

skull:[英 [skʌl] 美 [skʌl] ]



skull 基本解释

名词脑袋; 颅骨,头盖骨; 脑子; [冶]渣壳,熔铁上的浮渣

skull 相关例句


1. He had two broken ribs and a fractured skull.


2. skull的翻译

2. Can't you get it into your thick skull that we can't afford it?


3. They stamped a skull and crossbones on the labels of poisonous drugs.


skull 网络解释

1. 颅骨:包括颅骨(skull)、脊柱(vertebra)、胸骨(sternum)及肋骨(rib). 2)脊柱:由一系列椎骨组成,可分为颈椎(cervical)、胸椎(thercic)、腰椎(lumbar)、荐椎(sacrum)和尾椎(caudal)五部分. 颈椎骨通常为7枚,只有少数种类为6枚(如海牛)或8~10枚(如三趾树懒),

2. 头骨:通常在她的个展里,阿巴卡诺薇芝总会安插数件抽象的空间系列作品,与族群人像的聚合张力拉锯抗衡,因此第七艺廊的室内展厅外,瓦伦西亚现代艺术学会也在其露天楼台上放置了三具动物(Skull),这三个形如远古巨兽遗骸、还保留着混沌初开原始风味的铜塑,

3. skull的反义词

3. 颅:头颅(skull)的视诊应注意大小、外形变化和有无异常活动. 触诊是用双手触摸头颅的每一部位,了解其外形,有无压痛和异常隆 起. 头颅的大小以头围来衡量,,测量时以软尺自眉间绕到颅后通过枕骨粗隆. 头围在发育阶段的变化为:新生儿约34cm,

skull 双语例句

1. skull的反义词

1. The eyes are obliquely placed in the skull.


2. Methods:Radiograms of skull, chest, pelvis, femur and both hands were taken in all cases, which were diagnosed as hyperparathyroidism pathologically.12 cases of those patients were parathyroidoma, 3 parathyroid hyperplasia and 1 parathyroid carcinoma with complications such as urinary calculi, calcemia and hypophosphatemia.


3. I can't believe that they implanted brain transmitters into my skull, but who knows.


4. Those less familiar with the forward-moving Prada mind may have been non-plussed by hairy two-tone skull caps with racing jockey stripes or rubberised mohair – and let`s face it, it`s unlikely that they`re going to be first on the shopping lists of Alexandra Shulman or Anna Wintour in the front row – but her fashion magician`s hand on never-seen-before fabrics combined with a skill for creating something both unique and progressive each season is what puts Miuccia Prada ahead of her game.

最后一段不翻了,累死人了。大意是:那些不了解Prada精神早期演变的人或许会被毛绒绒的带有赛马跑道和橡胶马海毛的双色头盖骨帽困惑住。让我们面对它吧。它未必是第一个出现在坐在头排的Alexandra Shulman或Anna Wintour的购物单上的商品。——但是,她每一季结合了独特性和创新性技术的前所未有的面料,正是将Miucia Prada 推向游戏前沿的时尚魔幻之手。

5. skull的反义词

5. The skull is medium-length and fairly broad, flat on top and slightly rounded at the sides and back.


6. I've broken my back, my ribs, my nose, both my legs, my arm, my wrist, a finger and a toe and cracked my skull three times.


7. Objective To investigate the encephalocele with skull defects in patients with early repair of the skull surgical method.




9. skull的反义词

9. In other words, it's a time sink. edit: Gross, my first first and it's a Bornakk post! Blech!! Where's the clever and witty red skull dude when the magical Sharax is posting?


10. skull是什么意思

10. Out of his room he is vertical man itself, from the soles of his much-mended glossy brown brogues to the tip of his conical skull.


11. skull什么意思

11. Finish any level with at least one Skull activated.


12. skull什么意思

12. The relationship between symptoms of headache, cranial nerve and skull base bone invasion and CSI was analyzed.


13. The patients were divided into two groups: suboccipital retromastoid approach and skull base surgical presigmoid sinus approach. Duration of surgery, degree of tumor removal, and postoperative neurological complications were compared between the two groups.


14. Pair of customer's skull characteristic makes a observation understanding thoroughly.


15. The research in this dissertation is based on reconstructed CT images. Basic knowledge of forensic anthropology and some feature exaction methods have been studied. The main work includes: 1. The contour of skull, orbit and its contour, the curve of submaxilla have been selected as the important characteristics of the skull.


16. Depth of skull from brow to underpart of jaw never excessive.


17. The skeletal system was divided into 13 regions: skull, sternum, clavicle, cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine, sacrum, ribs, pelvic bone, scapula, humerus, femur, and tibia/fibula.


18. Originally the Pre Vizsla cape sported the same skull as the one on the left Boba Fett shoulder, but it was replaced by the Death Watch symbol as that aspect of the story was finalized.

起初,Pre Vizsla短斗篷上显摆着的是一个和波巴·费特左肩一样的骷髅图案,不过根据故事定稿时的样子,图案被死神卫标志替代了。

19. Charles Hoy and his father sent the skull to the Smithsonian Institution, where it was identified as a new species.


20. If you ever get beheaded and your skin flayed from your skull, I'll show you how it's done.


skull 词典解释

1. 头盖骨;颅骨;脑壳

Your skull is the bony part of your head which encloses your brain.


e.g. Her husband was later treated for a fractured skull.


skull 单语例句

1. Witnesses said Kantar smashed the little girl's head against a rock and crushed her skull with a rifle butt.

2. An autopsy revealed three skull fractures, but the cause of death has not been determined.

3. Scientists with the bureau unearthed the fossils in 2005, including a complete skull without lower jaw and cervical and back vertebrae.

4. Luciano was diagnosed as fracture in his skull and cervical vertebrae, an injury could lead to disability as paralysis.

5. A forensic pathologist told the court that Patton had suffered 64 separate injuries, including a stab wound to the chest and a fractured skull and pelvis.

6. The doll has a heart made out of red cloth attached to its chest by two needles and a screw through its skull.

7. The boy was taken to the Nanjing Children's Hospital last Tuesday with a serious eye infection that can lead to swelling inside the skull.

8. Clasp your hands and place them behind the base of your skull.

9. Experts plan to compare the remains'genetic material with the foundation's skull to determine if it belonged to the famed Austrian composer.

10. Hall said the brain found at York University was being kept in its skull in an environmentally controlled storage facility for further study.

skull 英英释义


1. the bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates