

laden:[英 [ˈleɪdn] 美 [ˈledn:] ]


过去式:laded;   现在分词:lading;

laden 基本解释

形容词满载的,负载的; 受压迫的



laden 网络解释

1. laden的翻译

1. 满载的:Ladder 梯子,阶梯 | Laden 满载的 | Laden draught 满载吃水


2. 重柜:Actual weight:实际重量,货车,集装箱等运输工具装载后的总重量 | Laden:重柜 | remarks:备注

3. 装着货的:laden weight 载货时重量 | laden 装着货的 | lading permit 装船许可证

4. 装满的:Ladefoged 拉迪福吉德 | laden 装满的 | Ladies 女厕所

laden 双语例句


1. The mechanics of sediment-laden flow has been one of the most important subjects in hydraulics and river dynamics.


2. laden

2. Stop him heading home from one of his weekly treks into the bush, bow and arrow sling loose over his shoulder, you would typically find him laden with up to 110 lbs. of illegal meat.


3. Three years ago this month Usama bin Laden masterminded the assault on the World Trade Towers in New York.


4. Portraits of marshals, engravings of battles, the King of Rome in a baby`s dress, tall consoles adorned with copper trophies, laden with imperial relics, medals, bronzes, a miniature of St. Helena, under a globe, pictures representing the same lady all becurled, in a ball-dress of yellow, with leg-of-mutton sleeves and bright eyes; —and all these things: consoles, King of Rome, marshals, yellow ladies, with the high-necked, short-waisted dresses, the bestarched stiffness, which was the charm of 1806. Gallant colonel! It was that atmosphere of victories and conquests, even more than anything we could say to him, that made him believe so innocently in the siege of Berlin


5. That long odyssey is not so in the world of bin Laden or an Iranian theocrat — or the ignorant who stream out of the madrassas and Friday fundamentalist harangues along the Afghan-Pakistani border.


6. HONOLULU, Hawaii -- An American Airlines flight made an unscheduled landing after pilots heard something skittering about in the wire-laden space over the cockpit.


7. A principal goal of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has been to bring down the Saudi monarchy, and that has been one of the key motivational factors leading the Saudi authorities to keep tabs on the terror network.


8. laden什么意思

8. Dust-laden gas enter into dust store bin first before into bag compartment, that the speed of gas falls and the direction of current.



9. Of electric current, voltage and resistor what can make up programmed control to make electric current, voltage and power is accurate read time use within transient state simulative generator of buy pulse form is successive as laden as pulse job has the synchronism outside complete protective function to spark input higher power can shunt-wound job can make, electronic load is all Agilent Dc that the solution of stand-alone of ideal equipment Agilent of power cell and batteries capacity test offers your place to need all sorts of dynamic and laden application undertook optimizing.

电流、电压及电阻的可编程节制电流、电压及功率的切确读回用于瞬态模拟的内置脉冲形发生器陆续与脉冲负载工作存在完整的保护性能外同步触发输入较高功率可并联工作可使到高达240V的负载可利用单输入或多输入主机箱 3年保修期 Agilent直流电子负载是测试与评估直流电源,功率元件和电池容量测试的理想行动措施 Agilent单机解决方案供给您所需的一切 Agilent dc电子负载为各类动静负载应用进行了优化。

10. laden的翻译

10. But for those turbines in silt-laden river, because of the wear by sediment and the interaction between the wear and cavitation, the setting height of turbine would influence the investment and safe and stable operation of the hydropower station.


11. It is thus important that the immune system establish and maintain a strong presence at this mucosal boundary, and indeed, the digestive tube is heavily laden with lymphocytes, macrophages and other cells that participate in immune responses.


12. Therefore, news English should be brief and laden with information besides being accurate and clear.

因此 ,新闻报导的这种时效性要求新闻英语除了准确和浅显易读以外,还必须具备简练、信息含量大的特点。

13. laden的近义词

13. The road, so the bride's path through life will always be happy and laden with flowers.



14. I cannot bring myself to face the DG in this situation, I only wish DG to be happy in every moment of his life, or at least the majority of time to be happy and not laden with so much sadness.


15. It will be intriguing, laden with superstars and heavy with symbolism matched only by an expected meteoric rise in TV ratings.



16. A wicked heart shall be laden with sorrows, and the sinner will add sin to sin.


17. Particle-laden macrophages would be expected to exit the lung via the mucociliary escalator or lymphatic system, but there is little evidence in smokers that macrophage clearance matches pulmonary macrophage accumulation, partly reflecting the continuous elevated sequestration triggered by the effects of cigarette smoke.


18. laden的近义词

18. The old steam ferry-boat was chartered for the occasion; presently the gay throng filed up the main street laden with provision-baskets.


19. In the early hours right after the 9/11 attacks, Paul Bremer appeared on NBC suggesting that Osama bin Laden was responsible.


20. Bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahri are believed to be hiding in the border area between Afghanistan and Pakistan.


laden 词典解释

1. 装满的;满载的

If someone or something is laden with a lot of heavy things, they are holding or carrying them.

e.g. I came home laden with cardboard boxes...


e.g. The following summer the peach tree was laden with fruit...


2. 充满…的;饱受…的

If you describe a person or thing as laden with something, particularly something bad, you mean that they have a lot of it.

e.g. We're so laden with guilt...


e.g. Many of their heavy industries are laden with debt.


laden 单语例句

1. The question of how to present bin Laden's death to the world is a difficult balancing act for the White House.

2. Bin Laden's death is definitely a heavy psychological blow to them, but it has not caused them any actual damage.

3. But Musharraf categorically denied that anyone in his country's security service is helping bin Laden in particular or al Qaeda in general.

4. Democrat John Kerry made the failure to track down bin Laden a central part of his criticism of Bush in Thursday's first presidential debate.

5. But he said hunting down bin Laden remains a high priority for the Central Intelligence Agency.

6. The former president complained at the time the CIA and FBI refused to certify bin Laden was responsible for the USS Cole attack.

7. The three rushed their van laden with stolen cables through a road checkpoint set up by the police.

8. US officials said the information that ultimately led to bin Laden's capture originally came from detainees held in secret CIA prison sites in Eastern Europe.

9. The operation is launched to clear up the sand laden at the multipurpose dam.

10. Bin Laden called Abbas'government " a traitor and collaborator government " with the United States.

laden 英英释义


1. fill or place a load on

e.g. load a car

load the truck with hay

Synonym: loadladeload up

2. remove with or as if with a ladle

e.g. ladle the water out of the bowl

Synonym: ladlelade



1. burdened psychologically or mentally

e.g. laden with grief

oppressed by a sense of failure

Synonym: oppressed

2. filled with a great quantity

e.g. a tray loaded with dishes

table laden with food

`ladened' is not current usage

Synonym: loadedladened