

ill:[英 [ɪl] 美 [ɪl] ]



ill 基本解释

形容词不好的; 恶意的; 有病的; 不吉利的

副词坏; 不利地; 令人不满地

名词伤害; 困难; 问题; 弊端

ill 同义词


形容词below parbadwrongout of sortsevilsickunwellrockyailingindisposed


ill 反义词


ill 相关词组

1. be ill off : 不幸, 贫困;


ill 相关例句


1. ill的解释

1. He was so ill that he could not walk.



2. She can't go to school because she is ill.



1. ill的解释

1. The child has been ill-treated in the orphan house.


2. I can ill afford the time.


3. ill

3. He never speaks ill of his friends.


ill 网络解释

1. ill

1. 照明:吕歇尔系列共有6种战斗用枪榴弹和两种训练用枪榴弹,即反坦克(HEAT)、反坦克/杀伤(HEAT-APERS-FRAG)、杀伤(HE-APERS-FRAG)、延期杀伤(HE-APERS- FRAG-Delay)、发烟(SMOKE)、照明(ILL)枪榴弹以及训练弹和带目标显示的训练弹.


2. ill:illegible; 无法辨认

3. ill:infected liver lobel; 其余肝叶为感染肝叶

4. ill:inter library loan; 馆际互借

5. ill:initial linear linkages; 最初直线连结数

ill 双语例句

1. And when did we see you ill, or in prison, and come to you?

25:39 又什么时候见你病了,或是在监里,来看你呢?

2. This webpage systematically introduced Tibet's macro fungi of 45 families, 175 genera and 588 species, including 415 species of edible fugi, 135 kinds of poisonous fungi, 238 species of medicinal fungi, 168 kinds of fungi which proved to boast anti-cancer medical effect, 188 species of ectotrophic mycorrhiza, and 123 species which make trees and wood decomposed and ill.


3. If you rema in in a blue funk too long, it can make you ill.


4. ill的解释

4. The Monophysitic reaction against the Council of Chalcedon in the sixth century first succeeded in bringing Theodore's person and writings under the ban of the ecclesiastical anathema through the ill-famed dispute of the Three Chapters.


5. If is have illicit love accidentally, want to be ill-matched is who on the bed each time.


6. I have to grant that the draw on the wall is ill-matched, although it is beautiful.


7. ill

7. Traditional methods on land use survey are manpower-and time-consumed and in high expense ill-matched with the fast change of land use.


8. ill在线翻译

8. He and his wife, Edith, were as ill-matched a couple as could be conceived by any dramatist seeking material for a problem play.



9. It might be argued that the cold war represented a similar period, but that is a fallacy: the cold war was an ideological struggle between two powers that were always hopelessly ill-matched.


10. His parents were ill-matched.


11. Insonsiderate and ill-matched alliances generally end in ruin, and the man who compass the destruction of his neighbour is often caught in his own snare.


12. ill

12. If we do not also time to take the time to address these facts, it is ill-advised.



13. These laws have so little in common, and differ so much, that it is ill-advised to generalize about them.


14. While it is ill-advised to be curious as Lot's wife, some of the inventions and discoveries are achieved out of curiosity.


15. While the huge variety of grading systems make using this as a reasonable common standard impossible and ill-advised, it does make a general point.


16. It is ill-advised to keep the gas tank in your home for it ignites easily and may burn up your hard-earned fortune in a few minutes.


17. Hamnet was ill last week, and...and he died, yesterday.


18. Do you know the ill effect of the matter?


19. Whoever approaches the Olympians with a different religion in his heart, seeking moral elevation, sanctity, spirituality, loving kindness, will presently be forced to turn away from them in ill-humored disappointment.


20. ill什么意思

20. That was because he fell ill.


ill 词典解释

1. 有病的;不健康的

Someone who is ill is suffering from a disease or a health problem.


e.g. In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia...

1941 年 11 月,佩恩得了严重的肺炎。

e.g. I was feeling ill...


The words ill and sick are very similar in meaning, but are used in slightly different ways. Ill is generally not used before a noun, and can be used in verbal expressions such as fall ill and be taken ill. He fell ill shortly before Christmas… One of the jury members was taken ill. Sick is often used before a noun. …sick children. In British English, ill is a slightly more polite, less direct word than sick. Sick often suggests the actual physical feeling of being ill, for example nausea or vomiting. I spent the next 24 hours in bed, groaning and being sick. In American English, sick is often used where British people would say ill. Some people get hurt in accidents or get sick.

ill 和 sick 意义非常相似, 但是用法略有不同。ill通常不用于名词前, 但可用于 fall ill, be taken ill 等动词词组中, 如He fell ill shortly before Christmas (他圣诞节前不久突然病倒了), One of the jury members was taken ill (陪审团的一名成员突然病了)。sick 常用在名词之前,如 sick children (生病的孩子)。在英国英语中, ill 比 sick 更礼貌委婉。sick 常表示生病时的身体感受, 例如恶心、呕吐等:I spent the next 24 hours in bed, groaning and being sick (接下来的 24 个小时我都躺在床上, 不停地呻吟,感到一阵阵恶心)。英国人常用 ill 的情况在美国英语中更常用 sick: Some people get hurt in accidents or get sick (一些人在事故中受伤或生病)。

2. 困难;难题

Difficulties and problems are sometimes referred to as ills .


e.g. His critics maintain that he's responsible for many of Algeria's ills.


e.g. ...various potions that would cure all ills.


3. 坏;恶行;伤害

Ill is evil or harm.

e.g. They say they mean you no ill.


4. 同 badly

Ill means the same as 'badly'.


e.g. The company's conservative instincts sit ill with competition.


5. 有害的;讨厌的

You can use ill in front of some nouns to indicate that you are referring to something harmful or unpleasant.

e.g. She had brought ill luck into her family...


e.g. He says that he bears no ill feelings towards Johnson.


6. 承受不起;负担不起

If you say that someone can ill afford to do something, or can ill afford something, you mean that they must prevent it from happening because it would be harmful or embarrassing to them.

e.g. It's possible he won't play but I can ill afford to lose him...


e.g. We can ill afford another scandal...


7. 是坏的征兆

If something bodes ill or augurs ill, it gives you a reason to fear that something harmful might happen soon.


e.g. It's an ominous development that may bode ill for the Russian parliament.


8. 突然生病

If you fall ill or are taken ill, you suddenly become ill.

e.g. Shortly before Christmas, he was mysteriously taken ill...


e.g. She fell ill with measles.


9. 不论好歹

If you say that something is happening or will happen for good or ill, you mean that it is out of anyone's control whether it happens and what its effects will be.


e.g. Recent events should make everyone modest about saying what cannot happen there, for good or ill.


10. to speak ill of someone -> see speak

ill 单语例句ill

1. Flu experts say some people may not become fatally ill with the infection, so it is difficult to calculate a true mortality rate.

2. Those who harbor concerns about China's capability to maintain social stability and pursue a peaceful road of development are either deluded or ill intentioned.

3. At the time he was almost 2 and was considered the strongest candidate as he had never fallen ill in captivity.

4. Hong Kong lags behind many other developed economies when it comes to care for the terminally ill.

5. Wen pledged to provide greater care for orphans, ill and handicapped children.

6. The diseases developed from stress at work and from taking care of her ill husband for years.

7. The case is under investigation and the four ill wild geese are stable after medical treatment.

8. Sun has spent all her pension on the cats and has turned to neighbors and children for financial help if a cat falls ill.

9. He said the workers fell ill after they ate pot herbs they had mistaken for celery.

10. He said the workers fell ill after they ate potherbs they had mistaken for celery.