

collude:[英 [kəˈlu:d] 美 [kəˈlud] ]


过去式:colluded;   过去分词:colluded;   现在分词:colluding;

collude 基本解释



collude 网络解释

1. 共谋:作为CEO,他们必须更多地依赖于规则、程序和系统,特别是奖赏和控制系统. 尽管CEO们是随着操作者的知识和洞察力的发展而成长的,但是他们不得不放弃这种定位而采取折衷策略,甚至与工程师共谋(collude)以使人员因素最小化.

2. 勾结:共享软件 shareware | 勾结 collude | 构成要件 constitutive requirements

3. 串通:colltype 印刷术 | collude 串通 | collunarium 鼻病专用药水

4. 勾结,共谋:collaboration勾结 | collude勾结,共谋 | collusion勾结,共谋

collude 双语例句

1. Thus the hometown poems had played the role of a carrier to collude history and reality.



2. The status-owning criminals collude with one another and commit bribery together.


3. The status-owning criminals collude with one another and commit bribery together. They may be simple accomplices or complex accomplices.


4. collude

4. We need survivorship because corporation and gangdom collude and slay worker.



5. Tang`s The Grand Canal in Sui no longer just have no way tyrant emperor of Sui Yang visit Yang luckily cantonal of outcome, it is to spread to accept China thousand year, civilization, collude with the outside of the world, in the south north of the vital point thing of, the artery of country, is stand erect at in the world thousand years of China empire of conduction axis.


6. And the SPLM leadership, unfortunately, may well collude in that.


7. collude的近义词

7. If he may possibly destroy or falsify evidence, or collude with others to devise a consistent story


8. collude的意思

8. However, even all other group members collude, they cannot forge a signature for a non-participating group member.


9. collude的意思

9. The two superpowers both collude and struggle with each other in a vain attempt to redivide the world.


10. collude

10. Not a one count again with a meter, both foreign and local Gouguan thieves collude to bring a group of soldier with Fan Wu seven fairies steal their desire Choi Jin as a pretext to seize by force, but I do not know seven fairies in order to prevent malicious foreign thieves have long since Choi Jin-hiding in the This is Aoyama rock crevices, not help them but with the rocks melt Choi Jin-order one, wait seven magic fairy skillfully retreated after the foreign thieves and Gouguan, then look back on a horse in front of the Rock Hill Jing Ru stacked brocade, gorgeous eye-catching shiny again, that will have this Diecai Hill.



11. A To shield, connive at smuggling or collude with others in smuggling

一 包庇、纵容走私或者与他人串通进行走私

12. collude的解释

12. It is to be expected that on some future occasion the enemy will once again resort to the scheme of inducing China to capitulate and that certain subjugationists will again crawl out and most probably collude with certain foreign elements (to be found in Britain, the United States and France, and especially among the upper strata in Britain) as partners in crime.


13. Her crimes & especially that she seduced the warden at the detention center who helped her to collude with others to provide false testimony are indeed serious and justify severe punishment according to the law.


14. If he may possibly destroy or falsify evidence, or collude with others to devise a consistent story;



15. A bidder may not collude with other bidders in submitting their bid price quotations or discriminate fair competition by other bidders to prejudice the legitimate rights and interests of the tenderer or other bidders.


16. They two are people of the same ilk, who collude with one another.


17. Chapter 3 tells us that the eunuch of pearl-pond which was collude by the local iniquitous officials disturbed the well-balanced orders both in center governmental and in regional place.



18. Thus it become available for doctors (hospitals) and pharmaceutical industries to collude, given the separation of service user from service consumption decision maker in the medical-care consumption.


19. collude是什么意思

19. On study of the complicity problem in crime of insurance fraud, this part focuses on analyzing the situation in which policy-holder, the insured person or beneficiary collude with insurance company staff to defraud insurance benefit.


20. The store's'no refunds'policy makes it harder for dishonest cashiers and customers to collude.


collude 词典解释

1. 共谋;勾结;串通

If one person colludes with another, they co-operate with them secretly or illegally.

e.g. Several local officials are in jail on charges of colluding with the Mafia...


e.g. My mother colluded in the myth of him as the swanky businessman...


collude 单语例句

1. But the bank claimed it did not collude with Li in her " individual conduct of illegal credit business " according to the radio report.

2. The NDRC also warned large cooking oil makers not to collude in setting prices or to provide short measures or shoddy products.

3. The NDRC also warned large cooking oil makers not to collude in setting prices or provide short measures or shoddy products.

4. Criminals collude with insiders working for telecom and financial firms to illegally obtain and trade personal data on the Internet.

5. The situation gets messier and uglier when they collude with business interests and show a disregard for public welfare.

6. It also follows an announcement by the NDRC that it would wage a campaign targeting businessmen who collude on price rises.

7. Police are now being used to target the yi nao, people who collude with victims of medical accidents to extort money from hospitals.

8. Some local tour guides collude with shopkeepers in illegal sales, which further deepens the difficulty of detection.

9. The judge said it would be easy for the couple to collude if they really wanted to lie.

10. It is still possible that some managers and government officials could collude to acquire State assets.

collude的近义词collude 英英释义


1. act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose

e.g. The two companies conspired to cause the value of the stock to fall

Synonym: conspire