force retirement upon their employees so as to discriminate against persons in this age group.


13. The structure of FNN and the membership function are given. Meanwhile a fault discriminate method for threshold vector is addressed.


14. We should pay attention for the discriminate of thesaurus.


15. Optional traits rather than inevitable ones, people will be moreinclined to discriminate against the bearers of those traits.


16. discriminate

16. If forgetfulness, xenophobia and a whole host of the other eccentricities that make up a person's character become optional traits rather than inevitable ones, people will be more inclined to discriminate against the bearers of those traits.


17. discriminate是什么意思

17. The law discriminate between accidental and intentional killing.


18. This paper discusses how to discriminate the types of the crystalline phase change using the method of the birefringence.


19. In what ways do people discriminate against farmers in China?


20. Why can I think they discriminate against me?


discriminate 词典解释

1. 区分;辨别

If you can discriminate between two things, you can recognize that they are different.

e.g. He is incapable of discriminating between a good idea and a terrible one...


e.g. The device can discriminate between the cancerous and the normal cells.


2. 区别对待;歧视;偏袒

To discriminate against a group of people or in favour of a group of people means to unfairly treat them worse or better than other groups.

e.g. They believe the law discriminates against women.


e.g. ...legislation which would discriminate in favour of racial minorities...


discriminate 单语例句discriminate是什么意思

1. Many companies also discriminate against diabetics when hiring - so even with a graduate degree, finding a good job can be difficult.

2. Their greater concern is what they call groundless categorization, or a tendency to discriminate against all products from China.

3. Most Turkomen and Arabs want the province to remain under central government control, fearing the Kurds would discriminate against them.

4. Because religious charities provide a safety net of mercy and compassion, our government must never discriminate against them.

5. We don't discriminate against someone if they have flu, do we?

6. Female netizens on Tuesday gather outside an education company in Beijing to protest against policies they say the company uses to discriminate against women.

7. A local housekeeping agency said employers have been known to discriminate against domestic help based on appearance or marital status.

8. That effort must begin by impressing upon children at an early age that it is simply wrong to torment or discriminate against others.

9. A case in point is that many of the countries relaxing SWFs'inflows also introduced support measures that discriminate against external competitors.

10. The leader of a Sunni group that boycotted the elections said he didn't mind an Islamic government so long as it doesn't discriminate against Sunnis.

discriminate的反义词discriminate 英英释义


1. recognize or perceive the difference

Synonym: know apart

2. distinguish

e.g. I could not discriminate the different tastes in this complicated dish

3. treat differently on the basis of sex or race

Synonym: separatesingle out


1. marked by the ability to see or make fine distinctions

e.g. discriminate judgments

discriminate people