

grapefruit:[英 [ˈgreɪpfru:t] 美 [ˈɡrepˌfrut] ]


  复数形式:grapefruit; grapefruits;

grapefruit 基本解释

名词葡萄柚,西柚; 葡萄柚树

grapefruit 相关例句


1. Grapefruit grow in clusters.


grapefruit 情景对话


A:Good morning. Can I help you?


B:I want an American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up.



A:What kind of juice do you prefer, sir?



B:Grapefruit juice and please make my coffee very strong.


A:Yes, sir. American breakfast with fried eggs, sunny side up, grapefruit juice and a black coffee. Am I correct, sir?


B:Yes, that’s right.



A:Is there any thing else, sir?


B:No, that’s all.


A:Good morning, sir. I’ve brought the breakfast you ordered.


B:Just put it on the table, please.


A:Do you need anything else, sir?


B:No thanks. Ah, yes! Can I have some more juice for the minibar?

没有,谢谢。 啊!可否多放一些果汁在冰箱里?

A:What kind of juice would you like, sir?



B:Tomato, orange and apple juice, please.


A:Yes, sir. I’ll get them for you right away. Would you please sign this bill first? Thank you, sir.


grapefruit 网络解释

1. 西柚:独特的配方揉合: 3,000朵有机蜡菊精华油 - 增加胶原蛋白的制造达600%,令肌肤紧致有弹性 - 促进肌肤的微循环,刺激细胞更新 - 抑制胶原酵素,保护肌肤对抗游离基,预防老化现象 维他命C活性成分、西柚(grapefruit)及甜橙(orange)精华油 - 淡化色斑,

2. 柚子:叶子可以当作生菜吃的)大蒜 蔓越莓(cranberry) 柚子(grapefruit) 四季豆 圆白菜 柠檬 芒果 洋葱 木瓜(papaya) 菠萝 李子 水萝卜 树莓(raspberry) 草莓 橘子 西红柿 黄瓜 西葫芦 菠菜 芜菁(turnip) 西洋菜(watercrest) 记下了,

3. grapefruit什么意思

3. 葡萄柚精油:葡萄柚精油(Grapefruit)简述:滋养组织细胞,增加体力,舒缓支气管炎,利尿,改善肥胖,水肿及淋巴腺系统之疾病,抗感染. 治疗毛孔粗大,调理油腻不洁皮肤. 振奋精神,舒缓压力,催眠. 抗沮丧、抗菌、开胃、利尿、消毒、使病理现象消散.

grapefruit 双语例句

1. Perhaps your plan calls for nothing but grapefruit or cabbage soup each day.



2. Perhaps your plan calls for nothing but grapefruit or cabbage soup each day. You slash your daily calories to fewer than 1, 000 -- and sure enough, the pounds melt away.


3. grapefruit的意思

3. But orange and grapefruit sodas and root beer are rising.


4. A woman in Daidiong became unconscious and her heartbeat dropped rapidly after taking medicine with grapefruit juice but was fortune to be saved by emergency crew.


5. Here around the spruce, fir, Park grapefruit, pine, and widespread Porella Kiwi, Lindera, such as high-quality oak wood buildings.


6. Aroma: Intense pungency of grapefruit and lime mingle with the more tropical passion fruit notes.


7. Gewvertztraminer (Guh-VERTZ-tra-meener): Another aromatic variety of German origin with aromas of rose petals, peaches, grapefruit, lychees, and allspice, and full, fruity, spicy flavors ideal with Asian food, ham, pork and grilled sausages.


8. Available for both the Horeca and mass retailer distribution channels, Spumador's portfolio includes the most traditional tastes (Spuma Nera, Spuma Bianca, mint, ginger ale and fizzy lemonade) together with the most innovative ones (orange, citron, lemon, grapefruit and red orange fizzy drinks, tonic water, cola, chinotto).


9. First observation of the essential oil of UVA (320-400nm) absorption, taking nine more before the absorption of essential oils and nine of the past record or doubt further analysis of essential oils, UVA nine large oil absorption of the former are: cinnamon, pheasant pepper, sweet orange, lemon, basil, grapefruit, bluegrass rock, roses, dill, 9 kinds of essential oils may be phototoxic as follows: orange blossom, bergamot, fennel, lemon grass, red mandarin, citronella oil, ginger oil, Australia sandalwood oil, lime; E.

