

globalization:[英 [ˌgləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn] 美 [ˌgloʊbələˈzeɪʃn] ]


globalization 基本解释


globalization 网络解释

1. 全球化经济:在全球化经济(GLOBALIZATION)的发展进程中,我认为特别值得注意的是区域化参与的特色(GLOCALIZATION). 世界首屈一指的管理咨询公司麦肯锡近期发表研究报告,预测改变商业前景的十大趋势,第一条就是,经济活动的中心将发生意义深远的转移,

globalization 双语例句


1. With China's entry into the WTO and financial globalization, it's an irresistable trend that China develops Open Fund.

随着中国加入 WTO行程的确定和金融全球化趋势的增强,中国发展开放式基金已是大势所趋。

2. globalization

2. In such commercial globalization environment, the different national negotiations together on the identical conference table with the conflict and the benefit carry on a consultation.


3. globalization

3. In the current trend of economic globalization, international investment is developing in high speed. Policitcal risk has become one of the problems that oversea investors concern foremost. These political risks include risk of levy, restriction on currency exchange, war and civil commotion, government`s breach of faith, payment delay.


4. As the brand globalization comes, the international competition internalizes and foreign brands continuously launch an offensive.


5. I don`t think it`s a coincidence that the relationship between productivity growth and worker compensation has broken down as the forces of globalization have intensified.


6. As the arrival of knowledge economic eara, the development of economic globalization and flatting of organization stucture, as well as the working nature of enterprises staff, new challenges have been brought to human resource, especially to present enterprises managers.


7. globalization的翻译

7. So, against the background of cultural globalization, our framing and constructing of a harmonious culture is of great significance.


8. Chinese enterprises are facing various challenges as a result of economic globalization impacts.


9. globalization

9. . For example, before globalization the Chinese culture was not familiar with French bread, meatballs, and pastrami.



10. Jia Shaohua believed that the advantage of the globalization of the source of students was obvious.


11. Economic globalization makes any country in the world faced with the problem of manpower shortage.


12. It will intensify and expand exchanges and cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefits, to gear economic globalization towards common prosperity.


13. I compare three approaches of social transformation (neo-Marxist, post-industrial, and globalization) and examine their various hypotheses in terms of social momentum, class structure, class mobility, gender and class inequality, and class politics.



14. However, the culture globalization is never a simple and pure cultureexchange, but a culture power rivalry closely connected to the economic power andpolitical power.


15. globalization的意思

15. In this regard, the research trend of globalization of competition has been positively open up. In this paper a novel simulated annealing feature uniformity band selection approach is proposed for the feature extraction of the hyperspectral remote sensing images. The simulated annealing band selection method has been successfully applied to the feature extraction of the hyperspectral images by clustering highly correlated hyperspectral bands into a smaller subset of band modules based on simulated annealing algorithm. SAFU built by SABS is an efficient feature extraction method.


16. We summarized the reason and the root on the issue of illegal logging, with the development of economic globalization, the developed and developing countries in the utilization of forest resources is bound to have a contradiction. The issue of illegal logging of timber is a forest resource in allocation process again.


17. globalization在线翻译

17. With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization and the development of modern logistics, the demand for air cargo business is growing.



18. Along with the rapid development of the economics globalization, the competition between the enterprises becomes intense.


19. It is a tempting contemporary problem for a nation to be acknowledged in the cultural globalization and to insist on one`s cultural identity at the same time. This thesis took U.


20. Economic globalization is a history that is not move with the volition of people, objective process.


globalization 单语例句

1. The most important trend affecting the business world in the past twenty years is globalization.

2. Under the mega trend of globalization of business, employers nowadays put internationalized views among the criteria for recruitment.

3. Ma said that against the backdrop of globalization, the public can exert significant influence over erring companies by refusing to buy their products.

4. He added that globalization had " skidded out of control " and there is a necessity for rebuilding capitalism by restoring its moral dimension.

5. The groups have now mainly evolved into various youth factions that claim to fight trends ranging from globalization to police surveillance cameras.

6. The groups have now evolved into various mainly youth factions that claim to fight trends ranging from globalization to police surveillance cameras.

7. Globalization and interdependence have opened many new opportunities through trade, investment and capital to improve people's standard of living around the world in recent decades.

8. The Thai project marks another step towards further capital internationalization and the globalization of resource allocation and supply chain management.

9. No individual member state can go it alone and maintain prosperity and security, and can certainly not bring the necessary weight to bear on actively shaping globalization.

10. Economic globalization was initiated by developed nations and is viewed as the development of the capitalist world system.

globalization 英英释义



1. growth to a global or worldwide scale

e.g. the globalization of the communication industry

Synonym: globalisation