

complacency:[英 [kəmˈpleɪsnsi] 美 [kəmˈplesənsi] ]


complacency 基本解释


名词自鸣得意; 自满,满足

complacency 相关例句


1. complacency在线翻译

1. Complacency is a drawback to progress.


complacency 网络解释


1. 自满:韦伯斯特用辞严厉地表示,自满(complacency)和不安(malaise)已经渗入TTC的公司文化中,所有员工应该提高警惕,并赶快将它们除掉. 尽管管理层在不断检讨如何改善服务,但是真正的改变还需要每个员工的共同努力. 他还表示,某些员工的做法令市民很不满,

2. 自鸣得意,自满情结:1. reminder 使共回想起某事的东西,提示者 | 2. complacency 自鸣得意,自满情结 | 3. take leave 擅自,任意,随意


3. 满足:complacence n 满足 | complacency 满足 | complacent 自满的


4. 自满,满足:2.commodity 商品,货物 | 3.complacency 自满,满足 | 4.drought 长期干旱,旱灾

complacency 双语例句

1. Put that together with the complacency of the macroeconomists and there were too few voices shouting stop.


2. complacency的翻译

2. But fifty day in the past, some leaders from The Center to Region, practiced on the contrary, supported retroactive bourgeois, Implemented dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, repressed the Cultural Revolution movement of the proletarian, confused right and wrong, suppressed revolution, pressed different utterance, carried out White Terror, thanked complacency, and so that add the portliness of bourgeois and reduce the backbone of proletarian, which are malevolence.


3. Human consciousness and world view might have been conscribed within a strict set of rules at the time and the voice of complacency of truth might remind us that things are so and that we have no power to choose or argue, but the light of photography made us see everything in a different light. Humanity is far richer and more complex what we are aware of. Photography reveals the texture of experience, exposes paradoxes, and witnesses how humanity sweeps away illusions, rules, categories and theories to discover and make real one`s own truth.


4. In fact the waiter mentioned with complacency, as if it were a story on which the locality prided itself, that the Conte had been unfortunate in love, and had never married.


5. complacency的反义词

5. Most of them have more or less paranoid psychological tendency, and it can give an explanation to some of their characteristics such as overhard working, highly self-sacrifice, and self-complacency.


6. We know that the world of finance will not stand still and that complacency can lead to extinction.


7. I think the best way to avoid complacency is to be aware of your behaviour so your don't slip into that comfortable zone.


8. complacency是什么意思

8. But if you want to get what you really want out of life you have to ditch much of that complacency.


9. There was redicule from neighbours when he recited proses and poetry, probably because they thought he was reaching for the moon; He was mocked by his fellow students, when he tried to compose poets himself, probably for his self-righteousness or complacency in their eyes; When he adopted a myth into the later renowned Daughter of the Sea, his fellow authors and media contempted his attempt, dismissing his potential.


10. Relationships between our two countries are very good, but there is no room for complacency.


11. There should be no complacency that the court system can be relied on to prevent injustice.


12. We are tempted to look at our joy, our ecstasies, our transports, or our visions, with too great complacency.


13. complacency

13. By all that I have ever read, I am convinced that it is very common indeed, that human nature is particularly prone to it, and that there are very few of us who do not cherish a feeling of self-complacency on the score of some quality or other, real or imaginary.


14. So I know they will make us play, and there is no room for complacency on our part.


15. complacency

15. It would certainly have been difficult to imagine more respectfulness and more self-complacency in a face.


16. Beautyàwe will not score the current pride and complacency, there is no best, only better.


17. The downgrading of the rise in sea level is no reason for complacency, however.


18. complacency是什么意思

18. When I test success of this, I do not do complacency.


19. complacency什么意思

19. There is no ground for complacency with our achievement in today`s competitive world.


20. The situation of Sanyuan mingles hope and fear, even slightest inadvertency may culminate adversity. Thus to Sanyuan, there`s no room for complacency but long way to go to implement its strategy for industrial marketing.


complacency 词典解释

1. 自满;沾沾自喜

Complacency is being complacent about a situation.

e.g. ...a worrying level of complacency about the risks of infection from AIDS...


e.g. She warned that there was no room for complacency on inflation.


complacency 单语例句

1. Any complacency on that is to invite others to carve up China.

2. " There is no room for complacency, " the IMB said.

3. Wen's comments echoed his repeated recent warnings against complacency and assurances that Beijing's stimulus spending and easy credit would continue.

4. John King Fairbank added another factor to why the Chinese complacency in the face of marauding border tribes which he termed " culturalism ".

5. High expectation can indeed help boost confidence in confronting the global economic crisis, but it does not allow room for complacency in policy making.

6. The current approach has replaced the complacency of the old days with a drive to acquire new skills and move ahead.

7. Wenger's side were at least shaken out of their sense of complacency and starting attacking with renewed vigour.

8. Chinese delegation has warned against any complacency despite the flying start on the opening day of the Athens Olympics.

9. But Chinese leaders are determined that past successes do not bring about any let up or lead to complacency.

10. There are many negatives to my personality, but the one thing that I don't think I can be accused of is complacency.

complacency的反义词complacency 英英释义



1. the feeling you have when you are satisfied with yourself

e.g. his complacency was absolutely disgusting

Synonym: complacenceself-complacencyself-satisfaction