首先观察精油的UVA(320-400nm)吸收度,取前九名有较大吸收之精油及九种过往记载或存疑之精油进一步分析,UVA较大吸收度之前九名精油分别为:肉桂、山鸡椒、甜橙、柠檬、罗勒、葡萄柚、岩兰草、玫瑰、莳萝,九种可能光毒精油为:橙花、佛手柑、茴香、柠檬草、红柑、香茅油、姜油、澳洲檀香油、莱姆;大肠杆菌抑菌圈变化中,柠檬、红柑及葡萄柚精油有明显的扩大现象;pUC119 DNA电泳结果,不同精油於电泳模式中,随UVA照光能量增加产生不等断裂情形,除玫瑰精油无影响,其余精油在UVA照光能量增加下皆有不等的DNA断裂情形发生,须再进一步试验。

10. If you like beer, head to the fondue-serving gastropub Elbow Room. Chug down a Koenig Ludwig Weissbier from Bavaria, a James Squire Golden Ale from Australia or a Pink Killer from Belgium -- a country big on beer with a touch of fruit, in this case pink grapefruit.

如果你爱喝啤酒,那就去美食酒吧Elbow Room,那里卖的奶酪火锅很适合下酒,你能喝到德国巴伐利亚的Koenig Ludwig Weissbier啤酒,澳大利亚的James Squire Golden Ale麦芽啤酒,还有比利时的粉红犬啤酒。

11. The grapefruit tree is another plant that depends on grafting to reproduce.


12. Through grafting, the grapefruit tree is another plant that depends on grafting to reproduce.


13. grapefruit

13. Purified Rose Water, Thayers Proprietary blend of Witch Hazel extract with Aloe Vera, Vitamin E, Grapefruit Seed Extract, Butylene Glycol (a natural humectant used to attract moisture), Methylparaben, Polysobate 20 (and emulsifier derived from Coconut Oil), and an all-natural fragrance.


14. Ingredients: cactus extract, Arbutin, Vitamin C, Hyaluronic acid, aloe vera, seaweed extract, natural moisturizing factor, grapefruit extract, Chamomile extract, glycerin, calendula extract, cucumber extract.

成 分:仙人掌萃取液、熊果素、维他命C、玻尿酸、芦荟、海藻萃取物、天然保湿因子、葡萄柚萃取、洋甘菊萃取液、甘油、金盏花萃取液、小黄瓜萃取液。


15. According to the existing historical speculation, the state Juhong was wild grapefruit tree, because the local soil absorption contained in the Shi Meng (Meng-rule for the stubborn phlegm, drug addiction Jie of the singular, since the addition of sputum to cough), also experienced a Long years, from the gradual evolution, because of the peculiar effect of the state Juhong, respected by the people.


16. Fresh grapefruit aromas on the nose with a hint of yellow peach and Indian spices.



17. My grandpa is a greengrocer so everyday our fridge is filled with various fruits, such as grapefruit, watermelon and honeydew melon.


18. The Orange, Lemon, Lime and Grapefruit Oils will dissolve hardened plaque much like such fruit acids dissolve dead skin when applied as a cream.


19. It's a 2versatile white wine that displays the light and crisp flavors of grapefruit and lemongrass.


20. grapefruit的解释

20. Grapefruit pink、Juniperberry、Jojoba、Wheatgerm and so on.


grapefruit 词典解释

1. 葡萄柚;西柚

A grapefruit is a large, round, yellow fruit, similar to an orange, that has a sharp, slightly bitter taste.

grapefruit 单语例句

1. When the grapefruit come into blossom, the fragrance fills the air.

2. The desert is condensed milk with sago, grapefruit and mango pieces which tastes sweet and sour.

3. The fresh food booths offer anything from dried fish to peeled grapefruit or even frog's legs for the gourmet.

4. The grapefruit tree is another plant that depends on grafting to reproduce.

5. Fangshan Restaurant introduces " white jade grapefruit " and " toffee with lotus paste " fillings.

6. The segments are easily pulled apart from the tough pith and are pleasingly sweeter than a grapefruit.

7. Yellow and red oranges weighed down branches, while nearby grapefruit had grown bigger than a man's fists.

8. Place a mound of the radicchio in the middle of the grapefruit, leaving a border of the fruit exposed.

9. When three times more orange than grapefruit juice was offered, the monkeys switched their choice.

10. Pink grapefruit, fresh ginger and white magnolias and give this fragrance a spirit of happiness.

grapefruit在线翻译grapefruit 英英释义



1. large yellow fruit with somewhat acid juicy pulp

usual serving consists of a half

2. citrus tree bearing large round edible fruit having a thick yellow rind and juicy somewhat acid pulp

Synonym: Citrus paradisi