

division:[英 [dɪˈvɪʒn] 美 [dɪˈvɪʒən] ]



division 基本解释


名词部门; 分开,分隔; [数]除法; [军]师

division 同义词


division 反义词



division 相关例句


1. Which division of the company do you work in?


2. Division of opinion among themselves contributed to their defeat.


3. The river forms the division between the heavy industrial and light industrial areas of the city.



4. They put up a division between dining room and the kitchen.


5. division

5. The thieves quarrelled about the division of their stolen goods.


division 网络解释

1. 除法:加法指令有两种,分别是不带进位加法(ADD)和带进位加法(ADDC),ADD指令用于两个字节相加,ADDC指令则主要于多字节相加,这时,在高位字节相加时,还需要加上低位字节的进位. 共有8条指令( 4 )除法(Division)指令(1条)

2. division

2. 师:上 中将XX 师 (division) 一万到两万人 二到四个旅或 二到四个团 少将X 旅 (brigade) 二千到五千人 两个团或 三到六个营 准将III 团 (regiment or group) 两千到三千人 三到四个营 上校II 营或 大队 (battalion) 三百到一千人 二到六个连或 四到六个中队 中校I 连或 中队 (company) 六十到二百五十人 三到六个排或 小队 上尉

3. 部分:出现的GPS 车辆监控系统就是把全球卫星定位(GPS)技术、无线通讯技术和GIS 技术相第二节 GIS 概述地理信息系统(GIS)也称环境和资源信息系统(ERIS),是指一种在计算机支持下地图的数据库有四个层次,最上层当然是地图数据库,它由三个部分(Division)构成的,也就是点、面、线三大类地物;

4. division:div; 分工

division 双语例句

1. In our lineup of health care products, the Cosmetics division is our


2. Adhesive tape and film Chemical Materials Division was established in September 1, 2006, with a group of excellent management talents and advanced production equipment.


3. However the spontaneity of credit money system is not mature, and this un-maturity lead to the collapse of itself in 1930s, and this collapse of money system made the system of division of labor which take money as its exchange medium can not continue to work.



4. This division develops and produces products that can be implanted in the human body.


5. Then this line of division will finally be erased and the barrier will break down.


6. division的解释

6. However, Smith's views on division of labour are not unambiguously positive, and are typically mis-characterized.


7. Now my main production Fastener Products Division in the nut category range of products.


8. You will have to be transferred once or twice to reach the wireless data division.


9. Australian Antarctic Division glaciology program head Ian Allison said sea ice losses in west Antarctica over the past 30 years had been more than offset by increases in the Ross Sea region, just one sector of east Antarctica.



10. A section in the Rule Book is devoted to each of the popular breeds (for example, the Arabian Division, Saddle Horse Division, Shetland Pony Division) and to types of performance (Cutting Horse Division, Dressage Division, Equitation Division, and so on).


11. division的解释

11. Clearfield, Utah, July 17th, 2007 - Petzl, a leading manufacturer of climbing gear and Hands-Free Lighting solutions, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Givens as Petzl America's Sport Division Manager.

犹他州2007年7月17日报道:Petzl在攀爬安全带及头灯的生产技术上处于世界领先地位。近日Petzl宣布任命Mark Givens为美国分公司运动部门经理。

12. As long as you contact the Division I will be satisfied with the results.



13. Raise your hand if you can do long division on paper, right now.


14. division的近义词

14. For Western companies looking to outsource to Asia, there's long been a clear division of labor.


15. It is hard to focus the mind on long division when your stomach is screaming for food.


16. Technology division develops and monetizes core video technologies through the licensing of patents, IC designs and software, while anticipating future standards in an industry in constant evolution.


17. The idea of animatism, Taoist's view of nature, the idea of the division and integration of man and heaven are investigatedsuccessively in this chapter, with the conclusion that all these ideas result inconformity in attitude.


18. Nanning, near Vietnam, exquisite handicrafts padauk more, so I mainly sell Vietnamese Division rosewood furniture, sculpture and crafts mainly Aquilaria.


19. division是什么意思

19. The quality of life in uremic patients undergoing hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis Ding Xiaoqiang, Liao Lutan, Zhang Kai, et al. Division of Nephrology, Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai Medical Univerisry, Shanghai 200032



20. Cut peace to be 57 years old, will 12 years be in charge of the job of TV of the Fox below news company division and film branch all the time.


division 词典解释

1. 分开;划分;分隔

The division of a large unit into two or more distinct parts is the act of separating it into these parts.

e.g. ...the unification of Germany, after its division into two states at the end of World War Two.


2. 分配;分派

The division of something among people or things is its separation into parts which are distributed among the people or things.

e.g. The current division of labor between workers and management will alter.


3. (算术中的)除法

Division is the arithmetical process of dividing one number into another number.

e.g. I taught my daughter how to do division at the age of six.


4. 分歧;争议;差异

A division is a significant distinction or argument between two groups, which causes the two groups to be considered as very different and separate.

e.g. The division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east remains.


5. (大机构的)部门

In a large organization, a division is a group of departments whose work is done in the same place or is connected with similar tasks.

e.g. ...the bank's Latin American division.


e.g. ...the sales division.


6. (军队编制中的)师

A division is a group of military units which fight as a single unit.


e.g. Several armoured divisions are being moved from Germany.


7. (英国议会中的)分组表决

In the British Parliament, a division is a vote where the Members of Parliament go into separate rooms in order to record their vote.

8. (足球等体育运动中联赛的)级

In some sports, such as football, baseball, and basketball, a division is one of the groups of teams which make up a league. The teams in each division are considered to be approximately the same standard, and they all play against each other during the season.

e.g. Villa had just been relegated from the First Division.


e.g. ...the Scottish Premier Division leaders, Dundee United.


division 单语例句

1. There is a clear division of labor among the three layers of government, accompanied by corresponding revenue share and taxing powers.

2. GM's Cadillac division also enjoyed its best sales month in 12 years.

3. We moved the call center to Dalian after our acquisition of IBM's PC division.

4. He also said the current proposal will not touch on the cancellation of the functional constituencies and the division voting system.

5. The GE Capital finance unit returned to profit growth after Immelt slashed the division's assets and retrenched during the financial crisis.

6. There has to be a clear division between recurrent and capital expenditure and recurrent and capital financing.

7. METRO Cash & Carry is a sales division of METRO Group, one of the largest and most international retail companies.

8. In line with the requirement of actual battle, the division has expanded the support functions of the service centers.

9. The two points lost from a potential win would have been enough to keep Catania in the division.

10. The move to expand the division began in July when Catania won a legal action against the FA to avoid relegation.

division 英英释义


1. the act or process of dividing

2. the act of dividing or partitioning

separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart

Synonym: partitionpartitioningsegmentationsectionalizationsectionalisation

3. an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of multiplication

the quotient of two numbers is computed

4. one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole

e.g. the written part of the exam

the finance section of the company

the BBC's engineering division

Synonym: partsection

5. discord that splits a group

Synonym: variance

6. an army unit large enough to sustain combat

e.g. two infantry divisions were held in reserve

7. a group of ships of similar type

Synonym: naval division

8. a unit of the United States Air Force usually comprising two or more wings

Synonym: air division

9. an administrative unit in government or business

10. (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum

11. (biology) a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category

12. a league ranked by quality

e.g. he played baseball in class D for two years

Princeton is in the NCAA Division 1-AA

Synonym: class